1Thessalonians Chapter 3
The Purpose for Sending Timothy
3:1 Therefore when we could endure it no longer, (infer ptcl dio, therefore + neg adv mhke,ti mketi when no longer + P A P N M P ste,gw steg we were enduring; we were bearing up against it ) we thought it best to be left behind at Athens alone; (A A I 1p euvdoke,w eudoke we thought good + A P If katalei,pw kataleip to be left behind + prep w/ L F P evn VAqh/nai in Athens + N M P mo,noj alone)
3:2 and we sent Timothy, (c.c. kai, and + A A I 1p pe,mpw pemp we sent/dispatched + Ac M S prop Timo,qeoj Timotheos Timothy) our brother and God's fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, (Ac M S w/d.a. o` avdelfo,j adelphos brother + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + c.c. kai, and + Ac M S sunergo,j sunergos fellow/co-worker + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God + prep w/L N S (sphere) w/d.a. evn to. euvagge,lion in the gospel + G M S w/d.a. o` Cristo,j of the Christ) to strengthen and encourage you as to your faith, (prep w/ Ac N S d.a. w/ A A If (purp) eivj to. sthri,zw stridzo to make stable; to strengthen + c.c. kai, and + A A If parakale,w parakale encourage (lit to call alongside i.e. BD) + Ac 2p pro su, you + prep w/ G F S w/d.a. u`pe,r h` pi,stij for the benefit of the faith + G 2p pro su, of you; your)
1) Chapter 3 continues the thought of 2:17-18, after the brief parenthetical comment of 2:19-20 (which was designed to emphasize the reason for Pauls sincere desire).
2) The word translated endure (ste,gw steg) was originally used of covering something to make it watertight, and thus came to mean bearing up under a weight, or holding up against pressure.
3) The same word is used in 1Cor 9:12, we endure all things, and 1Cor 13:7 love endures all things, indicating this was not some minor test Paul faced it was a tremendous soul pressure of which he bore the weight, until it became intolerable.
4) Notice the plural of the verbs, which are maintained until vs 5, when Paul switches to the 1st person singular the entire team was earnestly desiring to return, and determined this course of action when all other avenues were blocked.
5) Another possible purpose for the repeated 1st plural is gleaned from the frequent mention Paul makes of counterfeit letters and emissaries claiming apostolic authority as their source; Paul is here giving full recommendation to Timothy and Silas to speak for him (no small matter of trust and confidence). cp 2Th 2:2; 1Jn 2:19
6) The plural we probably refers to Paul and Silas, the senior members of the team; they were the authorities of the team and therefore had a difficult decision to make after some discussion, they determined to send Timothy back to Thessalonica.
7) While it is not recorded specifically in the Acts narrative, Silas and Timothy had rejoined Paul in Athens as they had been instructed. Ac 17:15 Now those who conducted Paul brought him as far as Athens; and receiving a command for Silas and Timothy to come to him as soon as possible, they departed.
8) From our epistle and the Acts narrative we can construct an accurate record of events:
a) Paul and Silas were evacuated from Thessalonica. Ac 17:10
b) Timothy then joined Paul and Silas in Berea. Ac 17:14
c) under pressure from the Jews, Paul was conducted out of Berea and moved on to Athens. Ac 17:13-14
d) Silas and Timothy remained behind in Berea, seeking to further establish the fledgling church. Ac 17:14
e) Paul sent a message to the two men to rejoin him in Athens. Ac 17:15
f) while waiting for the two in Athens, Paul made his speech before the Court of the Areopagus (the Hill of Ares). Ac 17:18-34
(1) under the constitution of Athens, this court originally tried cases of murder, but by the first century it had lost most of its power
(2) it mostly exercised a general censorship in matters of religion and education
(3) due to Pauls teaching regarding Jesus and the Resurrection, he was taken before the court
(4) he was examined in an informal sense, not placed on trial
g) Silas and Timothy then rejoined Paul in Athens, inferred from the fact they werent there before, and were present in our verses.
h) Paul and Silas sent Timothy back to Thessalonica. 1Th 3:2
i) Silas was sent back to Macedonia by Paul for reasons not mentioned (perhaps to Berea or Philippi), since they both rejoined Paul in Corinth. Ac 18:5
j) Timothy and Silas completed their missions and returned to Paul in Corinth (Silas returned first 3:6). Ac 18:5
k) Paul wrote the letter to the Thessalonians upon receiving the news from Timothy.
l) of interest is the accusation that Thessalonians was a forgery written from the account in Acts; the divergence in these details effectively negates that charge.
9) In view of the information Paul had concerning the persecution and problems which the Thessalonians were facing, he had tremendous soul pressure regarding their spiritual well-being (as would be expected and normal).
10) After some brief consideration by the team in Athens, it was concluded that Paul himself could not return, and the consensus was that the sending of Timothy was the best course of action available.
11) Their suspense regarding the state of their new converts became so heavy as to be insufferable, and they felt that they had to take some action.
12) The use of mo,noj alone, coupled with the Infinitive katalei,pw kataleip to be left behind gives us some insight into the spiritual pressure which Paul faced; it was a sacrifice he was loathe to make, but realized was necessary, and was therefore willing to suffer for their benefit.
13) He had to endure a great deal of loneliness, and this coupled with the soul pressure he faced on behalf of the Thessalonians made this a very difficult period in his ministry.
14) Principle: there is a very real pressure on the PT as he observes believers who may be spiritually wavering, not being certain as to their direction or momentum.
15) However, Pauls intense concern for the Thessalonians caused him to put his own best interests aside and do what was necessary for those under his authority something he did on a regular basis. cp 1Cor 9:12 If others share the right over you, do we not more? Nevertheless, we did not use this right, but we endure all things, that we may cause no hindrance to the gospel of Christ.
16) We know that the unbelieving Jews put pressure on them to renounce Christianity and come back to Judaism, and it would only be expected that well-meaning friends would try to persuade them to renounce their new faith and escape persecution.
17) Timothy is referred to by two designations:
a) our brother, which points out that these two men have the same Lord, and share the same spiritual brotherhood which is more real and powerful than the closest of earthly family ties.
b) Gods fellow worker is a bold statement that Timothy was actively and intimately involved in the Plan of God there is a sense in which the communicator is in a partnership with God, cooperating in the work to be done.
