1Thessalonians Chapter Four
New Instruction
4:1 Finally then, brethren, (adv loipo,j loipos for the rest; remaining + infer con ou=n therefore + V M P avdelfo,j brethren) we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, (P A I 1p evrwta,w erta we request (GT = evrwtw/men) + c.c. kai. and + P A I 1p parakale,w parakale (COMPOUND CALL ALONGSIDE) we exhort (GT = parakalou/men) + Ac 2p pro su, you + prep w/ L M S evn ku,rioj VIhsou/j in the Lord Jesus) that, as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (c.c. (purp) i[na in order that (purpose for request and exhortation is specified) + comp adv kaqw,j just/exactly as + A A I 2p paralamba,nw paralamban (COMPOUND TAKE ALONGSIDE ONESELF) you received (GT = parela,bete) + prep w/ G 1p pro para, evgw, from us + Ac N S d.a. to. the instruction + adv pw/j how; in what way + P A I 3s dei/ ought; it is necessary + Ac 2p pro su, you + P A If peripate,w peripate (COMPOUND TO WALK AROUND/EVERYWHERE) to walk (GT = peripatei/n) + c.c. kai, and + P A If avre,skw aresk to please/be acceptable (GT = avre,skein) + D M S qeo,j to God) (just as you actually do walk), (comp adv kaqw,j just/exactly as + c.c. (adj) kai, also + P A I 2p peripate,w you do walk; you are walking) that you may excel still more. (c.c. (purp) i[na that + P A S 2p perisseu,w perisseu you may excel/overflow/surpass (GT = perisseu,hte) + comp adv ma/llon mallon still more; to a higher degree)
4:2 For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. (exp con ga,r for; because + Pf A I 2p oi=da you know + Ac F P inter pro ti,j what? (sets up a question, i.e. what commandments did we give you?) + Ac F P paraggeli,a parangelia (COMPOUND A MESSAGE FROM AN AUTHORIY, I.E. AN ORDER) commandments (a military term cp Ac 16:24) + A A I 1p di,dwmi didmi we gave (GT = evdw,kamen) + D 2p pro su, to you + prep w/ G M S w/d.a. (inter agency) dia. o` ku,rioj VIhsou/j through/by the Lord Jesus)
1) Having reviewed their history and his longing to personally visit them, Paul now moves into the instruction Timothys report indicated was needed.
2) The word translated finally (loipo,j loipos) indicates a transition; it has the idea of furthermore or for the remaining, i.e. the doctrines that they were lacking.
3) A subtle shift began in 3:10 as Paul considered the lack that this Local Church had in regard to the fullness of Christ, which matters will be taken up in chapters 4 and 5.
4) This second portion of the epistle divides into five parts:
a) exhortations concerning Christian living 4:1-12
b) instructions concerning the dead in Christ 4:13-18
c) exhortations to watchfulness in view of the Lords return 5:1-11
d) church discipline 5:12-15
e) directives for holy living 5:16-24
5) It is instructive to notice that the teaching concerning the Rapture and 2nd Advent is preceded and followed by sections dealing with daily life and conduct the Christians hope for the future must have a sanctifying influence on the present.
6) As he begins dealing with doctrinal matters, his tone changes slightly and takes a more authoritative note however, his purpose is to request and exhort further progress, and does not reflect any strong censure for failure or misapplication.
7) This will change in 2Thess, when Paul has to deal with matters on which they had been given sufficient instruction and were not following through with the appropriate applications. cp 2Th 2:5, 3:6-15
8) When the communicators authority is not being challenged, questioned, disputed, or contradicted, and his listeners are following the BD that they have been taught, he can present Doctrine in a gentle and conciliatory manner.
9) When believers have heard certain truths over a period of time and refuse to apply them, he must take a more authoritative, dogmatic approach, in order to present the importance of applying that information in a timely and consistent manner.
10) The final portion of the letter is introduced by the inferential conjunction ou=n therefore, reaching back to the subject of having hearts which are blameless before God since this is their desire, Paul gives them the information they need to be so.
11) Since these are positive believers who are applying the BD that they know, Paul introduces this section in the form of a request and exhortation, using the familiar brothers to emphasize their Royal Family ties.
12) The use of two verbs instead of one emphasizes the importance which Paul placed on correct conduct in the CWL, both verbs reinforcing the other since they are not under their STA in regard to his authority, he is confident that this request will be readily accepted.
13) The word for request (evrwta,w erta) differs from the regular word for a request (ai`tew aite) in that it emphasizes the person asked, rather than the thing asked for.
14) The phrase in Christ refers to the fact that Paul is a communicator who is in fellowship with the Lord, therefore these requests are made with His blessing and approval; if the requests/exhortations are not heeded, these believers will not continue in Christ, i.e. in fellowship with the Son of God.
15) The two parenthetic items which Paul mentions are that the Thessalonians had received clear and accurate information from Paul & Co. and, at present, they were in general compliance with that teaching.
16) The verb received (paralamba,nw paralamban) became a technical term in early Christianity for the reception of an authoritative body of Truth, embraced and accepted, and passed down to others.
17) As such, it denotes that which mankind has received or taken from God it is not as if man could arrive at this Truth of his own will or intelligence; this is The Faith, which faith we continue to embrace and teach to this very day. cp Jd 3 Beloved, contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
18) Paul here states that they had accurately delivered the doctrine and traditions which a believer must practice if they were to walk in a manner which is pleasing to God.
19) In fact, the use of dei/ - dei it is necessary indicates that it is not a matter of choice, but there is a bona fide compulsion and duty to conduct your life in such a way as to please God done very simply by relegating your will and desires to His.
20) This is the real function of the communicator, to present information as to how you are to walk, to order and conduct your life.
21) Of interest is the word translated walk (peripate,w peripate) a compound of walk and around, it indicates not just footsteps here and there, but an ordered and consistent movement through Ph2.
22) If ones aim is to please God and not merely serve their own interests, the Word of God contains the information as to how this is to be done.
23) The PT is to model the doctrine and exhort believers to follow his example in the various areas of the CWL; again, perfection is not the standard, but consistency. 1Cor 11:1 Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
24) The use of avre,skw aresk harks back to 2:15, and sets advancing believers as opposite those who are hostile to Gods Plan.
25) The Thessalonians were loyal and faithful to Paul and his message, readily followed what he told them in regard to the CWL, and were headed in the right direction; because of this he could continue to teach them where they lacked, instead of constant rebuke and exhortation (as with the Corinthians).
26) Although the clause just as you actually do walk is not included in some English translations (KJV, NKJ, YLT), it has good manuscript evidence and may be retained with confidence to omit it is to lose a typical Pauline touch: praise where praise is due. cp 2Cor 1:7 and our hope for you is firmly grounded, knowing that as you are sharers of our sufferings, so also you are sharers of our comfort.
27) Since these believers were already fulfilling the exhortations and prayers of their leaders, all that could be asked of them was to excel even more. cp vs 10; Phi 3:10-12
28) In vs 2 Paul again reminds them of what they already knew from his first visit with them, the information he had imparted in the five months he was in Thessalonica.
29) He uses an authoritative/military word for the commandments, orders, and instructions which he had given them; the word was used for a command given by a superior and expected to be carried out without argument or question. cp Ac 5:28
30) These are not matters for discussion, gainsaying, disagreement, or compromise, but are matters which demand obedience.
31) One could not hope to be at odds with Paul, and the rest of Scripture, in terms of content or application and seriously consider that they were in FHS (nor can we today); the doctrine he taught did not originate with men but had its source in the Lord Jesus Christ. cp Gal 1:12
32) The CWL is not designed to blunt or inhibit individuality in any way it is not a plan to enforce anything on anyone except the Will of God (and that by choice).
33) However, these commands are authoritative directions, given in the Royal Chain of Command and are as binding as if given by Christ Himself.
34) These are the guidelines as to how the new life in Christ is to be lived, how to stay within the straight and narrow so as to be really pleasing to God.
35) Paul then states something quite remarkable; not that Jesus Christ had given these orders through their spiritual leaders (as we might have expected), but that they gave their orders through Jesus Christ.
36) In vs 1 he stated that these orders were given in the Lord Jesus, i.e. within the sphere of His rule; in vs 2 he states the commands were given through Him, i.e. with the authority and sanction of the Lord Himself.
37) The apostolic tradition/teaching is not to be treated indifferently; it is to be accepted because it is the tradition of Christ, by whose authority it is delivered.
38) The apostles never imposed arbitrary controls on believers so as to restrict their freedom in Christ they taught that obedience to what they taught was the true path to exploiting their freedom in Christ, and failure to do so would result in slavery to the STA, religion, the cosmos, etc. cp Jn 8:34-36; Gal 5:1; Col 2:20-23
39) Anyone not experiencing joy and freedom misses this opportunity due to the fact that they do not closely follow the teaching they are receiving.
