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Chapter 2


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1Thessalonians Chapter 2

The Success of the Missionary Team

Auvtoi. ga.r oi;date( avdelfoi,( th.n ei;sodon h`mw/n th.n pro.j u`ma/j o[ti ouv kenh. ge,gonen(

2:1 For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain, (exp con ga,r for; because + N M 2p pro auvto,j yourselves + Pf A I 2p oi=da you know from experience + V M P avdelfo,j adelphos brethren + Ac F S w/d.a. h` ei;sodoj the coming/entrance + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + Ac F S d.a. h` the one + prep w/ Ac 2p pro pro,j su, to you + dec con o[ti that + N F S keno,j kenos vain/worthless/futile + neg ptcl w/ Pf A I 3s ouv gi,nomai ginomai did not become (Pf = and still is not))

avlla. propaqo,ntej kai. u`brisqe,ntej( kaqw.j oi;date( evn Fili,ppoij evparrhsiasa,meqa evn tw/| qew/| h`mw/n lalh/sai pro.j u`ma/j to. euvagge,lion tou/ qeou/ evn pollw/| avgw/niÅ

2:2 but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, (str adv avlla, but/rather/on the contrary + A A P N M P propa,scw propasch having suffered before + c.c. kai, and + A P P N M P u`bri,zw hubridz having been mistreated/insulted + prep w/ L M P evn Fi,lippoi in Philippi) as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition. (comp con kaqw.j just as; exactly as + Pf A I 2p oi=da you know + A D I 1p parrhsia,zomai parrsiadzomai we had boldness/took courage (Ing Aor) + prep w/ I M S w/d.a. evn o` qeo,j by means of the God + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + A A If lale,w lale to speak/communicate + prep w/ Ac 2p pro pro,j su, to you + Ac N S w/d.a. to. euvagge,lion euangelion the gospel/good news + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God + prep w/ L M S adj & noun evn polu,j avgw,n polus agn in/amid much conflict/opposition (used of athletic competitions cp Heb 12:1))