18) There is some textual question as to the reading here, whether the Greek text has Timothy as Gods fellow worker, our fellow worker, or Gods minister.
a) the chief question is whether diakonoj or sunergoj should be present, and whether tou/ qeou/ of the God is legitimate.
b) this reading is not without parallel 1Cor 3:9 For we are God's fellow workers; (qeou/ ga,r evsmen sunergoi, ; lit for of God we are fellow workers)
c) the more difficult reading is to be preferred here, understanding the phrase of the God to be an Objective Genitive, denoting the object of his work.
d) cp Rom 1:1-3, where Paul describes it as the gospel of God concerning His Son, since He is the embodiment of the good news about God.
19) The sphere of his work is called the gospel of Christ, stressing both the initial evangelism and establishing of a Local Church, along with G2, the doctrines which must be taught to believers in those churches.
20) Gods part in this gospel is certainly the greater, including every spiritual thing which is necessary to bring people from spiritual death to spiritual life, and move them from spiritual newborns toward maturity.
21) Mans part is to faithfully communicate the message of the gospel, Ph1 and Ph2.
22) These two designations certainly indicate the great esteem Paul had for Timothy, as well as the quality of the person sent to the Thessalonians. cp 1Tim 3:2-7
23) Thus far in this letter the message has been called:
a) our gospel 1:5
b) the gospel of God 2:2,8,9
c) the gospel of Christ
24) It is called the gospel of Christ because Christ is the subject of the message (an Objective Genitive, the word in the Genitive case limits the other words meaning).
25) A Greek construction employing the directional preposition eivj with an articular Infinitive, joined with a non-articular Infinitive immediately following, expresses the two-fold purpose for sending this valuable and important member of the team.
26) Paul and Silas sent Timothy to these people to strengthen and exhort them in regard to their faith in BD, which can only be done via face to face teaching.
27) Again we find the principle that a spectacular conversion to Christianity is not sufficient, it must be followed by intake and application of the Truth leading to maturity. Mt 13:20-21
28) As we will see in vs 3, Paul had warned the church beforehand that they would suffer these kinds of things, the question was (and still is), would the church bear up under the load, or collapse under the weight of temporary discomfort?
29) This section again serves to emphasize the absolute necessity of accurate teaching from a PT who is physically present with his congregation Paul did not simply dispatch Timothy with a letter, he sent this trusted communicator to determine the needs of the church and ground them in the Truth as his first priority.
30) From all that we have seen in this section, it should become clear and obvious that face to face communication is Pauls superior and desired form of teaching, and therefore it is the method mandated by Scripture. cp 2Jn 12 Having many things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, that your joy may be made full.
31) Believers must be taught the Word of God and constantly strengthened in the Doctrine, since spiritual decline is easy, quick, and deadly only a communicator who is present with his charge can know and deal with individual needs and growth.
32) The exhortation/instruction they received from the mouth of Timothy was designed to make their faith in God and His Word stronger. cp Eph 3:14-19
33) Application: No one can fight your fight for you; others may encourage you, but true comfort, peace, and victory (over circumstances and the STA) comes only from the intake and fulfillment of the Word of God the source of our testings is the same today as it was for the Thessalonians, as is the source of our survival.
34) The question arises as to why this concern was so intense for the faith of those whose life was an example to believers elsewhere in the Roman Empire.
35) When the decision to send Timothy back was made, the team was in Athens, and no such good news was yet known to Paul; not until he had arrived in Corinth did he receive the news about the church, partly from Timothy and partly from others. cp 1:9
A Sense of Destiny
3:3 so that no man may be disturbed by these afflictions; (Ac N S d.a. w/ P P If (purp) to. sai,nw sain in order that be disturbed/moved (lit to wag a dogs tail, hence shaken or agitated) + Ac M S card pro mhdei,j no man/one + prep w/ I F P w/d.a. evn h` qli/yij thlipsis by means of the tribulations/afflictions + I F P dem adj ou-toj houtos these) for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this. (exp con ga,r for; because + N M 2p pro auvto,j yourselves + Pf A I 2p oi=da oida you know from experience (cp vs 4) + c.c. o[ti that + prep w/ Ac N S dem adj eivj ou-toj unto this + P P I 1p kei/mai keimai we were destined/set/appointed)
3:4 For indeed when we were with you, (exp con ga,r for; because + c.c. (explicative) kai, indeed + temp ptcl o[te when + A I 1p eivmi, we were + prep w/ Ac 2p pro pro,j su, with (i.e. face to face) you) we kept telling you in advance that we were going to suffer affliction; (I A I 1p prole,gw proleg we were repeatedly telling in advance/ahead of time + D 2p pro su, you + c.c. o[ti that (a quote) + P A I 1p me,llw mell we are about; we are at the point of + P P If qli,bw thlib to be afflicted (lit to press down, as grapes)) and so it came to pass, as you know. (comp adv kaqw,j just as/so + c.c. kai, both (with second kai,) + A D I 3s gi,nomai it came about; it came to pass + c.c. kai, and + Pf A I 2p oi=da you know; you experienced)
1) Vs 2 contained the positive purpose for which Timothy had been sent back to Thessalonica; vs 3 opens with a continuation of the purpose clause, but now Paul moves to the negative purpose for the instruction.
2) The realization of this negative purpose clause is dependent on the realization of the first purpose clause if they will become effectively grounded in the Truth, they will be kept from spiritual danger (the Passive indicates this is something they must not allow to happen to them).
3) Timothy was sent to encourage/exhort/teach them, not necessarily to lessen their sufferings, but to strengthen them for the conflict they were facing and would continue to face if they were not sufficiently strong, the mounting storm would cause them to give up and reject their newfound faith.
4) These afflictions were real, powerful temptations and inducements for the believers of Thessalonica to throw in the towel, repudiate Paul and his teaching, and forget about further love, application, and service to Christ.
5) The word for disturbed (sai,nw sain) was originally used of the wagging of a dogs tail, and came to mean that which promoted such a reaction flattery (on the part of the dog as well as the individual approaching it).