40) Not only do they miss out on the unity, joy, peace, love, and true freedom that is available to the believer, they reap discipline and misery from exalting their own opinions, ideas, etc. over the Truth of Gods Word.
Avoid Sexual Impurity
4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; (exp con ga,r for; because + N N S near dem pro ou-toj this + P I 3s eivmi, is (and continues to be) + N N S qe,lhma thelma a will/wish/desire (anarthrous = not the totality, but a part) + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God + N M S o` a`giasmo,j hagiosmos the sanctification/dedication/purification from sin (separated from that which is in opposition to Him) + G 2p pro su, of you; your + P M If (Middle Voice indicates action produced and received by the subject) avpe,cw apech to abstain; to keep away (GT = avpe,cesqai) + Ac 2p pro su, you + prep w/ Ab F S w/d.a. avpo. h` pornei,a porneia from the sexual immorality; from the fornication (general term, it includes all categories of improper sexual activity))
4:4 that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, (Pf A If oi=da to know (GT = eivde,nai) + Ac M S adj e[kastoj hekastos each; every one + G 2p pro su, of you + P D If kta,omai ktaomai to possess; to gain control + Ac N S w/d.a. to. skeu/oj skeuos the vessel; the body + G 3s pro e`autou/ heautou of himself; his own + prep w/ L M S (sphere) evn a`giasmo,j hagiosmos in sanctification + c.c. kai, and + L M S timh, tim honor/dignity)
4:5 not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; (neg ptcl mh, not + prep w/ L N S evn pa,qoj pathos uncontrolled longing/passion/craving (Classically, an affliction/psychological disorder of the mind) + G F S evpiqumi,a epithumia of lust/desire + comp adv kaqa,per just/exactly as + c.c. (asc) kai, even + N N P w/d.a. to. e;qnoj the Gentiles + neg ptcl w/ Pf A P N N P w/d.a. to. mh, oi=da those/the ones who do not know/have not experienced (GT = eivdo,ta) + Ac M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j the God)
1) In typical Hebrew style, Paul makes a general statement and then expands on the specifics; he uses a series of Infinitives to define and describe the limits and boundaries of our sanctification, or separateness, to God and His Will for our lives.
2) This information (vss 3-8) was not new, as noted by Pauls comment at the end of vs 6, but the nature of Graeco-Roman society was so depraved that it was a regular part of his teaching to all his converts, and that on a repeated basis. cp 2Cor 12:21; Eph 5:3; Col 3:5
3) This was also one of the commandments mentioned in vs 1, which the team had given to the Thessalonians and was necessary to observe if they desired to please God.
4) The near demonstrative this is defined by the phrase your sanctification (a Predicate Nominative), the meaning being that the believers sanctification is a definite part of the Will of God the term has as its root meaning holiness.
5) That which is holy is that which is set apart for/by God for a Divine purpose, not sullied or dirtied by contact with the profane or unclean. cp Rom 12:1
6) The concept of sanctification cannot be disassociated from the Doctrine of Separation; i.e. one must not be accessible to that which is hated by God if he hopes to be set apart to God. cp 2Cor 6:17 Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord. And do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you. also cp Js 4:4
7) Sanctification is accomplished in three phases (salvation, CWL, and resurrection), but Ph2 sanctification is the specific focus of these verses the declared Will of God for every believer is to be holy because our Father is also holy. 1Pet 1:14-16
8) Gods Will, in this case, is His intended purpose, what He actually wants for the believer in time; this section is a part of that Will, but not all of it. cp 5:18
9) While all believers may not comply with the issues related to Ph2 sanctification, we do know that God will fulfill this aspect of His Will for every believer in Ph3.
10) The word a`giosunh hagiosun is the state of holiness, here we have the word for the act or process of making one holy a series of actions directed toward an end.
11) Their sanctification, as well as ours, is defined by the series of infinitives which are found in vss 3-6, comprised of:
a) abstaining from fornication/sexual immorality
b) knowing how to handle their sexual urges
c) not crossing forbidden boundaries
d) not taking advantage of another believer
12) There are three stages by which God will ultimately conform each believer to the image of His Son, which is declared by the WoG to be the express purpose of His plan (in other words, the ultimate purpose of the Angelic Conflict is to produce creatures who chose Gods Will for their lives). Rom 8:29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren;
a) Ph1 sanctification is an individual being set apart from the kingdom of darkness and being made a participant in the kingdom of light, via union with Christ it is instantaneous and permanent at the moment of salvation. 1Cor 6:11 And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God.
b) Ph2 sanctification is the setting apart of the believer to God and involves the intake and application of BD, involved in the MAJG. Rom 6:19 For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.
c) Ph3 sanctification occurs at the Rapture, when the believer is instantaneously conformed to the resurrected Christ. 1Th 5:23
13) There is nothing more or better that God could ever do than to make someone like His Son and qualify them to share in the eternal glory which He possesses. cp Jn 17:5 And now, You glorify Me together with Yourself, Father, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
14) Positional sanctification sets the believer apart from the penalty of sin; experiential sanctification sets the believer apart from the power of sin; final or ultimate sanctification sets the believer apart from the presence of sin, eternally.
15) Ph1 and Ph3 sanctification are entirely the work of God and are both instantaneous and incapable of improvement; Ph2 sanctification involves the volition of the believer cooperating with the WoG in regard to the Royal Imperatives or commands. Phi 2:12-13
16) It should not be assumed from what is said here that there was immorality occurring in this LCh, or the tone would have been far more condemning, (as in 1Cor 5); however, these new converts lived in a city which was regularly engaged in immoral activity, and this would tend to wear down their resistance.
17) Immorality, in this passage, deals with normal sexual perversion between two members of the opposite sex who are not Biblically permitted to engage in sex.
a) fornication refers to two parties who are not married
b) adultery indicates that one or both of the parties are married to another individual
18) The WoG condones sex between RM/RW only, and only within the boundary of marriage, and only with one another. Pr 5
19) Under the Mosaic Law, the penalty for adultery, rape, homosexuality/lesbianism, and all other illicit sex was death; the penalty for fornication was marriage, with no provision for divorce. Dt 22:22-29
20) Sex was indeed established for recreation first, and was designed by God for reproduction and perpetuating the human race (Gen 2:24-25), but sex outside marriage is condemned by the WoG.
21) Fornication was conspicuous by its regular practice in the ancient world, and regarded as a matter of indifference (and even defended as a necessity of nature, like eating and drinking).
a) a man could have a mistress who would provide him with a sexual relationship and intellectual companionship, while he had a wife who was to manage his household and raise his children and heirs.
b) slavery made the relationship with a concubine an accepted practice
c) gratification was always available from a temple prostitute, in the name of worship of a god or goddess (who were themselves prone to degrading sensuality)
d) public opinion did not condemn any of these practices, although one who indulged himself excessively was classed with drunkards and gluttons
22) This was a very important departure from Pauls practice of conforming to a societys standards he did not adapt himself to the prevailing culture of sensuality and exhorted believers to live a sexually chaste/pure life.
23) The general command of vs 3, abstain from sexual immorality, is now specifically defined by the infinitives which follow; sexual morality is a part of Ph2 sanctification, but the general statement is not all that is involved.
24) Vss 4-5 relate to the command to each individual and the way that they are to learn to conduct themselves in regard to their sexual urges.
25) Commentators are divided as to the actual interpretation of vs 4; some interpret it as a command to learn bodily self-control, others see it as a command discussing the proper method of obtaining a wife (it is true that marriage for the sake of sex is wrong).
26) The Greek original presents some difficulty in the interpretation:
a) the infinitive kta,omai ktaomai is used outside the Bible regularly, and when it is used in any tense except the Perfect, generally has the meaning of gain or acquire; in the Perfect, it means to possess or control
b) the term skeu/oj skeuos may be taken to refer to ones own body or a wife
27) Both commands are equally necessary and contingent upon believers, but the actual interpretation is a command to learn bodily self-control in the area of sex.
a) the phrase each of you is correctly translated to include every believer in Thessalonica, not only men cp 1Cor 16:2 On the first day of every week let each one of you put aside and save, as he may prosper (N N S PRONOUNS), that no collections be made when I come.
b) the verb kta,omai ktaomai is not used in the Perfect tense in the NT, so we do not have proof of the distinction which was made in Classical Greek
c) there is extra-Biblical evidence found in the papyri that the sense to gain control over was not confined to the Perfect tense as it had been in Classical Greek
d) the wife is never referred to as a vessel or utensil to be used by the man
(1) the term vessel is used of literal utensils and metaphorically of persons who are containers or vessels for the purpose of another 2Tim 2:21 Therefore, if a man cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
(2) that the wife is referred to as the weaker vessel does not mean that women are vessels more than men are, only that they both are vessels and the wife is the more fragile of the two cp 1Pet 3:7 You husbands likewise, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman; and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
e) while some cite 1Cor 7:2 as a parallel passage and point out that Pauls remedy for those who would not control their sexual urges is marriage, that passage only teaches that each sex should have their own right number; neither is implied to be the vessel of the other, both are persons in their own right
28) Each person is to recognize their impulses in this area and seek to master or gain control over them the body is for the Lord and not for immorality. 1Cor 6:13-20
29) For the married this means not to engage in extra-marital activity; for the unmarried it means sexual abstinence until God provides your RM or RW, and that after marriage; this is to be done in a way that is holy and honorable.