1) Taking up the thought mentioned in 1:5, Paul expands upon it a defense of his ministry, motives and methods.
2) His response to the accusations gives students today true insight into his inner life, as well as that of the God-fearing Pastor Teacher.
3) As Chapter One deals primarily with the response of the Thessalonian believers to the teaching of Paul, Chapter Two deals primarily with those who brought the teaching, their mental, overt, and verbal actions.
4) This detailed rehearsal of the facts is best understood in light of Timothys report from Thessalonica, which brought news of the sorts of attacks these believers were facing, and that Paul now was led to vindicate his work and character.
5) This self-revelation was not necessitated by doubt on the part of the Thessalonians, he was answering the insidious attacks being made by outside scandalmongers who hated him (and, ultimately, his message).
6) Those opposing Paul were attempting to undermine his message by casting aspersion on his character he offers a masterful defense, refuting the enemy accusations by simply letting the record speak for itself. cp Gal 4:15-16
7) While he had been in Thessalonica they had twisted his message to obtain a charge of treason (Ac 17:7), and they continued to resort to similar underhanded tactics, embarking on a smear campaign against the team.
8) The Roman Empire was filled with traveling philosophers and sages of all kinds, each propagating a new cult or creed (and seeking a profit). cp Ac 17:21 Now all the Athenians used to spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new.
9) Impostors and religious charlatans abounded, lining their pockets with the money of those who were gullible and susceptible to such deception.
10) Paul and his team are being accused of offering a free salvation as a pretext for obtaining glory and honor, as well as financial gain the Thessalonians stand accused of being religious dupes, suckered by these smooth talking con-men.
11) Pauls goal here is to review the facts, facts which those in the local church could readily remember, in order to strengthen the faith of those who might succumb to this attack.
12) It may appear that Paul is on some sort of personal vindication/ego trip, or that his pride has been wounded, but the cause of the gospel is the basis for his lengthy refutation of the attacks. cp 2Cor 10-11
13) Application: the PT can, under appropriate circumstances, defend his ministry, conduct, teaching, Doctrinal emphases, and integrity against accusations (implied or explicit) from his antagonists.
14) If his opponents successfully undermined Paul in the minds of the Thessalonians, they could easily undermine their confidence in his message; they would effectively halt the expansion of the gospel.
15) His righteous indignation, coupled with concern for these believers, caused him to review the facts of the recent past, so that the readers could judge for themselves whether he was just another charlatan or was indeed proclaiming the Truth.
16) Vs 1 makes it plain that there was no reason for these people not to be able to reflect on what had recently transpired among them.
17) By consistently addressing them as brothers, Paul reminds them of their relationship in the RFG they have the same Father, and normal siblings treat one another appropriately.
18) The reception is described by a single negative assertion (1b), then positively in vs 2 (this is a typical Pauline formula, to remove the negative arguments, then state the reality).
19) Paul is stating that their efforts and initial success did not lose ground and collapse, based on the use of gi,nomai ginomai, to become something different than one was.
20) It must be remembered that Paul & Co entered a pagan city in which there were no believers, and when they left 5 mos. later there was a thriving congregation weathering intense persecution.
21) An unsuccessful visit would have been a visit in which they were not confident and bold in regard to the articulation of the gospel, nor in the subsequent communication of BD, or a rejection of either Ph1 or Ph2 Truth by those to whom they ministered.
22) The entrance unto you covers the entire time the team was there, not just the initial reception Ph2 response is equally important.
23) This is the fundamental reason Paul asserts as to why their entrance into Thessalonica became successful the bold confidence of these men was obvious to all, even (and especially) after the suffering and mistreatment in Philippi. cp Ac 16:19-24
24) Even though their wounds were still fresh (and their pain was most likely obvious), these heralds of the Truth were boldly speaking the same message that had caused them such pain only days before.
25) Application: speaking the Truth of BD may cause some discomfort or persecution, but do not let it prevent you from always answering with Gods Word and viewpoint. cp Ac 4:18-20
26) The previous suffering refers to the beating inflicted on them by the Roman authorities, and placed in stocks in prison.
27) Roman stocks were not the same as those of Colonial America, the prisoner was forced to sit on a hard floor, with their feet tied to two poles, spread far enough apart to prevent any comfortable position.
28) The shameful mistreatment/insult refers to being humiliated as they were arrested on false charges, stripped and beaten publicly, thrown into the dungeon and fastened to stocks (as if they were dangerous criminals), and all without benefit of a trial.
29) Also remember that these two men were Roman citizens, and all this activity was illegal (he could have had the authorities imprisoned or executed). cp Ac 16:37-39
30) These are the beginnings of Pauls defense of their character if he were solely interested in personal gain, why would he suffer such abuse, then continue to proclaim the message that caused it? cp 1Cor 15:32 If from human motives I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, what does it profit me? If the dead are not raised, LET US EAT AND DRINK, FOR TOMORROW WE DIE.
31) The confidence that enabled them to move to another potential hot-spot and begin to teach the Truth was not from themselves, but resulted from confidence in God.
32) In spite of all they had recently suffered, they did not succumb to the pressure, but continued to walk in faith and the knowledge that their God was the God.
33) This same God who enabled and empowered Pauls team was also the God and Father of the Thessalonians, and could therefore provide them the same inner strength and perseverance under testing.
34) The gospel/good news which originates from God is that man, who is in a state of alienation, may come into a perfect relationship with Him, and this without requirement of human merit, achievement, or ability.
35) Beyond this, man is offered the eternal wealth which God will freely bestow on those who love Him can one truly imagine better news?
36) This message was proclaimed in Thessalonica amidst antagonistic foes who, due to their negative volition, were openly hostile to His Plan and those who espoused it.
37) The athletic term avgw,n agn is used of a struggle against an opponent who is determined to overcome you, and prevent you from overcoming them.
38) This involved tense exertion and strenuous, persistent effort against the opponent an appropriate metaphor for the Christian life, since it includes both outward opposition and the inward war against the flesh.
39) The Thessalonians were keenly aware of his continued faithfulness to the message under this type of duress, and could therefore be confident that he was not motivated by anything but the Truth to teach them about Gods Plan.