6) This would lend support to the idea that not all the persecution came in the form of suffering, some came from non-Christians attempting to convince these believers that their suffering was obvious evidence that their faith was misplaced; the attack was an attempt to make them see reason.
7) So the ideas of outside influence and rapid, forceful motion are both in view just as a dog wags his tail when an outsider affects him, and just as the motion is repeated and pronounced, so the Christian is affected by those outside the Plan of God.
8) Consistent teaching and application of BD produces believers who are sound in the faith, which in turn produces a sound mind that is protected against instability due to the various pressures we all face day to day in the Angelic Conflict.
9) Instability, the up one day, down the next mentality is typical of spiritual children who are not committed to the Truth fence straddling leads a believer to be inconsistent and unstable, one minute articulating and applying the Truth, the next collapsing under the weight and pressure of the CWL. cp Eph 4:14-15
10) A dual meaning is present in the final phrase of vs 3:
a) believers in general are destined to endure sufferings in the course of the Angelic Conflict. Col 1:24
b) one of the PTs foremost responsibilities, one of the reasons he was placed where he was, is to strengthen his sheep so that they are not agitated. 2Tim 4:1-5
11) Paul reminds his readers in vs 4 of the previous instruction he had given to them when the team was personally present, using the Imperfect Tense to denote that during that period of time he was personally present, he consistently made it a point to forewarn these people of what would happen to them in the Angelic Conflict.
12) Again we find the principle that to teach a doctrine one time is not sufficient, it must be repeated as often as necessary and applicable. cp 1Cor 11:23, 15:1; 2Th 2:5, 3:10
13) This is the consistent testimony of Old and New Testaments cp Ps 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But the LORD delivers him out of them all.; Jn 15:20
14) If God has appointed a deliverance for the Church (the Rapture), it is equally clear that they are appointed to face pressures, persecutions, and afflictions in this life, a fact made abundantly clear wherever Paul taught. cp Ac 14:22
15) Endurance under such sufferings is not only proof of the reality of their positive volition, to the degree one suffers in their service to Christ, to that same degree (and beyond) one has the certain hope of sharing His Ph3 glory. cp Rom 8:17; 2Th 1:4-10
16) Although the initial testing and outbreak of persecution came upon Paul and the team, it was clear to him that the storm was building as soon as he was no longer present negative volition would turn their hostility toward these new believers.
17) Application: This is a very real pressure on the PT, since he knows that those who will take BD and exploit it are destined for a certain amount of persecution and suffering; on the job, at home, school, socially, from believers who claim to be (but are not) fully committed to the Plan of God, the religious establishment, etc.
18) Any committed communicator fears that the pressures and tests of life which come on believers may eventually cause them to disassociate themselves from the Truth, taking the easy (but false) way out of their problems.
19) Thus the reason for the imperatives for the PT to focus on the communication of the Word of God, strengthening the souls of positive volition through exhortation and truth. cp Ac 6:2-4, 20:26-28; 1Tim 1:3-4, 4:13; 2Tim 4:2; Tit 3:8; 1Pet 5:1-3
20) Just/exactly as Paul had warned them, so persecution came to pass, a fact of which they were keenly aware (oi=da could here be translated you have experienced).
21) The Indicative Mood of it came to pass shows the reality of the persecution, a fact which the Thessalonian believers could personally testify they had undergone.
22) While Paul had been charged with many crimes by his detractors, he was never charged with failing to warn his followers that they were going to suffer, possibly intensely, for the cause of Christ.
23) No doubt, some of these people were not overtly persecuting all these believers, as much as they were seeking to entice them away from the Plan of God with well-meaning advice.
24) Pre-doctrine relationships, (family, friends, relatives, etc.) are often the magnet which Satan uses to draw the Christians allegiance away from BD and the LCh.
25) Application: well-meaning but self-deceived acquaintances can do just as much damage as an overtly hostile attack beware and be prepared for this test.
Satan May Reduce Our Efforts to Nothing
3:5 For this reason, (prep w/ Ac N S dem pro dia, ou-toj for this reason; on account of this) when I could endure it no longer, (temporal adv mhke,ti mketi no longer + P A P N M S (circ ptc) ste,gw steg enduring) I also sent to find out about your faith, (c.c. w/ N 1s pro contr kavgw, and I; I also + A A I 1s pe,mpw pemp I sent/dispatched + prep w/ Ac N S d.a. w/ A A If (purp) eivj to. ginw,skw in order to know/ascertain + Ac F S w/d.a. h` pi,stij pistis the faith+ G 2p pro su, of you; your) for fear that the tempter might have tempted you, (neg ptcl mh, not; lest + indef adv pw,j ps somehow; in some way + P A P N M S (subs) w/d.a. o` peira,zw peiradz the Tempter + A A I 3s peira,zw tempted/tested (to put something under trial, to test for genuineness) + Ac 2p pro su, you) and our labor should be in vain. (c.c. kai, and + N M S w/d.a. o` ko,poj kopos the labor/hardship (lit a beating, refers to physical troubles and effort) + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our A D S 3s gi,nomai might have become + prep w/ Ac N S eivj keno,j unto vanity; to naught; nothing)
Corrected translation: For this reason I also, when no longer enduring, I myself sent in order to determine your faith, lest in some way the Tempter tempted you, and our labor might have come to naught.
1) Although the other two men were concerned with the believers in Thessalonica, this verse makes it explicit that Paul was chiefly responsible for sending Timothy back.
2) A Pastor-Teacher has a loyalty, concern, dedication, and commitment to his congregation that is compared to:
a) a shepherd Jn 21:15-17
b) a mother 2:7
c) a father 2:11
d) the father of a bride 2Cor 11:2
e) the head of a household 1Tim 3:5
3) This concern and devotion surpasses a simple fondness or affection, it in inherently established within and due to his proper function as the spiritual leader.
4) Although he must maintain a certain measure of aloof objectivity, he cannot disengage himself from true spiritual devotion and attachment. 2Cor 11:29 Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern?
5) There is no doubt that Paul was intensely fond of these believers, but that is not the primary reason he dispatched Timothy back to check on them.