30) Immorality is dishonoring, disgracing, and humiliating to those involved in it, evidenced by the cloak of secrecy which people employ in order to cover their dishonor and dishonesty.
31) In the case of married people, extra-marital affairs dishonor those involved as well as their innocent mates.
32) It is inconsistent to state that one is engaged in Ph2 sanctification while also involved in ongoing immorality one cannot be involved in becoming more holy while being involved in that which is opposed to holiness.
33) Paul next contrasts the prevailing sexual mores of the time with what is expected of believers the chief characteristic of those he cites is that they do not know God.
34) While this statement is condemning the Gentile world as a whole, we recognize that it is/was generally true of those who do not know God, but there are/were exceptions.
35) There are moral people who do not know God, but the general morality of the Roman empire was very low the prevailing moral climate today is equally dangerous.
36) Even a casual observation of movies, television, magazines, and other forms of entertainment, quickly demonstrates the depth of degradation and profanation of this God-given blessing into which our society has whole-heartedly plunged.
37) The word pa,qoj pathos indicates not the violence or intensity of the feeling, rather its uncontrollable nature, indicating the surrender of people to their passions so that they are carried away with them and overwhelmed (and ultimately destroyed).
38) Believers are not to allow their passions/desires to dominate them and determine the course of their life, they are to allow BD to dominate them and control the course of their life purity is not a momentary impulse, it is a lesson and habit.
39) Scripture regards the ignorance of God, as well as the rejection of Him or His claims after having heard them, as the root of sinful/unrighteous activity, and states that the judgment of God will fall because of this same willful ignorance. Rom 1:18-32
40) Also, things or activities which stir the passions in a way which is not appropriate are to be recognized and avoided. Rom 13:14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.
Forbidden Boundaries
4:6 and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter (Ac N S d.a. w/ neg ptcl w/ P A If (purp) to. mh, u`perbai,nw huperbain (COMP STEP BEYOND, I.E. A BOUNDARY OR RULE) in order not to transgress + c.c. kai, and P A If pleonekte,w pleonekte (LIT TO CLAIM MORE THAN ONES DUE) to defraud/exploit/take advantage of + Ac M S w/d.a. o` avdelfo,j the brother + G 3s pro auvto,j of him; his + prep w/ L N S w/d.a. evn to. pra/gma pragma in the matter/circumstance) because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, (infer con dio,ti (COMP BECAUSE THAT I.E. BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT) because + N M S e;kdikoj ekdikos (COMP FROM JUDGMENT) an avenger (ellipsis supply is) + N M S pred nom ku,rioj the Lord + prep w/ G N P adj & dem pro peri, pa/j ou-toj concerning all these things (GT = peri. pa,ntwn tou,twn)) just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. (comp adv kaqw,j just/exactly as + c.c. (adj) kai, also + A A I 1p proei/pon proeipon we told before + D 2p pro su, to you + c.c. kai, and + A D I 1p diamartu,romai diamarturomai we solemnly warned/charged/admonished)
4:7 For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification. (exp con ga,r for; because + neg ptcl ouv not + N M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j the God (God the Father, who calls us into the Kingdom of His Son) + A A I 3s kale,w kale He called + Ac 1p pro evgw, us + prep w/ L F S evpi, avkaqarsi,a akatharsia upon the basis of uncleanness/impurity + str adv avlla, but rather + prep (sphere) w/ L M S evn a`giasmo,j hagiosmos in sanctification/holiness)
1) At this point, some interpreters claim that there is a shift in subject matter, moving from sexual purity to honesty in business matters.
2) Of course, as a part of our Christian walk, we should always seek to be fair and honorable in our business dealings. Pr 11:1 A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight.
3) While there may be some reasons for this interpretation, the language is not definitive but the context is; vss 3-8 are clearly a unit and to shift to a new subject when the language fits the present subject (which is obviously still the subject of vs 7) is forced and unconvincing.
4) This is one of the important rules of interpretation of Scripture: when the language is vague or not explicit, meaning is determined by the surrounding information; when the language is technical and specific, this determines context. cp 1Pet 3:20-21
5) Another infinitive begins vs 6, which continues the string of infinitives Paul has used to define the original concept of Ph2 sanctification.
6) One part of Ph2 sanctification (the process of becoming more like God) is abstaining from sexual immorality, and involves:
a) knowing the Dvpt on how to handle sexual urges.
b) applying the principles so as not to transgress/betray another believer.
7) If one does not properly control the sex drive, it is probable that he/she will take advantage of another person (by involving them in the sin, betraying the confidence of another, or using another to satisfy ones base desires).
8) This person could very likely be a fellow believer (since those are the people with whom believers would be spending the majority of their time), thus intensifying the severity of the transgression. cp Mk 9:42 And whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.
9) Two specific items are mentioned which are absolutely necessary for sanctification:
a) not transgressing or trespassing against a brother (i.e. fellow believer).
b) not taking advantage of that brother.
10) For a believer, male or female, to engage in illicit sex with a member of anothers household is to transgress not only against that individual, but also against the other members of the household.
11) The first infinitive (u`perbai,nw huperbain) means to cross a boundary, here a forbidden boundary, and trespass sexually on territory which is off limits.
12) The second infinitive (pleonekte,w pleonekte) refers to the desire to have more than one is allowed, or their rightful share.
13) Obviously, a man who engages in illicit sex with a married woman transgresses against the husband of the woman (and, if married, his own wife), but even if she is unmarried, he transgresses against the Man to whom she belongs!
14) The phrase in this matter refers to the matter under discussion, and so comes to mean a sexual affair in this context.
15) The crime is viewed as especially heinous in that it is committed against a member of the RFG, to whom one should demonstrate loyalty and fidelity. cp Gal 5:14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
16) This is not to say that God is unconcerned with the impact of immorality if it is committed against an unbeliever, but He especially condemns impurity and disorder among believers (and even more those who are positive and adjusting). cp Gal 6:10
17) In summary, if a person does not learn to master the vessel and control their sexual urges, and then engages in sex with someone other than their own spouse, married or not, they have transgressed and cheated their brother out of something not theirs, that belongs to another.
18) In that case, they are not to be deluded and believe that they are pursuing and achieving Ph2 sanctification to which God has and is calling them.
19) A further reason is introduced as to why believers ought to avoid this type of sinning by the conjunction because (dio,ti dioti); Paul now moves from the exhortation to the motives for obeying it.
20) The first is a not-so-veiled threat, asserting that the Lord is the Avenger, or One dealing retribution, in these types of affairs. cp Rom 12:19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
21) While Jesus was not here for the purpose of judgment during the Incarnation (Jn 3:17, 8:15), He made it clear that the Father was going to commit all judgment to Him in the future. Jn 5:22 For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son
22) Jesus performs the work of an avenger, one who exacts justice due from a culprit and who upholds the rights of those who are wronged. cp Rom 13:3-4
23) The phrase in all these things encompasses all areas of immorality, when people trespass on the rights of others and enrich or benefit themselves at anothers expense.
24) Anyone, believer or unbeliever, who gets involved in immorality, certainly if it involves taking advantage of another member of the Royal Family, should know that Jesus Christ is set against him and will extract the just, legal punishment.
25) This is a Ph2 judgment which will be extracted in time, up to and including the SUD.
26) Certainly this qualifies Jesus Christ as an avenger, the One who upholds the moral order against all who think that they can break it with impunity (exemption from punishment), or without future ramifications. cp Rev 2:20-23
27) Paul had solemnly warned them of the consequences of this type of activity, and the word diamartu,romai diamarturomai is used of things which have dire consequences if they are disregarded. cp Lk 16:28 for I have five brothers that he may warn them, lest they also come to this place of torment.; 1Tim 5:21 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias
28) It seems evident this was a major temptation for the Thessalonian assembly, but we do not know whether it was observed by Paul firsthand, or had been reported to him by Timothy (the cult of the Kabeiri of Samothrace was quite popular in Thessalonica, and promoted ritual prostitution and orgies as a part of worship).