Pleasing God Rather Than Man

h` ga.r para,klhsij h`mw/n ouvk evk pla,nhj ouvde. evx avkaqarsi,aj ouvde. evn do,lw|(

2:3 For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit; (exp con ga,r for; because + N F S w/d.a. h` para,klhsij paraklsis the exhortation; the encouragement (lit a calling alongside) + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + neg ptcl ouv (with ouvde. = neithernor) is neither (a Hebraism ellipsis) + prep w/ Ab F S evk pla,nh plan out from (source) error/delusion/deception + neg ptcl ouvde, nor + prep w/ Ab F S evk avkaqarsi,a akatharsia out from uncleanness/impurity + neg ptcl ouvde, nor + prep w/ L M S (sphere) evn do,loj dolos in deceit/trickery (lit a bait for fish))
avlla. kaqw.j dedokima,smeqa u`po. tou/ qeou/ pisteuqh/nai to. euvagge,lion( ou[twj lalou/men( ouvc w`j avnqrw,poij avre,skontej avlla. qew/| tw/| dokima,zonti ta.j kardi,aj h`mw/nÅ

2:4 but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, (str adv avlla, but; rather; on the contrary + comp adv kaqw,j just as; exactly as + Pf P I 1p dokima,zw dokimadz we have been approved (in active, to test or examine) + prep w/ Ab M S w/d.a. u`po, o` qeo,j by means of the God + A P If pisteu,w pisteu to be entrusted (in active, to believe or trust) + Ac N S w/d.a. to. euvagge,lion euangelion the good news; the gospel) so we speak, not as pleasing men but God, who examines our hearts. (adv of ref ou[twj thus; so; in this manner + P A I 1p lale,w lale we continually speak/communicate + neg ptcl ouv not + comp adv w`j as/like + P A P N M P avre,skw aresk pleasing/accommodating + D M P a;nqrwpoj to men + str adv avlla, but; rather + D M S qeo,j to God + P A P D M S w/d.a. o` dokima,zw the one/he who is examining/evaluating (Present = ongoing action) + Ac F P w/d.a. h` kardi,a kardia the hearts + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our)

1) The apostolic apologia (defense) continues through vs 11:
a) their recent past and arrival in Thessalonica vss 1-2
b) their Mental Attitude motivations vss 3-4
c) their verbal activity vss 5-6
d) their overt activity vss 7-11
2) The substance of Pauls teaching among them is referred to as exhortation, an appeal to the hearers to conform to the message of G1 and G2. cp 4:1
3) Theirs was not merely some sterile presentation of the facts of the gospel and the necessity of the CWL, but contained an earnest appeal for the hearers to comply. cp Gal 4:12 I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done (sic) me no wrong
4) This is not to be confused with resorting to inappropriate tactics or obsequious man-pleasing, just to gain a hearing.
5) Principle: the adjusted PT must not only present information which is designed to help his students grow, he must seek to use legitimate powers of persuasion to encourage his students to apply it.
6) Some English translations incorrectly supply a past tense was, but that would limit the scope of the verse to the Thessalonian ministry at no time did Pauls exhortation proceed from anything but pure motives.
7) This reassurance is beyond the personal experience of the Thessalonians, so he does not ask them to confirm it, as he has before (as you know).
8) Paul states that his earnest appeal to his listeners is not characterized by the three items which are listed in v 3.
a) the first two items stress the internal MA of the communicator
b) the last item stresses the method and manner
9) First, he categorically repudiates any contention that his teaching is the product of delusion or deception on his part, which would result in some faulty content he was propagating. cp Gal 1:11-12
10) As author John W. Bailey remarks, It is very revealing of the character of the time (cp Rom 1:18-32, 6:19 slaves of impurity), and of the defaming charges made against them, that the writers felt it necessary to insert such a disclaimer as is here recorded. another reason we who are adjusted must reinforce that same truth today.