6) The first phrase in vs 5 for this reason is explained by the last half of the verse Pauls very real concern was that Satan had gotten to these believers, and had pressured them so much that they repudiated the Truth they had been taught. cp 2Tim 4:10 for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.
7) This very real pressure (which is experienced by all adjusted PTs when any of their charges come under pressure in the A/C) finally reached the point that he had to take some action.
8) He was keenly aware that we are all fallible, and that Satan can put so much pressure on believers as to entice them to peel off and repudiate the Truth, becoming spiritual casualties.
9) Although someone who is ultimately positive will survive these attacks, and anyone who is ultimately negative will leave the Truth of their own volition, it is not legitimate for the PT to dismiss the care for his sheep, concern for their well-being, or exhorting, encouraging, and imploring them to stay with the Truth. cp 2:11
10) While he prays for their spiritual growth and stability, he can take nothing for granted, due to the nefarious nature of the enemy and the weaknesses of the flesh.
11) The sending of Timothy was not only to strengthen and encourage the Thessalonians, but also to provide Paul with information as to their current status; the PT today must keep abreast of those given to his charge aloof does not mean unapproachable.
12) The only solution is to monitor their response to the BD and keep appraised of their level of spiritual success if they are doing well, it is a source of comfort and encouragement; if they are not, he can pray for them and their weakness and provide the appropriate exhortation from the pulpit.
13) This is not a violation of privacy, but a function of the shepherd who is responsible for the sheep whom God has entrusted to him any good shepherd knows it is when sheep are under attack that they are most susceptible to making foolish decisions which can injure or even destroy them spiritually.
14) Since believers often react to various pressures and tests in their lives by leading with the STA and not applying BD, Paul wanted to ascertain the doctrinal status of these believers, whom he knew to be under attack.
15) A Substantive Participle is used as a title, to identify Satan by his characteristic activity. cp 1Cor 7:5 Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again lest Satan tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
16) It is of interest that the only other time this title is used, also a Substantival Participle, it is used of Satan and his attempt to tempt Jesus into denying Gods Will as it goes with our Lord, so it goes with us. Mt 4:3 And the tempter came and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.
17) This verb (peira,zw peiradz) can mean to test or prove the worth of something (Rev 2:2 you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false), but when used of Satan it is used in the bad sense of a solicitation to evil. Mt 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
18) The use of the Aorist Indicative indicates that Paul took for granted that the temptation was real and an accomplished fact persecution is a very effective tool Satan has used throughout history to neutralize believers. cp Mk 4:16-17 (the words in a similar way indicate that Satan is as successful in his attempts to neutralize certain believers as he is in removing the Word from those who are negative)
19) Satan often uses negative types to pressure the believer to give up this separatist nonsense and rejoin those in the cosmos Paul recognizes that Satan is equally at work behind the overt persecution of the hostile Jews as he is behind the nice, sweet types who suggest that they not pursue BD in such an intense fashion.
20) Application: some attacks may come from believers, even within your own family or circle of friends, as they suggest that you spend too much time/effort/money applying, going to Bible Class, that you exclude others with a valid but different viewpoint, or dont spend enough time on vacation or social activities.
a) when this happens, recognize that these well-meaning believers are speaking and acting for Satan when they suggest that you not do what the Word of God has directed you to do. cp Mt 16:22-25
b) believers are to encourage one another to applications of love and Divine Good Production, not discourage them from applying. Heb 10:24-25
21) If Satan had been able to attack these believers, from whatever source, to the point that they would repudiate Paul and his teaching, all the hard work and pressure he had endured would become empty and useless, in terms of their eternal benefit.
22) The Thessalonians would not lose their salvation, and Paul & Co. would not lose their reward, but if these people succumbed to the pressure and the LCh collapsed, their labor would be without lasting result in their lives.
23) Principle: there is a constant burden on the communicator as he wonders whether his hard work will prove fruitless in the life of any believer, and should anyone fall away from the truth of the Straight and Narrow, that burden is doubled.
24) A checklist for avoiding the wiles of the Tempter would include:
a) what is my real attitude toward Bible Doctrine?
b) do I truly desire to know what the next verse says, and to see how it applies to me personally?
c) am I regular in Bible Class?
d) do I regularly pray for wisdom?
e) am I concentrating on the Will of God for my life?
f) am I pursuing Gods purposes as opposed to mans?
g) am I eager for Bible Doctrine?
h) do I apply Bible Doctrine after learning it?
25) Also recognize that just because the temptation has come your way and you have successfully passed the test, it does not follow that that temptation will not come your way again, under different circumstances, details, or another source; constantly be on your guard against this dangerous and very real distraction.
The Pastors Life-blood
3:6 But now that Timothy has come to us from you, (advers de, but + adv a;rti arti just now; at this time (denotes time only just passed) + G M S prop noun Timo,qeoj Timotheos Timothy + A A P G M S e;rcomai erchomai having come + prep w/ Ac 1p pro pro,j evgw, to us + prep w/ G 2p pro avpo, su, from you) and has brought us good news of your faith and love, (c.c. kai, and + A M P G M S euvaggeli,zw euangelidz having brought/proclaimed good news + D 1p pro evgw, to us + Ac F S w/d.a. h` pi,stij the faith + c.c. kai, and + Ac F S w/d.a. h` avga,ph the love + G 2p pro su, of you; your) and that you always think kindly of us, (c.c. kai, and + decl con o[ti that + P A I 2p e;cw you have + Ac F S adj & noun avgaqh, mnei,a agath mneia a good/pleasant memory/remembrance + G 1p pro evgw, of us + adv pa,ntote pantote always) longing to see us just as we also long to see you, (P A P N M P evpipoqe,w epipothe longing; intensely desiring + A A If ei=don eidon to see + Ac 1p pro evgw, us + comp adv kaqa,per kathaper just as + c.c. (adj) kai, also + N 1p pro evgw, we {supply long to see} + Ac 2p pro su, you)
3:7 for this reason, brethren, in all our distress and affliction we were comforted about you through your faith; (prep w/ Ac N S dem pro dia, ou-toj for this reason; on account of this + V M P avdelfo,j adelphos brothers + prep w/ L F S evpi, pa/j upon/in all + L F S w/d.a. h` avna,gkh anank the distress (lit need or necessity) + c.c. kai, and + L F S qli/yij thlipsis affliction/tribulation + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + A P I 1p parakale,w parakale we were encouraged/comforted + prep w/ L 2p pro evpi, su, upon/about you + prep w/ G F S w/d.a. dia, h` pi,stij through/by means of the faith + G 2p pro su, of you; your)
3:8 for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord. (exp con o[ti because/for + adv nu/n now; at present + P A I 1p za,w dza we live + cond ptcl eva,n if (an unusual construction, this particle usually occurs with the Subjunctive here it stresses the ongoing nature of the verb) + N 2p pro su, you yourselves + P A I 2p sth,kw stk you continue to stand firm/persevere + prep w/ L M S evn ku,rioj in the Lord)
1) Paul makes reference here to the time lapse between the decision to send Timothy and his return and report the adverb now (a;rti arti) indicates that very little time had elapsed between his return and the composition of this letter.