29) A further explanation is offered in vs 7 as to why sexual immorality is not acceptable for the believer it relates to the call of God, the initial presentation and hearing of the gospel which they had accepted.
30) Paul characterizes the pre-salvation state as one of impurity, a state which is obviously not to be perpetuated in Ph2.
31) The first preposition (e`pi epi) stresses the ground or condition of Gods call; the second (e`n en) stresses the mode God did not call us on the basis of our STA uncleanness/ impurity, but in spite of it.
32) Our call to Gods Plan was in the sphere of holiness, or characterized by issues related to +R; in the same way, our lives should be characterized by the same concerns, issues of righteousness, and how to live out what God desires in our daily existence.
33) This call has already been mentioned in 2:12 (so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom-glory), and will be again in 5:24, where calling is related to the faithfulness of God in bringing believers to Ph3 sanctification at the coming of Christ.
Rejection of Doctrine Is Rejection of God
4:8 Consequently, (superordinate con (OF A HIGHER DEGREE OR CONDITION) toigarou/n toigaroun (COMP EMPH PTCL toi + gar FOR; BECAUSE + ou`n THEREFORE; A SUPERLATIVE OF HIGHEST DEGREE = THEREFORE, WITHOUT A DOUBT BECAUSE OF THAT) he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you. (P A P N M S w/d.a. o` avqete,w athete the one/he who rejects/regards as nothing + neg ptcl w/ P A I 3s ouv avqete,w is not rejecting + Ac M S a;nqrwpoj a man + str adv avlla, but + Ac M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j the God + P A P Ac M S w/d.a. o` di,dwmi didmi (GT = dido,nta) the one who is giving (SOME TEXTS HAVE AN AORIST PTC, HE WHO GAVE AS A REFERENCE TO SALVATION; MSS EVIDENCE FAVORS A SUBSTANTIVE PRESENT, ONGOING OR CONSISTENT ACTION: THE CHARACTER OF GOD IS THAT HE IS THE GIVER) + Ac N S w/d.a. noun & adj to. pneu/ma pneuma & to. a[gioj hagios the Holy Spirit (Lit the Spirit, the holy one) + G M 3s pro auvto,j of Him; His + prep w/ Ac 2p pro eivj su, unto you)
1) This verse is a summary conclusion of what has been discussed in vs 3-7, but is phrased in such a way as to add another incentive to obey the command to avoid immorality.
2) The inferential conjunction which opens this verse is used elsewhere only in Heb 12:1, and signifies that the author wants to place a special emphasis or formality on what he has said because of what has been mentioned, the following information is especially true.
3) The first thing emphasized in this verse is that the person who disregards this instruction is not just setting aside the words/commands/opinions of any man.
4) The Greek has no d.a. before the word man, but it does have an article before the word God, emphasizing that they are not disregarding a mans opinion, but that of THE God.
5) The man in this specific case would have been Paul, but it can be applied to any communicator who is placing the Dvpt before others another subtle reminder that the message given them was not of human origin, but Divine. cp 1:5, 2:4, 13
6) Failure to listen to Pauls instruction in this matter (or any other) was the same as a rejection of Gods Will. Lk 10:16 The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me.
7) This verb, which is used twice in this verse, means to set aside, to nullify, to make void, to disregard, or to count something of no value the logical conclusion for rejection of the expressed Will of God.
8) Anyone who takes the demand for sexual purity so lightly that he makes it null and void, refusing to comply with it, actually and ultimately rejects the importance of God Himself.
9) The one who claims to be living a life in compliance with the dictates of God, and yet continues to live a life of uncleanness may think he is only at odds with Paul (or his PT), but this is not the case.
10) The whole force of Pauls statement is that Paul is merely a messenger, delivering the Truth, and rejecting a messenger is equal to rejecting the One who sent the message.
11) The second emphasis has two specific concepts:
a) that God is the One who gives this great gift.
b) that the Spirit in view is Holy.
12) Another subtle reason for living a life which is in compliance to the dictates of God is that God has been exceedingly good to the believer.
13) In fact, this is the basis for all our activity in regard to God and His commands the gracious love and blessing He graciously showed us in the first place. 1Jn 4:19 We love, because He first loved us.
14) To love God is not very difficult in light of the great love which He has bestowed upon us, especially if the believer will simply spend some time considering all that God has done for them through His own grace and initiative. cp 1Jn 3:1 See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are
15) When one understands all that God has done for him/her, the normal desire is to reciprocate that love; compliance with His commands is the only logical response.
16) When someone loves another, work is not seen as work, service is viewed as an opportunity to serve the object of affection.
17) The demands of God, which those who do not truly love God see as problematic and burdensome (Bible Class takes too much of my time, why should I have to apply so much?, why cant I do what I want to do?), are not a burden to the one who loves God and wants to please Him. 1Jn 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. cp Mt 11:28-33
18) The problem(s) believers really face occurs at the point we begin to place our will and interests above the Will/Interests of God and His kingdom, but cp Mt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.
19) The greatest gift which God has given to believers of the Church Age is the Indwelling Holy Spirit, given to all believers at the point of salvation, as an earnest/down payment of our future inheritance. Eph 1:13-14
20) The Textus Receptus (on which the KJV was based) has given unto us His Holy Spirit, which was used by some ecclesiastical authorities as a proof text they were the recipients more than the common believer the accurate reading is given you.
21) This Spirit, who is characterized by the adjective Holy, is given to believers to aid them in living the life which is acceptable to God a life of holiness.
22) For a believer to live a life of unrepentant moral uncleanness and suggest that they are in tune or compliance with the Holy Spirit is inconsistent at best and a lie at worst.
23) The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is working within us to produce the Will of God and the working of that Will in our lives, hence the claim I couldnt resist the temptation denies His enabling ministry for us. 1Cor 6:18-20; Phi 2:13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
24) The Holy Spirit is given to us to teach us the Truth (Jn 16:12-15), convict us in regard to failure (Heb 3:7f), strengthen us to overt compliance with the Will of God (Phi 2:13), and produce the final product, fruit (Gal 5:22-23).
25) Failure to line up with this principle is tantamount to (i.e. practically the same as) rejecting the only true God, who has given us all that is necessary to walk in compliance with His holiness and be pleasing to Him (just as we desire to be).
Love and Application to Others
4:9 Now as to the love of the brethren, (c.c. de, now (indicates change in subject matter) + prep w/ G F S peri, h` filadelfi,a philadelphia the love of the brethren; the brotherly love) you have no need for anyone to write to you, (neg ptcl w/ P A I 2p ouv e;cw you do not have + Ac F S crei,a chreia a need/necessity + P A If gra,fw graph to write + D 2p pro su, to you) for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; (exp con ga,r for; because + N M 2p pro w/ N 2p pro (emph) auvto,j su, you yourselves + P I 2p eivmi, are being + N M P adj qeodi,daktoj theodidaktos (COMP GOD TAUGHT) + prep w/ Ac N S d.a. w/ P A If (purp & res) eivj to. avgapa,w for the purpose/with the result of loving + Ac M 2p ref pro avllh,lwn one another)
4:10 for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. (exp con ga,r for; because + c.c. (asc) kai, indeed + P A I 2p poie,w you are practicing + Ac N 3s pro auvto,j it + prep w/ Ac M P eivj pa/j unto/toward all + Ac M P w/d.a. o` avdelfo,j the brethren/believers + prep w/ L F S adj evn o[loj holos in all + L F S w/d.a. h` Makedoni,a the region of Macedonia) But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more, (weak adv de, now + P A I 1p parakale,w parakale we urge/encourage + Ac 2p pro su, you + V M P avdelfo,j brethren + P A If perisseu,w perisseu to excel/abound + comp adv ma/llon mallon still more)
1) Paul now moves to the next topic which comprises the Will of God for these believers, that being the love of fellow believers.
2) While he gave detailed teaching regarding immorality and sexual purity, he does not feel the need to do so regarding the love and application toward fellow Christians.
3) This was an area in which the Thessalonians tended to apply very well, so further teaching/instruction was unnecessary; he just exhorts them to continue to apply in this area to an even higher degree.
4) The word filadelfi,a philadelphia is a compound, comprised of the words love/ affection and brother; it originally meant love for a sibling family member.
5) This word came to be used regularly for the love which is to exist between believers, who were related by the new birth. cp Rom 12:10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor
6) Christian love does not undervalue or disregard natural family ties, it gives them their due importance and condemns those who are without natural affection (Rom 1:31; 2Tim 3:3) this is the same loyalty believers should have for one another.
7) Unlike cosmic affection, which has no constraints or limits, the love between members of the Royal Family has defined limits.
