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Introduction to 2Thessalonians

I. Authorship As in 1Thessalonians, vs 1:1 specifically names Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy as the authors of the epistle, Paul was primarily responsible.
A) The authenticity of this epistle appears to have never been questioned in the early church, but like many other books came under assault at the beginning of the 19th Century during the rise of higher criticism.
B) Two major lines of attack have been advanced against the letter, claiming that it was not a legitimate Pauline composition:
1) an eschatological attack states, in essence, that Paul could not have written the detailed passage about the man of sin since he does not mention him elsewhere in his writings.
2) the literary attack states that these two letters are too much alike to be written by the same man to the same church in such a short period of time (as if Paul would only write a completely separate letter, not even mentioning the first).
C) Another supposed reason for the denial of Pauline authorship is advanced by the difference in tone between the two letters the first being warm and sympathetic, the second being chilly, distant, and official.
1) the purpose of the first letter was congratulatory, and filling the lack of doctrinal understanding these new believers had
2) the second letter was to deal with doctrinal error and false eschatology being promoted concerning the Day of the Lord, as well as rebuke those who were refusing to follow the exhortation concerning work

II. Recipients
A) One view that attempts to deal with the difference in style/content claims that there were two groups to whom Paul was writing, one group Jewish and the other Gentile;
1) this is not only without support, it is completely at odds with the position Paul espoused concerning the relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the Church.
2) there is no indication he is writing to any other group than the recipients of the first letter, the second letter merely being an exposition of the first.
B) While the Thessalonians were doing well in most areas, Timothy brought back news that occasioned the writing of the second letter.
C) There is some indication that the Thessalonians had received a letter (whether before Timothys arrival or after) purporting to be Pauline, but which taught information directly contradicting what he had already delivered to them. (2:2)
D) Timothy, when delivering the first letter, would doubtless have corrected the false eschatology and exhorted the non-working, but the problems were so entrenched that Paul decided to deal with them more directly and forcefully.

III. Date of Writing
A) The date assigned to the epistle depends on the time interval between the two letters.
B) Some have suggested only a few days, while others have espoused at least a year.
1) either suggestion seems extreme, the generally accepted date is 2-4 months after the writing of 1Thessalonians
2) Timothy had returned to Paul in Corinth, given the news regarding the church, and had been dispatched back to Thessalonica with the second letter.
3) there is no Scriptural evidence that Silas continued to work with Paul after the stay in Corinth (approx. 19 months), so his mention places this book within that timeframe.
4) late summer or early fall of 52 AD would best fit the facts, some 9-12 months after the initial contact and evangelism.

An Outline of 2Thessalonians

I. Salutation 1:1-2

II. Comfort Given to Positive Believers Under Affliction 1:3-12
A) Thanksgiving on the part of the authors vs 3-4
B) Encouragement in view of Christs return vs 5-10
1) indication of Gods righteous judgment v 5
2) description of the judgment vs 6-8
3) consequences of the judgment vs 9-10
C) Prayer for them in their affliction vs 11-12

III. Events Preceding the Day of the Lord 2:1-12
A) Corrective for the erroneous view vs 1-5
1) appeal for calmness vs 1-2
2) events which must precede vs 3-4
3) reminder of past oral teaching v 5
B) Restraint upon the Mystery of Lawlessness vs 6-7
C) Career of the Lawless one vs 8-12

IV. Renewed Thanksgiving and Prayer for Them 2:13-17
A) Thanksgiving for Gods choice of them vs 13-14
1) character of the thanksgiving v 13a
2) grounds for the thanksgiving 13b-14
B) Exhortation to those chosen v 15
C) Prayer for the chosen vs 16-17

V. Exhortations Concerning Practical Matters 3:1-15
A) Request for their prayers vs 1-2
B) Confidence concerning their progress vs 3-5
1) faithfulness of the Lord toward them v 3
2) confidence in their obedience v 4
3) prayer for their growth v 5
C) Disciplining the disorderly vs 6-15
1) command to withdraw v 6
2) facts supporting the command vs 7-10
3) what has required the command v 11
4) command to the disorderly v 12
5) instructions to the faithful vs 13-15

VI. Conclusion 3:16-18
A) Concluding prayer v 16
B) Authenticating salutation v 17
C) Inclusive benediction v 18

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