2) This adverb also expresses a change in the mood and tone of the epistle from one of concern for the Thessalonians to one of happiness and exhilaration based on the news their affectionate longing to see Paul was proof they had not written him off as a religious con-man or fraud.
3) This is the arrival mentioned in Ac 18:5, Silas having arrived shortly before Timothy, early in the summer of 51 AD (May-July).
4) The word Paul uses to describe the news Timothy brought is the same verb used to proclaim the gospel although obviously they are not equal in effect, both were considered a reason for rejoicing, celebration, and liberation.
5) The message he carried dealt with two general subjects, each of which is comprised of two specific bits of information:
a) the spiritual health of the church the Thessalonians continued in their pursuit of Bible Doctrine as well as the application thereof (faith and love).
b) their attitude towards the teacher the LCh there continued to respect their teachers as well as pray to see and fellowship with them again.
6) Principle: One of the first signs of trouble in your spiritual life is personal problems and antagonism toward your Pastor this is a part of Satans strategy to destroy you. cp Gal 4:16 Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?
7) The report of their spiritual health focused specifically on two items: their faith and their love; faith towards God, and love towards God, the team, and one another. cp 2Th 1:3 (these 2 epistles contain 4 of the 8 Pauline commands to love one another)
8) Their faith refers to their active belief and acceptance of the Truth of the gospel (Ph1 and Ph2), even under the adverse circumstances they were encountering.
9) These believers did not allow any of the things they were enduring to dissuade them from the fact that they were embracing the Truth they continued to trust the Word of Truth which the team had brought and taught them.
10) Their belief in the Truth is manifested by their active application of the Doctrine, called love.
11) When these two terms occur together, faith generally comes first, since true love proceeds from true faith. cp Gal 5:6; Eph 1:15; 2Th 1:3; 1Tim 2:15
12) The second part of Timothys report which encouraged the team was the personal attitude which the Thessalonians had toward the missionaries they still manifested the warm acceptance initially shown, in spite of the forced separation, slanderous propaganda, and cosmic attacks.
13) Principle: All communicators face the very real pressure that the warm affection toward their charge might not be reciprocated an eager acceptance of the message should be followed by a warm and positive relationship with the messenger.
14) Although these believers could have adopted the attitude that they had experienced nothing but problems and persecution since they had begun to listen to Paul, they recognized the fact that life is inevitably more complicated for the believer who desires to truly excel in the A/C.
15) This is a definite temptation to which any believer can succumb; blaming the communicator for the pressures related to the Straight and Narrow.
16) The fact that these believers longed to see the team indicated their fond affection toward them, and the first phrase in vs 7 refers back to the report of Timothy and sums up the various parts of that report.
17) A similar encouragement is expressed in 2Cor 7:3-7, as Paul writes that church in response to the good news brought to him by Titus concerning the spiritual turn-around of the Corinthians after a period of corporate STA rejection of Paul.
18) The message brought by Timothy was a source of comfort and encouragement to Paul, during a very stressful period in his life we find the principle that God sends encouragement to positive believers under testing. cp 2Cor 7:6
19) There is no way that these believers could know or understand the types and severity of the pressure Paul faced after his forced departure from them:
a) he was similarly escorted out of Berea Ac 17:13-14
b) he received little encouragement in Athens, the response to the gospel being minimal at best Ac 17:16-34
c) his arrival in Corinth was characterized as a period of weakness, fear and trembling 1Cor 2:3
d) his relationship with the church in Corinth was evidently rocky from its inception 1Cor 3:1-2
e) factor in the other physical and spiritual pressures he faced on a daily basis and we see a man who functioned under a great deal of pressure 2Cor 11:23-28
20) The second use of the preposition evpi epi indicates that even though their sufferings continued, the team was able to surmount those pressures based on the reaction to BD by the Thessalonians.
21) The phrase our distress and affliction is of special note:
a) it falls under the guidelines of Granville Sharp rule, hyphenating the concepts.
b) the word translated distress (avna,gkh anank) has the idea of enforced or compelling obligation. cp Phlm 14
c) the sufferings of Paul in regard to the Thessalonians was part of their destiny. vs 3
d) there was no escape from these sufferings, yet in the midst of them God provided comfort and encouragement.
e) it could better be translated our necessitated tribulations, since it was inevitable that Paul would experience these sufferings on behalf of his congregation
f) his desire to visit them, concern for their spiritual well-being, and the pressure he endured for them was part and parcel of the relationship.
22) Not only did Paul have to face the Living Grace test, as do all communicators (food, clothing, lodging, etc.), the spiritual pressure placed on him by the Word of God and his personal love for the Lord was just as real. 2Cor 11:28 Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure upon me of concern for all the churches.
23) Paul subtly and tactfully lets these believers know that he is enduring the same kind of pressure they endured the bond between RP/RC is forged, in part, due to the fact that they have a common history of testing.
24) The comfort Paul received came from the Lord, but hearing of the Thessalonians adherence to the Truth was the catalyst this is the force of through your faith.