8) While we generally love and support fellow believers, we limit it to those who are following the Divine Mandates; we do not support those who are AWOL, those who are causing division and dissension, those who disgrace the faith, etc. Rom 16:16-17; 1Cor 5:9f; 2Th 3:6
9) This does not mean that we are not kindly disposed toward those who are failing, only that we will not provide them aid or comfort if they are unrepentantly disregarding their Commander in Chief. cp v 8
10) This has been called tough love, but it actually reflects the true nature of God, who is love but is also righteous and just one cannot effectively separate love and discipline, which our society has attempted to do (to its own chagrin and decay).
11) The term qeodi,daktoj theodidaktos is used only here in the NT, although the concept may be found in Isa 54:13 (quoted in Jn 6:45). It is written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught of God. Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me.
12) One cannot effectively claim to love God if they are in violation of the command to love their neighbor/fellow believer. 1Jn 4:20-21
13) There is a genuine compulsion to love which comes from the ministry of the IHS which is established in our hearts. Rom 5:5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
14) Love is certainly a by-product of the FHS and is stifled when the STA rules the life. Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
15) The phrase taught by God then refers to the unseen, inner activity of the Holy Spirit as He encourages and influences the believer to manifest this grace.
16) Paul commends the Thessalonians for their application toward one another under love, and he recognizes their application toward other believers, even those who are not members of their own LCh.
17) Since Thessalonica was an important commercial center and seaport, and located on the Via Egnatia, there would be many people who would pass through this city.
18) In the ancient world it was very difficult for travelers to get decent accommodations while abroad, except from friends.
19) As a believer passed through, the Thessalonians would open their homes and demonstrate hospitality by entertaining those who were strangers to them, but related by the new birth.
20) This is also an aspect of Godly love which is readily evident among believers: the willingness to show hospitality to visitors from another LCh as opportunity arises.
21) Paul indicates he did not have to teach them this grace, they readily grasped it as they walked in the Spirit.
22) Principle: certain applications should not have to be spelled out by the PT believers who are in fellowship and thinking Dvpt should be able to figure certain things out, and believers who claim to be spiritually mature/astute and yet cannot figure out simple applications are deluded in regard to their spiritual status. cp 1Cor 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.
23) Having praised them for their willing application in the area of brotherly love, Paul exhorts them to continue to abound and increase no attitude of I have done enough is allowed.
Practical Applications of Love
4:11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life (c.c. kai, and + P D If filotime,omai philotimeomai (GT = filotimei/sqai) (COMP TO LOVE HONOR, HENCE TO SEEK EAGERLY OR STRIVE TO SUCCEED; TO BE AMBITIOUS) to be ambitious; to make it your ambition + P A If h`suca,zw hsuchadz (GT = h`suca,zein) to live at peace; to lead a quiet life) and attend to your own business and work with your hands, (c.c. kai, and + P A If pra,ssw to practice/attend to; to make it an intent and habit (with following = practice what is your own, i.e. your own business or affairs) + Ac N P poss pro w/d.a. to. i;dioj the things your own; your own things + c.c kai, and + P D If evrga,zomai ergadzomai to work (nuance of effort or energy expended, opposite idleness or inactivity) + I F P h` cei,r the hands + G 2p pro su, of you; your) just as we commanded you; (comp adv kaqw,j just/exactly as + D 2p pro su, to you + A A I 1p paragge,llw parangell (strictly, to pass on an order from a higher authority) we gave an order)
4:12 so that you may behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need. (sub con (purp) i[na so that; in order that + P A S 2p peripate,w peripate you may behave (Lit walk around, i.e. conduct oneself) + adv euvschmo,nwj euschmons properly; decently + prep w/ Ac M P d.a. w/adv pro,j o` e;xw toward the ones outside + c.c. kai, and + P A S 2p e;cw you may have + Ac F S crei,a chreia a need/lack/necessity + G N S card num mhdei,j of nothing)
1) These two verses are related to what has just been said in vss 9-10 regarding the proper applications under the principle of brotherly love.
2) Two obvious points arise from what will be said in these verses:
a) one cannot effectively apply toward others and demonstrate hospitality if they have not provided for their own needs in the first place, and are therefore lacking sufficient resources to apply.
b) believers are not to take advantage of another believers brotherly love and sponge off them, rather they are to seek opportunity to assist others (which cannot be done without certain resources).
3) The Greek construction here contains:
a) the exhortation expressed by four infinitives.
b) the parenthetical comment that this had been commanded previously.
c) the two fold purpose of the teaching.
4) While some interpreters have attempted to separate these two verses from the previous context, it is grammatically connected, and so must be interpreted in light of the subject of brotherly love.
5) Principle: There is a real sense in which the faithful performance of our everyday, mundane duties is related to our love for other believers.
6) The first two infinitives are connected and form one real command.
7) While it is somewhat of an oxymoron to be ambitious about leading a quiet life (ambition implies active, restless energy), the adjusted believer is to have goals/aspirations defined by the WoG, not by the cosmic system in which we live.
8) The first goal is to simplify your niche and pursue the quiet, peaceful lifestyle of BD.
9) The currently prevailing attitude that always seeks something more exiting than the last, more fulfilling than a simple existence, promotes restlessness, boredom, and a craving for illegitimate pleasures and distractions.
10) It can be assumed that the Thessalonian believers were unduly excited by the prophetic word and some manifested a restless tendency, which made them disinclined to attend to the ordinary affairs of life.
11) Paul will devote some space in this letter dealing with matters which pertain to the future, and that will occupy much of the content of his second epistle.
12) As new believers, they were somewhat immature in relation to the prophecies and to the correct applications that arise from knowing certain future events.
13) For example, new believers might be inclined to think that since the Rapture was a reality and the Lord Jesus Christ was going to return for them, there was no reason to have a job.
14) A current application is the believer living in the Rapture Generation, who might think that there is no reason to plan at all for the future since he is going to be raptured soon anyway.
15) Living in the Rapture Generation does not exempt any believer from the applications expected of any other believer, living at any other time in history.
16) Issues like education, insurance, financial planning, job security, etc. are to be approached with the principles of the WoG, not with prophetic fervor only.
17) Believers are to make it their ambition to live a quiet life as opposed to being meddlesome, busybodies, crusaders, etc. cp 1Pet 4:15 By no means let any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler
18) The methods they (and we) are to employ in attempting to live a quiet life are observed in the two infinitives that follow.
19) First, they are to practice their own things, which means that they are to spend the vast majority of their time looking after their own interests and affairs.
20) This is a subtle command to keep out of the lives of others and stick to their own knitting.
21) Second, they are instructed to work with their own hands some were not getting on with their business and were shirking their responsibilities in regard to work. cp 2Th 3:11-12
22) Laziness is never condoned by the WoG.
23) Some people do not have a set occupation because they are lazy, feel that certain jobs are beneath them, or are too arrogant to take orders, others may feel that they are to be raptured soon, so why bother none of these attitudes is commended by the WoG. cp Pr 15:19, 21:25-26, 24:30-34; Col 3:22-25; 1Th 4:11; 2Th 3:11-12
24) Obviously, priorities must be set and followed one should not save for the future at the expense of financial obligations today, but if both can be fulfilled, they should be.
25) The Greek mentality, as is often the case in an affluent society, generally despised manual labor and considered it degrading, an attitude Paul rejected in his lifestyle and his teaching. 1Cor 4:12; Eph 4:28 Let him who steals steal no longer; but rather let him labor, performing with his own hands what is good, in order that he may have something to share with him who has need.
26) Some of these believers were living a life characterized by idleness and needed the exhortation to get to work and support themselves.
27) Since no one can live without the necessities of life, some were imposing on their brothers and taking advantage of their generosity and good Christian nature.
28) This problem, which is addressed here in a subtle fashion, continued to exist and by the writing of 2Thessalonians had become a cause for separation. 2Th 3:6, 11
29) If these believers meddlesome, idle ways were due to a false view of imminence of the Rapture (as it appears), it should have been clear that the Lord expects us to be busy about our normal affairs when He comes. Mk 13:33-37; Lk 12:35-48 (NOTICE ESP VS 42, A REFERENCE TO MILLENNIAL GOVERNMENT)
30) A parenthetical comment reminds the readers that this information was nothing new, it had been expressed not only by Paul & Co. during the initial instruction, it was consistently the message of OT Scripture as well as the Lord Himself.
31) The two-fold purpose of these teachings is found in vs 12.
32) It relates, first, to those who are outside the Church: unbelievers, whether Jews (religious) or Greeks (cosmic), are one focus of our overt witness this verse gives important insight into the Doctrine of Witnessing.
33) What this is teaching, then, is that our conduct in regard to work and financial sobriety and independence is to conform to the standard that any establishment unbeliever lives by.
34) Most people in the world understand that people are not to be a financial burden on other people, rather society generally functions under the principle that each part is to support itself and work for the good of the whole.