11) He frequently asserted that he was in possession of the Truth and that he was clear on that point. cp Ac 26:25 But Paul said, I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I utter words of sober truth. cp 1Jn 4:6
12) Paul is not misled regarding the facts or truth, and he is not guilty of misleading anyone else. cp Ac 20:26-27
13) The second item, impurity, generally conveys the concept of impropriety, unclean activity, or sexual impurity. cp Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them.
14) This denies the charges that he had deceptive or untrustworthy motives, they were seeking any illicit gain or profit, or their professed motives were disingenuous.
15) The first word refutes any attacks against his mental attitude, the second refutes attacks against his morality and honor.
16) The third word (do,loj dolos), emphasizes that he did not resort to deceit, guile, or trickery in order to gain a hearing or following.
17) Application: an adjusted and honest PT presents himself and his message as clearly as possible in the courtship period of seeking a Local Church it is then incumbent upon him to continue in that manner.
18) Unlike most, who will go to any length or method to gain and maintain a following, Paul refused to use any sort of dishonest methods in order to ingratiate himself with his listeners. cp 2Cor 2:17 For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.
19) Under the concept of pleasing men he gives the reason he did not do so, nor even have a desire to do so God Himself had placed him in this position in His Plan, entrusting these men with His message and the mission of proclaiming it to others.
20) God had scrutinized these men in the past and found them to be adequate for the work of the ministry, but beyond that they still stand in a state of approval (indicated by the Perfect Indicative of dokima,zw dokimadz).
21) To be approved by Him as He tests our thoughts and motives should be the goal of every believer, but the PT stands even more culpable to that standard to do less than God demands is to mislead Gods children. Js 3:1 Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.
22) If this were still not sufficient, he states at the end of vs 4 that God is consistently monitoring the inner motivations of those he has appointed to the ministry.
23) This is a continually operative process for those in the ministry, and is Gods method of quality control if a PT gets out of line, misleads the sheep, or teaches his own program over Gods Word, God is free to remove him (however He chooses to do so!). cp Rev 1:20 & 2:5
24) Any idea some may have that the adjusted communicator obtains his entrance into the ministry in some untoward way, through deceit or false pretensions, or that he maintains his position through his own devices is erroneous and (ultimately) blasphemous. cp Ac 20:28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers
25) We must remember that God, and God alone, establishes and maintains the properly functioning PT, and He has entrusted him with His message it is not a self-chosen occupation, nor does one keep it by his own devices.
26) This is the most significant reason that they could not have been speaking from unworthy motives God, the ultimate Judge, would not have allowed them to mislead His sincere followers (disingenuous followers are left to their own devices).
27) Gods most crucial message for mankind is one which must be accurately and faithfully communicated to each individual no one trusts the most important facet of their plan or life to one less than acceptable to them.
28) Paul was crystal clear on the fact that he had been chosen by God and entrusted the Message, and that he took his commission quite seriously.
29) His intention (and success) was the proclamation of that message without deviation and without concern for a conceivable negative outcome.
30) Principle: the communicator cannot base his message on the potential response (i.e. sell the gospel), but must present it accurately and without alteration if someone desires the Truth, they will accept it; if they are antagonistic or disinterested nothing will change their mind.
31) He never compromised the message in order to make it more palatable, acceptable, or comfortable for those who heard it. cp Gal 1:10
32) Since he is approved by God, he does not have to concern himself with making himself or his message acceptable to humans.
33) While there is a legitimate sense in which all believers are to please others (Rom 15:1-3; 1Cor 10:33), Paul here is alluding to making adjustments in his message and methods which would please other men, but displease God.
34) He could gain a larger group if he would tone down some of the demands of the gospel (Ph1 or Ph2), thus bringing more men to like him (approbation lust), support him (monetary lust), and follow him (power lust) this he consistently refused to do.
35) Using the Present Tense of speak (lale,w lale), he states that they continued to articulate the same message in Corinth that they had presented to the Thessalonians.
36) In spite of their treatment in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens, the team had not changed one aspect of the teaching.
37) It is clear that Pauls motives, his methods, and he himself were under attack, but this did not dissuade him from the ultimate truth that he had been called by God, and that it was his duty to please his Master by strict communication of the Truth.
38) Paul was aware (as are we) that God constantly monitors the motivations of the communicator He is not impressed, as men are, with the external impression made by men, but is exclusively concerned with the inner motives which dictate mens actions. cp 2Cor 5:11-12
39) The examination of the heart refers to the function of Omniscience, by which God is always possessed of accurate information regarding the most deeply held beliefs of each person.
40) The heart is located within the soul, and is where the strongest standards are held, the deeply held beliefs which each person possesses but which are truly only known by that person and, of course, God. cp 1Cor 2:11; Rev 2:23
41) God, who deals with man as a morally culpable being, will not allow improper motives to flourish if they are misleading those who desire His Will and Truth as long as the communicator furnishes the Truth to the level desired by his listeners God will bless his efforts, but He will overrule anyone who seeks his own agenda.
42) The PT must do battle with his own STA, but its influences will not be allowed to so influence his life that the message is adulterated or altered to support his selfish ambitions or attitudes.
43) While it is true that there were religious fakes and charlatans which abounded during this time, Paul is invoking God as a witness of the internal MA motivation and purity of these men in regard to the ministry.
44) These men recognized that they were answerable to God for their character, motives, conduct, and content; as he would tell the Corinthians in 2Cor 2:17, 4:2
45) Although some conclude that hypocrisy is active in every ministry (since that is all they have observed in their lifetime), this cynicism refuses to believe that there are those who function out of a commitment to God, and take the truth as seriously as He does.
The Adjusted Communicator as Opposed to the Norm