25) God used the faith and application of the Thessalonians to bring comfort to Paul, which comfort was provided as long as Paul remained in FHS and was willing to receive it from the Holy Spirit.
26) Paul expressed the normal emotional reactions any communicator experiences: when his charges went astray, he was indignant (Gal); when they wavered he was distressed and concerned (Cor); if they adhered to and applied BD, he was overjoyed (Thess).
27) The force of vs 8 is that these believers are standing firm at the present, but there is a need to continue to be steadfast in the future.
28) The phrase now we live has the idea of enjoying life, to be invigorated with daily existence it is the Thessalonians continued application that gives Paul cause for constant rejoicing. cp 1:2-3
29) Paul consistently stressed the necessity of being and remaining steadfast to the faith. 1Cor 16:13; Gal 5:1; Phi 4:1; 2Th 2:15
30) To stand firm is to hold to the Truth you are taught and continue to excel in application, even in the face of the various forces which are designed to dislodge you.
31) Resistance to these forces, that would separate one from RP/RC, is a source of comfort and encouragement for the PT as with Paul, the life of the PT is inextricably entwined with the lives of RC.
32) They are the source of his +H and comfort when they do well, and they are a source of his lupe/sorrow and pressure when they misapply or fail altogether.
33) Seeing believers apply the BD they are taught is the method God uses to encourage the PT in the face of his daily labors and pressures.
34) Application: adherence to the teaching provides incentive for the PT as he labors in the study and in his prayers for the flock; failure to apply (or misapplications) cause grief and work to his spiritual detriment.
The Ongoing Emphasis of the PT
3:9 For what thanks can we render to God for you (exp con ga,r for + Ac F S indef pro ti,j what + Ac F S euvcaristi,a eucharistia gratitude; thankfulness + P D I 1p du,namai dunamai can we; are we able + A A If avntapodi,dwmi antapodidmi to give back; to render/return + D M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j to the God + prep w/ G 2p pro peri, su, concerning you) in return for all the joy with which we rejoice before our God on your account, (prep w/ D F S evpi, pa/j upon/because of all + D F S w/d.a. h` cara, the joy + D F S rel pro o[j with which + P A I 1p cai,rw chair we rejoice + prep w/ G M S w/d.a. e;mprosqen o` qeo,j before the God + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + prep w/ Ac 2p pro dia, su, on your account; because of you)
3:10 as we night and day keep praying most earnestly (G F S w/ c.c. nu,x kai, h`me,ra nux kai hmera night and day + adv u`perekperissou/ - huperekperissou most earnestly; immeasurably more than (triple compound; lit above from concerning a thing i.e. the highest possible comparison) + P D P N M P de,omai deomai keep asking urgently) that we may see your face, (prep w/ Ac N S d.a. w/ A A If (purp) eivj to. ei=don eidon in order to see + Ac N S w/d.a. to. pro,swpon prospon the face + G 2p pro su, of you; your) and may complete what is lacking in your faith? (c.c. kai, and + A A If katarti,zw katartidz to prepare/make ready/complete + Ac N P w/d.a. to. u`ste,rhma husterma the poverty/lack + G F S w/d.a. h` pi,stij of the faith + G 2p pro su, of you; your)
1) Vs 9 introduces a rhetorical question which focuses on the great joy which Paul has experienced since the return of Timothy with his glowing report of the faith and love of the Thessalonians.
2) The question expresses a feeling of inadequacy in regard to returning the appropriate thanksgiving to God for the joy which has come to them.
3) During the period of separation and anxiety, Paul struggled for this congregation in his prayers now that he knows God has answered those prayers, thanksgivings are naturally in order.
4) For each and every petition which is made and answer received, thanksgiving ought to be a normal and natural part of the life of the believer.
5) Beyond that, any blessing which comes to us in the course of our life ought to cause us to express gratitude toward God (and other people when appropriate).
6) Failure to stop and acknowledge blessing brought harsh words from the Lord during the Incarnation. Lk 17:11-18
7) A person who cannot immediately compile a list of items for which they can thank God (effusively, at that) manifests a spiritual dullness, either caused by a lack of teaching or a lack of consideration.
8) Thanksgiving is commanded repeatedly throughout the Word of God (Ps 95:2, 100:4, 147:7; Col 3:15), due to:
a) Who God is, His Essence 1Ch 16:34, 41; Ps 7:17 I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness, And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.
b) What God does, His actions 1Ch 16:8; Ps 9:1; Rev 11:17 We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who are and who were, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign.
c) His provision:
(1) physical provision (Living Grace) Mt 6:25-34
(2) spiritual provision (SAJG, His Word, Positional Union in Christ, LCh, PT, MAJG, SG3, etc) Ps 138:2 I will bow down toward Your holy temple And give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth
9) Prayer is an absolute essential in the CWL Jesus consistently engaged in it and He was perfect (and He is the pattern for our Ph2); we are to be devoted to prayer, with a specific time, a specific list, correct content, committing all our plans to God, as well as alert to blessings and thankful.
10) While some may have regarded the spiritual health of the Thessalonians as a triumph for Paul, to him their steadfastness was a triumph for the grace of God he does not thank them for their pursuit of BD, but encourages them by thanking God for them.
11) That the Thessalonians were consistently the focus of Pauls prayers and efforts should be more than obvious by the use of the personal pronouns you and your, no less than 10x in vss 6-10.
12) The deep anxiety which he had carried in his heart in regard to this group is now replaced with an equivalent level of joy; in fact it is the various experiences of sorrow, suffering, anxiety, loss, etc. which provide the spiritual capacity for the opposite experiences of joy, deliverance, peace, blessing, etc.
13) Principle: the believer who attempts to shield themselves from the sufferings of Christ will never fully experience the full fruit of the Spirit. cp Heb 12:11 All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.
14) Each believer has a share of suffering, deprivation, lack, etc. which will fall on him in the course of a properly completed Christian Life. Col 1:24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body (which is the church) in filling up that which is lacking in Christ's afflictions.
15) There has to be some reality of personal sacrifice on behalf of the body of Christ, the Church, in order to begin to be occupied with Christ just to think about Jesus and Rebound once in a while is not the end of the CWL.