35) Therefore, even if those outside the Church do not understand salvation or the importance of Doctrine, they do understand the difference between idleness and diligent labor, between order and confusion, between self-support and a welfare case.
36) Since society looks down on those who do not manage their own affairs and provide for themselves (and rightly so), the Christian is to earn his own way in an honorable line of work, (there is no dishonorable line except a criminal one), support himself, pay his bills, taxes, etc.
37) If he does not, those outside of BD can malign the Truth based on this failure, concluding that Christianity breeds parasites on society. cp 1Pet 2:12 Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may on account of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation.
38) Another part of behaving properly toward those on the outside would include having the resources to demonstrate the appropriate hospitality toward outside visitors, who were themselves positive those outside the Local Church as well as those outside the Church Universal.
39) Christians will never be able to please everyone, but at least they can avoid bringing themselves into disrepute by failing to live up to the accepted establishment standards of the society in which they live.
40) The second purpose of all this teaching was so that believers would have all that is necessary for life on a personal level.
41) God promises Living Grace, but His Word also commands us to work for our living.
Information Leads to Confidence
4:13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, (weak adv de, but; now + neg ptcl w/ P A I 1p ouv qe,lw thel (GT = qe,lomen) we do not want/wish + Ac 2p pro su, you + P A If avgnoe,w agnoe to be ignorant/unknowing + V M P avdelfo,j brethren) about those who are asleep, (prep w/ P D P G M P w/d.a. peri, o` koima,omai koimaomai (GT = koimwme,nwn) about/concerning the ones/those who are sleeping) that you may not grieve, as do the rest who have no hope. (sub con (purp) i[na in order that + neg ptcl w/ P P S 2p mh, lupe,w lupe (GT = luph/sqe) you may not be caused to grieve + comp adv kaqw,j just as + c.c. (adj) kai, also + N M P w/d.a. o` loipo,j loipos the rest + neg ptcl w/ P A P N M S w/d.a. mh, o` e;cw the ones/those who do not have + Ac F S evlpi,j elpis hope/confident expectation)
4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, (exp con ga,r for (the reason not to grieve follows) + cond ptcl w/ P A I 1p eiv pisteu,w pisteu if we believe (and we do) + c.c. o[ti that + N M S prop noun VIhsou/j Jesus + A A I 3s avpoqnh,|skw apothnsk (GT = avpe,qanen) died + c.c. kai, and + A A I 3s avni,sthmi anistmi (GT = avne,sth) rose again (COMP TO STAND AGAIN)) even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. (adv ou[twj even so; in like manner + c.c. (adj) kai, also + N M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j the God + F A I 3s a;gw (GT = a;xei) will bring/lead + prep w/ L M 3s pro su,n auvto,j with Him + A P/D P Ac M P w/d.a. o` koima,omai the ones/those who have fallen asleep; those who were put to sleep + prep w/ G M S w/d.a. dia, o` VIhsou/j through (inter agency) the Jesus)
1) The Word of God consistently indicates that we are not to labor under ignorance or a lack of knowledge, here is no exception. cp Hos 4:6; Rom 11:25; 1Cor 10:1, 12:1; 2Cor 2:11 in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes.
2) The force of this negative expression is I definitely want you to understand this.
3) In all Pauls letters, every time he uses this phrase, he adds the reminder of his affection and concern, brothers, lest some of his readers take the statement to be one of rebuke.
4) This verse begins the definitive section on the Rapture in the NT, written in response to a specific question that Timothy brought back from them.
5) Their question dealt specifically with the issue of believers who would die before the Parousia, which has already been alluded to in 1:10, 2:19, and 3:13 1Thess contains more mentions of His return for the Church than any other NT epistle.
6) The Doctrine of the Rapture was introduced by Christ in Jn 14:1f, but specifics were not given at that time, only the general information in regard to His promised return.
7) This subject is one of the Mystery Doctrines of the Church Age, and was given by Divine revelation to Paul and the other Apostles, who communicated it to the individual Local Churches in their canons. cp 1Jn 3:2
8) The specific subject of the teaching is those who sleep would they be disadvantaged or omitted in some way from the gathering to the Lord at His coming?
9) This euphemism those who sleep was used of death and did not originate with Christians. cp the OT phrase slept with his fathers 1Kin 2:1, 11:43, etc.
10) It was common among the Jews and pagan Gentiles, no doubt due to the stillness and physical restfulness of the state of physical death.
11) Jesus had used this word to describe physical death (Jn 11:11 = Lazarus), and in the writings of Paul, the word koima,omai koimaomai is always used for the physical death of believers. cp 1Cor 15:20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. (it is used only in Mt 28:13; Lk 22:45; Ac 12:6 for actual slumber)
12) This term for sleep is never used of the death of unbelievers, since their state is not one of rest, but unrest characterized by torment. Lk 16:19f
13) For the believer only, physical death is likened to sleep since it is characterized by rest/inactivity, and it is not permanent. 1Cor 15:51-57
14) Some translations (NKJ) have the Perfect Tense have fallen asleep, but the Present more accurately reflects that this is not permanent; the results are on-going, but will change at a future point.
15) At the point of physical death, the soul and spirit depart the body and are escorted to the Third Heaven (2Cor 5:8), where they wait in rest until brought back with Jesus Christ at His coming, and are then reunited with a resurrection body. 1Cor 15:52
16) There is no such thing as soul sleep after death, the conscious mentality (the soul) of each person continues in perfect consciousness. cp 5:10 who died for us, that whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him.
17) Although physical death is a universal reality due to the introduction of spiritual death into humanity (Gen 2:7; Rom 5:12), for the believer it is not something to be feared.
18) The practical aim in imparting this doctrine was to keep them from engaging in activity which is characteristic of those who do not have any hope beyond the grave.
19) While it is not stated specifically, the emphasis of his comments here indicate that when believers act as their unbelieving counterparts, it is dishonoring to the Lord.
20) The rest who have no hope refers to unbelievers (and, by application, negative believers) who do not possess any information and/or confidence in regard to their future demise, or the possibility of escaping their death sentence.
21) While the thought of an afterlife was not foreign to various religions, and it was a feature of some philosophers (e.g. Plato in Apology of Socrates; Ovid), it was not universally believed or accepted by the general populace.
22) A consideration of grave inscriptions (of a man once dead there is no resurrection Aeschylus; hopes are among the living, the dead are without hope Theocritus) reveals no true belief or confidence in an afterlife then, and the majority of mankind still has no true confidence in the doctrine or resurrection.
23) Because of this lack of confidence, people generally conduct themselves like idiots when confronted with death, their own or a loved one, but cp Phi 1:23.
24) The judgment of God for their rejection of His Plan is self-induced misery, loneliness, self-pity, and hopelessness; they fear the unknown for themselves and have no expectation of a reunion with a loved one.
25) Although some religions, then and now, offer some hope of an afterlife, their views are so strange, weird, and inconsistent as to not really offer any confidence.
26) Christianity is the only religion which has an eye-witness view of life and life after death, Jesus having conquered death and returning to life to prove it.
27) The hopelessness of the unbeliever is nowhere more evident than in the face of death.
28) Paul here does not forbid the sense of loss or grief which is acceptable before the Lord, he forbids the type of grief and hopelessness which characterizes those outside.
29) A sense of loss and appropriate grief are normal and expected parts of the death of a loved one. Gen 23:2; 2Sam 1:17-27; Job 1:20; Phi 2:27
30) Believers who possess and apply the doctrines related to physical death will not engage in such activity as:
a) keeping a believer alive at all costs.
b) excessive sorrow and despair.
c) failure to get on with life.
d) blaming God for taking them.
31) Those who do not apply this doctrine to the test of physical death will engage in the kind of grief that is a repudiation of BD and their spiritual heritage.
32) Paul bases his exhortation not to grieve in inappropriate or excessive ways on the Doctrine of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
33) The first clause in vs 14 is a First Class Condition, meaning that we do believe that Jesus died and rose again this is the irreducible truth of the gospel.
34) Paul uses the human name of Messiah to emphasize the fact that His humanity not only endured physical death, He conquered it.
35) It is incorrect to state that God or the Lord had died, since Deity is not subject to physical death, or any other category of death.
36) The explicit use of the word died stresses the reality of Christs death as something that is not to be softened by simple euphemism.
37) His death was violent and sure (Jn 19:31-34), as was His resurrection. (Jn 20)
38) Jesus is the first fruits of those who have died; that is, He is the first man to die and rise again with a resurrection body, which can never die again. 1Cor 15:20
39) The next believers to receive their resurrection bodies will be those of us who lived in the Church Age, at the Rapture. 1Cor 15:23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ's at His coming
40) The two verbs in vs 14 are both in the Active Voice, stressing the fact that Jesus was not acted on by some outside force in His death or resurrection. Jn 10:17-18
41) The force of Pauls argument here is that Jesus Christ has already achieved victory over death and the grave, a fact which guarantees the same victory for us.