ou;te ga,r pote evn lo,gw| kolakei,aj evgenh,qhmen( kaqw.j oi;date( ou;te evn profa,sei pleonexi,aj( qeo.j ma,rtuj(

2:5 For we never came with flattering speech, as you know, (exp con ga,r for; because + neg ptcl & indef adv ou;te pote, never (lit neither at any time previous) + A D I 1p gi,nomai we came (i.e. into your presence) + prep w/ L M S (acc) evn lo,goj with a word/speech + G F S kolakei,a kalakeia of flattery/ exaggerated praise (from kolax a fawner; a yes-man) + comp adv kaqw,j just/ exactly as + Pf A I 2p oi=da you know) nor with a pretext for greed God is witness (neg ptcl ou;te nor + prep w/ L F S evn pro,fasij prophasis with a pretext/cover-up (lit to appear before) + G F S pleonexi,a pleonexia greed/covetousness + N M S qeo,j God + N M S ma,rtuj martus a witness)

ou;te zhtou/ntej evx avnqrw,pwn do,xan ou;te avfV u`mw/n ou;te avpV a;llwn(

2:6 nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, (neg ptcl ou;te nor + P A P N M P zhte,w dzte are we seeking (temporal not currently, either) + Ac F S do,xa doxa glory/honor + prep w/ Ab M P (source) evk a;nqrwpoj from men + neg ptcl ou;te neither + prep w/ Ab 2p pro avpo, su, from you + neg ptcl ou;te nor + prep w/ Ab M P pro avpo, a;lloj from others) even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority. (P D P N M P du,namai dunamai being able; having power + prep w/ I N S evn ba,roj baros with weight/honor/authority (the Hebrew word for honor is dbK which literally means weight) + P A If eivmi, to be + comp adv w`j as + N M P avpo,stoloj apostolos apostles + G M S Cristo,j of Christ)