16) From the prayer of thanksgiving, Paul moves rather naturally to the continued petitions which he regularly offered up for these believers the term night and day indicates that, while he offered prayers at his regular appointed time of prayer (1:2), he also prayed for them at other times as well.
17) Night was a time that could have been devoted to much needed sleep, but for Paul it was a time of heightened concern (cp Ps 63:6 When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches); and day is also a time of prayer (cp Ps 5:3 In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. )
18) The PT can hardly limit his prayers to his appointed time, since often there are times during the day and night in which issues must be brought before the Lord the Ministry is not a 10, 20, or 40 hour a week job (anymore than parenting is a part-time occupation). cp 2:9-12
19) The phrase keep praying most earnestly is a superlative of the highest degree it expresses the fact that their prayer life was quite intense, there was nothing half-hearted or lacking in their regard.
20) The verb for praying is de,omai deomai, for a request based on an urgent or pressing need, and dealt with the need of getting face-to-face with the Thessalonians.
21) Two specific requests Paul made regularly to God on behalf of these believers were:
a) to see their faces, allowing them once again to share the fellowship which so encouraged both parties.
b) to complete the spiritual lack, or poverty, of their converts.
22) Paul makes it quite plain here that in spite of his personal attachment to this particular church, he was not blind or short-sighted in regard to their needs (objectivity demands as much).
23) Principle: There is no LCh that has enough Bible Doctrine to rest or avoid continued learning there is always another doctrinal principle to learn and apply, and any person or congregation that is tired of learning will never survive.
24) This prayer was offered on a regular and consistent basis, and with much emotional fervor; it was several years, however, before God brought them together again. Ac 20
25) The fact that he desired to complete what was lacking in their faith indicated that the Thessalonians needed much more in the way of doctrinal teaching (not surprising given the short time they had been in the faith).
26) The term katartidz was originally used of mending holes in fishing nets, and came to be used of restoring, completing, or perfecting something. cp Gal 6:1 Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.
27) While this LCh was strong in the BD they had received, had a good rapport with their communicator, and was applying well, they lacked many things in terms of doctrinal applications a fact which would be graphically demonstrated less than six months from the time of this letter. 2Th 2:1-5
28) What is lacking is actually a plural noun, and refers to the various doctrines to which they had not yet been exposed; Paul had taught them enough to begin the church and sustain it, but they were not sufficiently equipped to excel at the Bema.
29) While the visit of Timothy was no doubt an encouragement to the Thessalonians and provided some teaching and exhortation, he had informed Paul of their problems as well an extended visit would go a long way to solidifying these believers in their spiritual growth.
30) Faith here is that which is believed, objective faith, the realm of BD it is not as if the faith they possessed was defective, but it needed completing and rounding out, some of which instruction is seen in the following chapters and the second epistle.
31) Nothing substitutes for face-to-face teaching under a PT whose desire and goal is to teach the entire realm of BD to each believer. cp Col 1:28 And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ.
32) Principle: the model church is not a church which is lacking in problems, nor is it a church without spiritual deficiencies; it is a church where positive believers, loyal to BD and their PT, are committed to spiritual advance and excellence, who do not consider themselves above certain doctrines or as having arrived.
The Content of the Prayers
3:11 Now may our God and Father Himself and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you; (c.c. de, now + N M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j the God + c.c. kai, and + N M S path,r patr Father (Granville Sharp) + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + N M 3s pro auvto,j Himself + c.c. kai, and + N M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj the Lord + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + N M S VIhsou/j Jesus + A A Op 3s kateuqu,nw kateuthun may He guide/direct (when followed by o`do,j = to remove the hindrances that prevent one coming to another) + Ac F S w/d.a. h` o`do,j the path/way + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + prep w/Ac 2p pro pro,j su, to you)
3:12 and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, (c.c. de, and + Ac 2p pro su, you (emphatic position) + N M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj the Lord + A A Op 3s pleona,zw pleonadz may He increase you; may He make you have more than enough + c.c. kai, and + A A Op 3s perisseu,w perisseu may He make abound/have excess + L F S w/d.a. (sphere) h` avga,ph in the love + prep w/ Ac M 2p pro eivj avllh,lwn allln unto/for one another) and for all men, just as we also do for you; (c.c. kai, and + prep w/Ac M P adj eivj pa/j unto all men/people + adv kaqa,per kathaper just/exactly as + N 1p pro evgw, we + c.c. kai, also + prep w/Ac 2p pro eivj su, do unto you)
3:13 so that He may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness (prep w/Ac N S d.a. w/ A A If (res) eivj to. sthri,zw stridz with the result of fixing firmly; to the end of establishing + G 2p pro su, of you; your + Ac F P w/d.a. h` kardi,a kardia the hearts + Ac F P adj a;memptoj amemptos blameless; without guilt + prep w/ L F S evn a`giwsu,nh hagisun in holiness/moral purity) before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints. (prep w/G M S w/d.a. e;mprosqen o` qeo,j before/in front of the God + c.c. kai, and + G M S path,r Father + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + prep w/ L F S evn h` parousi,a parousia in/at the coming/arrival/presence + G M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj the Lord + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + G M S VIhsou/j Jesus + prep w/ G M P meta, pa/j along with all + G M P w/d.a. o` a[gioj hagios the saints + G 3s pro auvtou/ of Him; His)
1) The section is closed by this prayer which is offered up by Paul, in order that he may deal with the situation he has just finished discussing.
2) Following on the heels of the information that they prayed for these believers regularly, this prayer not only expresses the desire of Paul for the situation, but also gives us insight as to what he specifically prayed.
3) It continues the themes of vs 10, their desire to visit the Thessalonians and their desire to provide instruction which they so obviously lacked.