42) He informs us that all who have died will be escorted back with Christ at the Rapture; the Future Indicative makes it clear that although this is a statement of our faith, we recognize the reality of its fulfillment.
43) While it is not stated directly, it should be clear that those who are asleep are obviously with the Lord when He departs Heaven and brings them back with Him. Phi 1:23
44) Those who are with Him in Heaven, who will also return with Him, are those who were taken from this planet by the Will and act of Jesus Christ.
45) The prepositional phrase translated fallen asleep in Jesus (as though it were e`n with the Locative) is actually dia, with the Genitive, and should be translated by or through, expressing the concept of intermediate agent.
46) A better translation would be those who were put to sleep by Jesus, which teaches that for all believers, the time and manner of death is controlled by Jesus Christ.
47) God controls your life span, and no believer can or will die in a way that God does not control, neither can they die before the appointed time.
48) Since we have these facts Jesus Christ controls life and death, He has conquered physical death, His resurrection guarantees our bodily resurrection, even death cannot separate us from our loved ones permanently it is inexcusable for any believer to engage in ungodly activity during one of the big tests of their life.
49) The temporal reward for the believer who believes and applies these doctrines is the possession of peace, joy, happiness, comfort, etc. during their dark hours.
The Next Major Fulfillment of Prophecy
4:15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, (exp con ga,r for + Ac N S dem pro ou-toj this + P A I 1p le,gw we say + D 2p pro su, to you + prep w/ I M S evn lo,goj by means of a word + G M S ku,rioj of the Lord) that we who are alive, and remain until the coming of the Lord, (exp con o[ti (content of the word of the Lord) that + N 1p pro evgw, we + P A P N M P w/d.a. o` za,w (GT = zw/ntej) the ones/who are living + P D P N M P w/d.a. o` perilei,pomai perileipomai (COMP TO BE LEFT/REMAIN AROUND) the ones/those who are remaining (NO KAI = APPOSITIONAL TO WE AND WHO ARE ALIVE) + prep w/ Ac F S w/d.a. eivj h` parousi,a parousia unto/until the arrival/presence/coming + G M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj of the Lord) shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. (double neg (a very emphatic negation) ouv mh, absolutely shall not + A A S 1p fqa,nw phthan (GT = fqa,swmen) precede + A P/D P Ac M P o` koima,omai the ones/those who have fallen asleep)
1) The near demonstrative pronoun this refers not to what has preceded, but to what follows in vss 15-17.
2) What Paul will tell these believers is that this information did not come from his own thinking, but was information that came directly from the Lord (a prophecy). cp Gal 1:12
3) We know that Jesus first taught His return to gather His people to Himself in Jn 14:1-3.
4) There can be little doubt that those who followed Him would have asked for more information on this matter had there been more time, but it was taught the night of His arrest.
5) In any case, further revelation was given to the Apostles concerning this event which they correctly understood and taught others.
6) This doctrine, as are some others (IHS, Positional Truth, etc.), is a part of the Mystery Doctrines, which were revealed to the writers of Scripture and are only taught and understood in the Church Age. cp 1Cor 15:51-54
7) This means that these doctrines are not found in the OT revelation, and any attempt to read them back into those dispensations would be erroneous eisegesis.
8) Mystery doctrines are not mysteries in the sense that they are not understandable, nor that they are difficult to understand, but that they are perceived and understood only by initiates.
9) Naturally, at the return of Christ it is not difficult to figure out that there will be two classes of believers living and dead.
10) Paul categorizes himself with those who are living:
a) some have surmised that he did this because he fully expected to be alive at the coming of Christ, or that it could happen at any time
b) a careful study of Pauls comments on this matter indicate that he expected to be dead at Christs coming 1Cor 6:14; 2Cor 4:14; 2Tim 4:6-8
c) Paul did not expect the Rapture in his day, since he knew that certain signs had to be in place that were not present in his time Lk 21:20; Jn 21:18; 1Tim 4:1
d) nevertheless, he instructed believers on the proper eschatology so they could recognize the signs if and when they should occur 1Th 5:1f
e) it is only natural for Paul to write about we and they and categorize himself with the living; since he was not dead yet, it would make little sense to say we who are dead
11) This group, the living, will constitute the exception at the Rapture, the (relatively) small number of believers still alive as opposed to the large number who have already died.
12) This statement has led to a false doctrine of imminency which many have embraced over the course of the Church Age, that any generation could be the Rapture Generation (RGen) and so believers should always be alert for the return of Christ.
13) The natural result of the false position of Imminency is a weakening of faith and alertness for those believers actually in the correct generation.
14) The fact is that believers should recognize that His return is a coming reality, but they should not be swept up into some fervor in regard to the Rapture that is not based on BD.
15) Before the return of Christ certain signs must be in place, including:
a) the Fig Tree Mt 24:32
(1) the sign Mt 24:3
(2) reestablished after two days Hos 5:15-6:3 cp 2Pet 3:8
b) false christs, wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes (which signal only the beginning) Mat 24:5-8
c) an unprecedented peace movement 1Th 5:3
d) the existence of major international political entities:
(1) USA, a descendent of Britain Dan 7:4; Rev 18
(2) Russia and allies Dan 7:5
(3) Israel/Jerusalem Eze 37:1-14, 38:14-15
(4) Far East confederation with massive army Dan 7:6; Rev 9:13-16
(5) RCC (final form of Mother/Son cult) Rev 17
(6) RRE Dan 7:23-26; Rev 13
e) potential for a world-wide monetary system Rev 13:15-17
f) political and religious apostasy 2Th 2:3f; 2Tim 3:1f, 4:3-4; Jd 4f; Rev 3:14f
g) in spite of the troubles which are presently falling on mankind, a total disregard and contempt for BD Mt 24:36-38, 42-43
16) If previous generations were exhorted to alertness and readiness, how much more the RGen?
17) Again, merely because one lives in the RGen does not guarantee them a place among the living at the Rapture, so each believer should recognize that their Ph2 could end at any time. cp Lk 12:16-21; Js 4:14
18) Using a double negative in the Greek (a strong negation or denial), Paul affirms that those who are alive at the coming of Christ will not have any better situation before the Lord than those who have died will.
19) It seems as though the gist of the Thessalonians concern was whether those who had died would be disadvantaged in some way at the Rapture; in fact, they will receive their Resurrection bodies slightly before those who are alive at His arrival.
20) The exact order and timing of events will be detailed in the verses that follow.
The Mystery Doctrine Explained
4:16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, (exp con o[ti for; because N M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj the Lord + N M 3s pro auvto,j Himself + F D I 3s katabai,nw katabain (GT = katabh,setai) will descend + prep w/ G M S avpo, ouvrano,j from heaven + prep w/ L N S evn ke,leusma keleusma with a shout of command) with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; (prep w/ I F S evn fwnh, phn by means of the voice + G M S avrca,ggeloj archaggelos of an archangel (the highest created being) + c.c. kai, and + prep w/ I F S evn sa,lpigx salpigx by means of a trumpet (and by metonymy the sound of the trumpet) + G M S qeo,j of God) and the dead in Christ shall rise first. (c.c. kai, and + N M P w/d.a. o` nekro,j nekros the dead ones + prep w/ L M S (sphere = Positional Truth) evn Cristo,j in Christ + F M I 3p avni,sthmi anistmi (GT = avnasth,sontai) will rise/be resurrected + ord adv prw/toj first)
4:17 Then we who are alive and remain (adv e;peita then; next + N 1p pro evgw, we + P A P N M P w/d.a. o` za,w the ones/who are living + P D P N M P w/d.a. o` perilei,pomai perileipomai the ones/those who are remaining) shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, (F P I 1p a`rpa,zw - harpadz (GT = a`rpaghso,meqa) will be caught up; will be snatched away/taken by force + adv a[ma together + prep w/ L M 3p pro su,n auvto,j with them + prep w/ L F P evn nefe,lh in clouds + prep w/ Ac F S eivj avpa,nthsij apantsis to/for a meeting + G M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj of the Lord + prep w/ Ac M S eivj avh,r ar unto/into air) and thus we shall always be with the Lord. (c.c. kai, and + adv ou[twj thus; in this way + F I 1p eivmi, we shall be + adv pa,ntote always; at all times; forever + prep w/ L M S su,n ku,rioj with the Lord)
1) The conjunction o[ti hoti, which begins this verse, continues the indirect discourse begun in vs 15, We say to youthat what follows here is equally the word of the Lord.
2) Vss 16-17 provide the exact sequence of events that will transpire at the time of the coming of Christ for His own.