1) From the internal, hidden motivations (which are not hidden before God), Paul now moves to the overt fashion in which they had conducted themselves in Thessalonica.
2) Vss 5-6 deal primarily with the verbal manner in which these men conducted themselves among this group.
3) The recitation of these facts, which the Thessalonians already knew (just as you know), is to refute the charges being leveled against Paul and Co., accusations with which the new converts had to deal on a regular and ongoing basis.
4) The first charge he denies is that of resorting to flattery in order to gain or maintain an audience, seeking his own profit and well-being; it does not mean that their flattery was never detected, but that it never even occurred.
5) Flattery is the act of attempting to gratify or please a person through the use of favorable comments directed toward the ego or vanity comments which have no basis in fact or reality, but are designed to charm someone and achieve influence.
6) The adjusted communicator avoids this approach of pseudo-praise at all costs legitimate praise where praise is due is certainly warranted, but fawning congratulations for the sheep serve no valid purpose.
7) The adjusted believer does not want or need praise and acclaim to apply what they are taught, and should be wary of those who offer it. cp 2Tim 4:3-4
8) The use of gi,nomai ginomai denotes that this was not the way they initially approached the Thessalonians, nor did they ever resort to this approach at any time afterwards (including the time of writing).
9) The second charge is linked to the first, in that the team was accused of conducting themselves verbally in a fashion which did not truly reflect their internal motivations.
10) Supposedly, their real motive was the pursuit of money, and they had put forth a false front or fake form of conduct in order to achieve their real aim.
11) This is exemplified among many at the Local Church level, as well as among denominational hierarchies, televangelists, and Christian celebrities.
12) The NIV (nor did we put on a mask (pro,fasij prophasis) to cover up greed) communicates the fact that those who resort to such tactics realize it is wrong, but resort to deception in order to achieve their own selfish ends.
13) Greed refers to the charge that these men were merely in the ministry to line their own pockets at the expense of their followers (common enough, then and now).
14) There is a legitimate sense in which God will provide for the believer, and conversely the possession of various details or luxuries is not indicative of a spiritual problem. cp Mt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.
15) Materialism lust (the inordinate desire to always have more) is rampant in our society; some people cannot be satisfied with humble circumstances and have no ability to do without, but cp Phi 4:12.
16) Certainly, greed evidences a lack of grace orientation and a lack of contentment in the life of the believer, since we are to seek the things above, not what we may or may not possess. Heb 13:5
17) Greed, which is listed among the vices of the STA and is tantamount to worshipping another god (Col 3:5), is a characteristic of those who teach false doctrine. 2Pet 2:2-3
18) Principle: False teachers consistently impute to others the sins of which they themselves are guilty, since according to their guilty consciences everyone does it.
19) Paul not only appeals to the personal knowledge of the Thessalonians, he also calls upon the Omniscience of God as to their internal motivations in regard to the ministry. vs 4b, 5b
20) It was so important to Paul that he be cleared of these charges before them that he called upon God, the ultimate Judge, to prove or disprove his claims by overt testimony (if Paul were stricken by Him, it would be overt evidence he was lying). cp Rom 1:9; 2Cor 1:23; Gal 1:20; Phi 1:8
21) Although he regularly taught that those who faithfully engage in the proper ministry of the Word of God are to make their living from that ministry (cp 1Cor 9:3-14; Phi 4:10f; 2Tim 2:6), he categorically denies that he ever used the message of the gospel as a means to profit himself financially. 2Cor 2:17
22) A third charge leveled at the team was approbation lust seeking praise and glory from their new converts easily done by those who have such a tendency, when leading converts (who have placed their trust in the messenger) into revering the man instead of the message.
23) Principle: The spiritual leader is not to be admired or praised or put on a pedestal (thus the term Reverend is non-biblical), he is placed with a flock to teach and instruct them the CWL that in and of itself should commend him.
24) Personal glory, honor, or vindication is not the purpose of the ministry, and those who want to feel good about themselves or hear how wonderful they are should find another line of work.
25) Too often, those who desire such approbation from men pervert the pulpit in order to achieve their goal, rather than humble and submit themselves to the Truth.
26) Paul does not deny that he received glory or honor from men, nor does he say that he was not entitled to it, only that it was neither his motivation nor did he seek it from his listeners.
27) Although the Greek text and some English translations place the last phrase of vs 6 with vs 7, the participial clause (being able/having power as apostles) is grammatically subordinate to the preceding assertion we are not seeking glory, and should therefore be included in this verse (verse divisions are not inspired, having been introduced in 1551 AD).
28) The plural of apostles includes Silas and Timothy, not in its most restricted sense all these men had been sent by the Lord on a mission, and as such carried His authority with them. cp Gal 1:19 But I did not see any other of the apostles except James, the Lord's brother.
29) In the Graeco-Roman world, official importance was demonstrated by the stipend given to the messenger, and the amount or degree of financial support represented the esteem in which the bearer was held.
30) The team could have legitimately arrived bearing the news of the gospel and exercised their authority in the matter of financial support, but they voluntarily sacrificed their own interests for those of the new converts (this was Pauls standard operating procedure cp Ac 18:1-5).
31) Notice that Paul neither rebuked nor refused the financial assistance from the Philippian church he received while in Thessalonica, in fact he congratulated them for that application. Phi 4:14-17
32) He regularly and consistently taught that the spiritual teacher has the right to remuneration in a physical/financial sense, since he is not free to pursue a career as other believers are. 1Cor 9:3-14
33) So while the financial support of the PT is the foremost responsibility of the Local Church, it is the last priority of the PT in his position as the shepherd.
34) The ministry is the work of bringing the Word of God to unbelievers (G1) and believers (G2), and this is to be done without reference to personal comfort, security, praise, monetary reward, etc.
35) It is to be done out of love for God and fellow positive believers, and a recognition of the sacred trust committed to each communicator by God. Jn 21:15-17; 1Cor 3:5-9; 1Pet 5:1-4
36) Personal ambition has no place in the ministry, but is certainly reflected by those pastors who reject RP/RC and are constantly looking to move on to a larger and better (i.e. richer/bigger/more prominent) church.
37) The adjusted PT recognizes that the relationship between him and his congregation is likened to:
a) a marriage he has no business looking for another woman (whether to replace the first or in addition to her). 1Tim 3:2
b) a family he is not supposed or allowed to look for other children to raise. 1Cor 4:15; 1Th 2:7 (including taking another fathers children)
c) a shepherd he is not allowed to abandon his flock for another. 1Pet 5:1-4 (notice that flock is a singular!)
38) If he is to complete his course as God would have him do, he is to stay with those allotted to him by God, whatever the cost, sacrifice, tests, or circumstances (certainly he is not to make plans to leave in the future, either).
39) This approach of Paul, refusing financial support or payment in exchange for the communication of the gospel, proved to be the right one he can now remind them that he did not charge them for their salvation in spite of the accusations leveled against him.
40) Principle: a properly functioning Local Church can draw on the experience and past behavior of their PT for support against the attacks of those on the outside, and such experience will show who is commendable and who acts against their best interests.
Appropriate Behavior of the Communicator