4) Verse 11 has several unusual constructions and aspects:
a) the 3rd person personal pronoun Himself stands in the emphatic position, and is the subject of the verb may direct
b) instead of addressing God in the 2nd person, Paul uses the 3rd person in the form of a wish, using the Optative Mood (the Optative was falling out of use in the Greek by NT times) cp 5:23; 2Th 3:5 for other examples of this type of prayer
c) while the description of God as our God-Father is familiar with Paul (1:3, 3:13), here he closely couples God the Father with Jesus our Lord; he deliberately associates a plural subject (Father and Jesus) with a singular pronoun and verb
d) based on 2Th 2:16-17, where the plural subjects are reversed (Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father) and are again used with singular verbs (comfort and strengthen), it is to be concluded here that the emphatic Himself and the singular verb have the common subject our God-Father and Jesus our Lord
e) this construction makes the Father and Son equal partners in clearing the things that hinder Pauls return
f) cp 1Tim 1:1 & Jud 25, wherein God the Father is called our Savior and Tit 2:13 & 2Pet 1:1, which calls Jesus our God and Savior
5) Paul assumes the Deity of Jesus this is clearly implied in the supreme position which ascribes equality to the Father and the Son.
6) Jesus constantly and consistently asserted His Deity and equality with the Father during the Incarnation. Jn 1:1, 5:17-18, 8:42, 10:30-33, 14:7, 17:3
7) To theologically ascribe Him any lower position is to follow the spirit of antichrist. 1Jn 2:22, 4:3; 2Jn 7
8) Pauls prayer next moved to the spiritual growth of these believers (and by application all positive volition), with the word you placed emphatically first in the Greek sentence stressing the contrast between himself and them; whatever the outcome of his own personal prayer request, he wants it clear that this is his desire for them continued growth and application.
9) Application: part of the motivation for a sheep in their daily testing is the example of the PT as he labors for them in prayer, study, and communication.
10) The one who causes this growth is the Lord, a title which in its present context (cp 3:11, 13) and in view of 2Th 3:5-16 (Lord Jesus Christ) must refer to Jesus.
11) This is a tacit expression of the fact that the Thessalonians further growth was not contingent on the return of Paul, rather upon the working of God in their lives.
12) The 2nd Person of the Godhead accomplishes this in the lives of the positive through God the Holy Spirit, Who indwells, fills, and leads them. cp Rom 5:5; Tit 3:6
13) The IHS was given to believers of the Church Age so that they might learn to love God and one another (cp Jn 14:15-26, 15:10-17, 17:11-26); since the commandment to love one another is linked to the teaching of Jesus, it is appropriate that the Lord should be the One who causes them to increase and abound in love.
14) We can also cp Phil 1:9 for Pauls desire to see his converts abounding in love which verse teaches that the key to this is the continued function of GAP, resulting in discernment (how exactly we are to relate to people). And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment
15) This rules out emotionalism and subjective evaluations (I love/apply to them because they are as good as me; I dont love/apply to them because they are not as good as me), and instead demands objective dealings with others, based on the Lords love for you and yours for Him.
16) The one who claims to love God or other believers, and is not applying the necessary imperatives toward God and other believers, is deluded and willfully ignorant. 1Jn 3:14-24, 4:11-12, 20-21
17) They were already showing love towards one another (4:9), but the transitive use of the verb cause to abound means that they will, over time and continued intake/ application, surpass their current level.
18) Principle: the manifestation of ones level of Positive Volition is the degree to which they are more than ready to make any, all, and whatever applications toward other believers who demonstrate Positive Volition.
19) This level of application should also be apparent in your overt actions and speech, and even your thought patterns, toward those outside the assembly and the Church applications of love cover the gamut of situations.
20) Paul then refers to his own example to them of his abounding love for them under difficult circumstances a declaration not uncommon in his letters. cp 1:6; 2Th 3:7-9; 1Cor 4:21; 2Cor 11:11, 12:15; 2Tim 1:2
21) The ultimate goal of Pauls prayer-wish is that they will stand adjusted at the Bema Seat and receive their crowns. cp 2Cor 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
22) Again, it is the Lord who brings this to fruition in the lives of positive believers; He provides the BD and the opportunities to apply it, with the result that over time Christian character is developed. cp Phil 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
23) The idea is that of a steady growth in Christian faith and love, with the result that BD becomes the normal and usual manifestation in the life of the believer the final result of such a Ph2 transformation is the believer appearing before Christ and found unblamable/blameless; there is nothing to condemn them, since they have completed their course.
24) In Ph1 sanctification we do nothing, in Ph3 sanctification we do nothing, but our Ph2 sanctification depends on our cooperation with the grace of God, which is working within us, by contributing our DGP. cp Phil 2:12-13; Tit 3:8
25) It does not demand reaching a level of sinless perfection (whatever level one may think sufficient), but is comparable to someone who, in spite of personal failures, attains success and recognition among his peers in his chosen field.
26) Paul next associates Holiness, a quality of God Himself, with an adjusted Christian walk at its heart is doctrinal and moral righteousness, as opposed to anything false and sinful. cp 2Cor 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
27) This word (a`giwsu,nh hagisun) refers not to the process of becoming holy, but to the state of being holy the word is used of objects and persons which are set aside from ordinary/common use for the service of God. cp Rom 1:4 who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord
28) Those who qualify as blameless at the Judgment Seat are those who attained to a high level of doctrinal and moral holiness as a result of the maturity adjustment in Ph2.
29) This occurs in connection with the coming of our Lord, at the end of the present dispensation, when He returns and calls the Church to Himself via Resurrection. Jn 14:1-4
30) The words with all His saints means that all Church Age believers will be there, but not all will be unblamable in holiness.
31) Believers who think that they are adjusted to God based merely on the Bible Doctrine they think they know, and lack the appropriate applications are, in fact, maladjusted and will be disappointed (to say the least) at the Judgment Seat. cp 1Jn 2:28 And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming.
32) Those who are consistently engaged in the correct approach to the CWL will possess internal confidence which others will not have someone may act confident, and may convince others they are solidly grounded, but deep in their heart they will know they are sadly lacking in some areas.
33) The adjusting believer does not rationalize these areas away, but honestly and squarely faces them with the realities of BD and attempts to deal with and overcome their weaknesses on a consistent and increasing basis.
34) As we continue to do this, confidence is developed over the years that we are orienting to the Will of God, and have nothing to fear or hide (in spite of our weaknesses and failures, we know that we are striving to be adjusted that is what gives us confidence).
End 1Thessalonians
Chapter Three
Hope Bible Church