3) In this section, he has used Jesus of the earthly, human figure that died and was raised; now he uses Lord to emphasize His Deity.
4) The Rapture represents the first stage of Christs coming to the planet, and is uniformly represented as a secret, clandestine return pictured by the thief motif. Lk 12:39; 1Th 5:2, 4; 2Pet 3:10; Rev 3:3, 16:5
5) His Second Advent will be a public return in which every eye will see Him, immediately following the Tribulation period. Mt 24:29f; Rev 1:7
6) The period separating these two events lasts exactly seven years and is the completion of the prophecy of Daniels 70th Week. Dan 9:26-27
7) Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father in the third Heaven, in the glorified hypostasis. Ps 110:1; Eph 1:20; Col 3:1; Heb 10:12
8) At the specified time, determined by the Father, He will arise from His throne and leave the third Heaven and return to this planet. Mk 13:32 But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
9) The Lord Himself, not an angel or delegated authority, the One who died and rose from the dead, will return to claim those who are His. Jn 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
10) The descent from the third Heaven will not be extended to any amount of time, as seen by the fact that the descent is accompanied by a shout and a trumpet blast, which does not take unlimited time to accomplish.
11) Just as He literally died and was literally raised from the dead, and literally ascended from this planet to the Throne-room, He will literally return. Jn 19:32-33, 20:9; Ac 1:3, 10-11
12) The first of two specific phenomena accompanying His return to the planet is a shout of command (ke,leusma keleusma), a military term used extra-Biblically of the cheer or shout soldiers used to encourage one another in battle, or the commands of a general to his troops.
a) exactly what is shouted is not stated, but we do know that at the sound of His voice, the dead in Christ will be raised Jn 5:25, 28-29
b) the pattern for this resurrection may well be seen in the raising of Lazarus from the dead Jn 11:43 And when He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
c) the shout is described by an appositional phrase that serves to indicate the intensity of the sound, and not to denote a second voice
d) we do know that angels possess great power and their vocal ability is seen in the book of Revelation when they make world-wide proclamations of truth Rev 5:2, 7:2, et al
e) the term archangel is used only twice in the NT, and is applied to Michael in Jude 9
f) however, it is reasonable to assume that there are others of the same rank from Dan 10:13 then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me
g) the reference to the voice of the archangel, then, refers to the angels of highest rank, power, etc, adding an even greater note of intensity to the sound they can produce
h) the fact that this sound will be loud is unquestioned, since it will be heard on a worldwide basis, and will even be heard by those who are dead.
13) The second sound associated with the Rapture will be a trumpet blast, which occurs just after the shout of command.
a) several trumpet blasts are mentioned in the Word of God, but there should be no confusion as to their timing or significance.
1) the trumpet related to the Rapture is referred to in 1Cor 15:52; 1Th 4:16; Rev 4:1-2
2) since 1Cor 15 refers to the last trumpet, some have attempted to connect it with the last trumpet in Rev 11:15, but this cannot be, since that trumpet is sounded at the time Christ takes possession of the planet
3) the trumpet of Mt 24:31 occurs after the events of the Trib and Second Advent, and deals with the gathering of Gods elect who have survived the Trib cp Mt 25:31f
14) The shout of command and the trumpet blast are fitting military themes used to assemble the Church triumphant and militant, since the next time we will be seen on earth will occur in connection with the military action of the 2nd Advent. Rev 19:11-16
15) The fact that these two sounds will be heard on a worldwide basis by believers in an intelligible sense does not mean that the cosmos will understand what is happening.
16) Biblical evidence indicates that they will hear something (perhaps akin to the sound of thunder?), while not being able to discern the exact nature of the sound again, unbelievers cannot understand the Word of God. Jn 12:28-30; Ac 9:3-7, 22:9
17) At the time of the descent, which will be comprised of a shout and a trumpet blast, the dead in Christ will rise first; this specifies that even though a CAge believer may die physically, they are still united with Christ spiritually.
18) The souls of CAge believers who have died will be brought back with Christ from heaven and reunited with their bodies, just prior to the transformation of those who are alive at the time of this event.
19) Immediately following this event, we who are alive and remain will be transformed, receiving a resurrection body without experiencing physical death 1Cor 15:52 indicates the time lapse will be practically nil.
20) Next, the entire group, those who have been resurrected from the dead and those of us who have been transformed, will be snatched away by the power of God into the air.
21) The word a`rpa,zw - harpadz denotes a sudden, irresistible and forcible seizure, one committed without having asked permission; the Latin verb rapturo is the word from which we get our English word Rapture. cp Jn 10:12 He who is a hireling, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, beholds the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees, and the wolf snatches them, and scatters them.
22) It is used in both a good and bad sense in the NT:
a) it is used of the ascension of Christ in Rev 12:5
b) it is used of the devil snatching away the Word from negative volition in Mt 13:19
23) From what we know about the CAge and the condition in which Christ finds the Church at His coming, both the good and bad aspects of the word may be observed.
24) In a good sense, those who are positive and applying at the end are delivered from the Wrath. 1Th 1:10; Rev 3:10
25) In a bad sense, the Church has apostatized so badly that Christ is literally breaking off the CAge due to negative volition and rejection of BD. Rom 11:13-23; 2Tim 4:3-4; Rev 3:14f
26) For those who are adjusted the deliverance will be spectacular, and for those who are not adjusted, they will participate, albeit without full benefits. 1Cor 3:12-15; 1Jn 2:28
27) The place of our gathering is defined as being in the clouds, so we will meet in the atmosphere of the first heaven.
28) This is quite clearly an invasion of Satans domain and the thief image is quite apropos, as Christ snatches away His own and delivers them permanently from the Devil. Eph 2:2
29) Clouds, regularly associated with the glory of the Lord, are mentioned in connection with:
a) His transfiguration Mk 9:7
b) His ascension Ac 4:17
c) the Rapture 1Th 4:17
d) the Second Advent Mk 14:62; Rev 1:7
30) The purpose of our being called into the air is to attend a meeting of the Lord, called the Bema, or Judgment, Seat of Christ.
31) This word for a meeting is also used of a wedding party meeting the bridegroom (celebration and festivity) in Mt 25:6; and the Roman church coming out to meet Paul (welcome, honor, and escort) in Ac 28:15.
32) This is the place at which our Ph2 works will be judged, our human good destroyed and our Divine Good rewarded right in Satans domain! Rom 14:10-12; 1Cor 3:12-15; 2Cor 5:10
33) From that point forward, the Church will be with Christ forever, never to be separated again (while not stated explicitly, the Church returns to Heaven, where she spends the seven years of the Wrath enjoying the presence of God and her new home).
34) The impact of this event on the unbelieving can hardly be calculated or imagined, and will be traumatic to those who consider what it might mean. cp Zech 12:10
35) Not only will millions of people disappear, but also the remains of those believers who had died previously (and the graves disturbed).
36) The true explanation for this will be given by those sent to bear witness to the Truth, since God will not leave Himself without a witness on the planet those who are negative and continue to reject the Truth will be judged with great delusion and will ultimately buy into the viewpoint of Antichrist. 2Th 2:11
Comfort Comes from Knowledge and Application
4:18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. (infer con w[ste hste therefore; for this reason + P A Ip 2p parakale,w parakale comfort/encourage + Ac M 2p reflex pro avllh,lwn allln one/each other + prep w/ I M P w/d.a. evn o` lo,goj ou-toj by means of these words)
1) The final verse of this chapter contains an appropriate exhortation based on the BD which has just been taught (w[ste hste.)
2) From time to time, believers will die and pass from the scene this is not a time for hysteria and ungodly activity, but a situation in which the believer can find comfort.
3) If the Doctrines of the Rapture and Resurrection of believers does not encourage a person, there is no encouragement for them.
4) Those who have died do not suffer any sort of loss, but will be united with those who live at the Rapture, and placed in a equally glorious position.
5) They currently wait in a state of bliss and comfort in the presence of the Lord. 2Cor 5:8 we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.
6) While we will have a normal and expected amount of sorrow and sadness at losing one who is quite dear to us, the loss will not overwhelm us there is comfort to be had.
7) The one who suffers such a loss will experience a certain amount of devastation, and should be comforted by fellow positive believers by the words of Bible Doctrine, including (but not limited to) this passage on their coming reunion.
8) Therefore, resorting to a permanent situation of human viewpoint (grief, drugs, support groups, etc.) does not glorify the Lord in this matter.
9) Certainly, prayer is in order for all parties, the one suffering loss and those around them.
10) If the words of BD do not comfort a believer, there is truly no comfort for them, and they manifest the fact that they are negative at that point (obviously, recovery is possible, but their rejection should be dealt with accordingly, and minimized as much as possible).