duna,menoi evn ba,rei ei=nai w`j Cristou/ avpo,stoloiÅ avlla. evgenh,qhmen nh,pioi evn me,sw| u`mw/n( w`j eva.n trofo.j qa,lph| ta. e`auth/j te,kna(

2:7 But we proved to be gentle among you, (str adv avlla, but/rather/on the contrary + A D I 1p gi,nomai we became + N M P h`pioj pios (textual variant) gentle/ mild + prep w/ L N S adj evn me,soj mesos in the midst/among + G 2p pro su, of you) as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children. (comp adv w`j as; along the same lines as + ptcl conting eva,n any + N F S trofo,j trophos a nurse; a breastfeeding mother + P A S 3s qa,lpw thalp might/would cherish/care for intimately (lit to impart warmth to) + Ac N P w/d.a. to. te,knon teknon the child + G F 3s reflex pro e`autou of herself; her own)

1) By using the strong adversative, Paul now outlines the manner in which the team did conduct themselves while among the Thessalonians.
2) Far from being authoritarian, demanding and harsh, criticizing and haranguing their charge, they adopted the attitude of a caring, patient, and tolerant parent.
3) A textual question as to whether the word h`pioj pios gentle or nh,pioj npios babes/infants is in the original text:
a) the form of gi,nomai ginomai immediately preceding this word has a final Greek letter nu ( n ) on the end, and it is likely that a later scribe inadvertently added it to this noun.
b) Paul never refers to himself or other teachers as an infant, and uses the term as an undesirable characteristic. cp Rom 2:20; 1Cor 3:1; Gal 4:3; Eph 4:14
c) he does teach that a PT is to be gentle with his flock. 2Tim 2:24 And the Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged
d) the preceding and following context supports the idea of gentle as opposed to child-like.
4) He is stating that they did not become a burden on the Thessalonians, but remained in the position of care-givers, supplying all the necessary spiritual nourishment, without asking anything in return.
5) Using the analogy of a nursing mother with her own infant children, he expresses the attitude of the group toward their spiritual dependants.
6) They gently and tenderly worked with these people, providing for all their students needs even at their own expense, presenting the gospel and basic doctrines as teachers surrounded by willing students.
7) While the teacher must speak and act with authority, maintaining a certain measure of distance, there is a very real sense in which the adjusted teacher longs to warmly and affectionately provide comfort as well as instruction to those entrusted to his care.
8) Rather than adopt a stern and demanding approach, the natural affection between the shepherd and the sheep is the most desirable of relationships even when misapplications or failures become an issue, there is no place to lambaste new (or consistent) learners.
9) The reason Paul and his team were able to become gentle is a tribute to the positive volition and application of the Thessalonian converts.
10) The figure of a nursing mother teaches the following:
a) close relationship
b) selflessness
c) loving concern
d) constant concern and devotion
e) personal involvement, as opposed to a nanny or nursemaid who does her job and then leaves (or a teacher who presents information and then leaves the group on their own)
11) Just as no normal mother feeds and provides for the welfare of her infant child with a view towards her own selfish benefit, no normal communicator of BD approaches the ministry with the mind-set of what can I get out of these people.
12) Their attitude (and the only correct one) is clearly set forth in vs 8.

The PTs Affection and Its Result

ou[twj o`meiro,menoi u`mw/n euvdokou/men metadou/nai u`mi/n ouv mo,non to. euvagge,lion tou/ qeou/ avlla. kai. ta.j e`autw/n yuca,j( dio,ti avgaphtoi. h`mi/n evgenh,qhteÅ

2:8 Having thus a fond affection for you, (adv ou[twj houts thus; so (intensifies preceding info) + P D P N M P o`mei,romai homeiromai (1x) having a strong affection for; loving very much + G 2p pro su, you) we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God (A A I 1p euvdoke,w eudoke we were well-pleased (compound have a good opinion/thinking) + A A If metadi,dwmi metadidmi to impart; to share + D 2p pro su, to/with you + neg ptcl w/ adv ouv mo,noj not only + Ac N S w/d.a. to. euvagge,lion the gospel/good news + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God) but also our own lives, (str adv avlla, but + c.c. (adj) kai, also + Ac F P w/d.a. h` yuch, psuch the souls (synecdoche for life, as that is what makes a body alive) + G M 1p pro e`autou/ of ourselves; our own) because you had become very dear to us. (infer ptcl dio,ti because (on account {of the fact} that) + A D I 2p gi,nomai you became + N M P avgaphto,j agaptos beloved; very much loved + D 1p pro evgw, to us)

1) Paul continues to detail their ministry among the Thessalonians, moving from the internal, unseen motives to the external, visible actions which characterized them.
2) Verse 8 deals with what was unseen, while vs 9 deals with what the Thessalonians could patently observe.
3) The hapax legomena (only used once) o`mei,romai homeiromai means to long for or desire something intensely, based on a strong inner attachment.
4) The fond affection or yearning which Paul claims for them is to be regarded as something that became a reality not some warm feeling he had before he had ever met them or proclaimed the gospel to them.
5) As a nursing mother develops strong affection for her own children, so the team had developed a deep and abiding affection for their spiritual newborns.
6) Far from coming to get something from these people, the team was there to impart the message of highest value to them, and their earnest desire for this end was a free and deliberate choice.
7) Although the initial teaching of the gospel (G1 and G2) was done amid much opposition, this did not dampen the enthusiasm or willingness of the team to impart the most valuable thing they had to the Thessalonians.
8) The fact that they shared the message of BD with them indicates that they themselves understood and had experienced the joy and blessings of Gods Word, and desired (quite naturally) to share it with others.

9) However, the work of the missionaries went far beyond a simple desire to impart the message, a desire which they would have had in any new area to which they might go. cp Rom 15:23-24
10) They shared not only the reality of the gospel, but their own souls/lives as well referring to the various acts of self-giving which the team manifested toward these new converts.
11) This term our own souls stands as a part representing the whole (a synecdoche) for their own selves, up to and including sacrificing whatever was necessary (potentially even their physical lives).
12) These were obviously not professional missionaries who were in town to profit themselves, but men who were motivated by the love of God to profit others no matter the personal cost involved.
13) Neither did they communicate in order to show how much they knew.
14) Their motivation is clearly defined at the end of vs 8 as being that of love not a mere emotional attachment, but a desire for their benefit at whatever personal cost they themselves must bear (such a ministry is costly, but essential).
15) Paul & Co. demonstrated love toward the Thessalonians as they came to town and shared the most valuable thing they possessed, the message of Truth the Thessalonians responded to that love, embracing the gospel of salvation and BD.
16) This in turn inspired the team to greater acts of sacrifice, defined as sharing their very souls; their existence was devoted to the advancement of the Thessalonians.
17) A deep and affectionate relationship develops between people and those who instruct them, as they consistently embrace the message and example what nurtures and sustains that bond between the PT and his congregation is continued mutual fidelity to God and His Word.
18) Principle: as the PT observes positive response among those for whom he labors, and the intake and application of the Truth, he is encouraged and strengthened to labor all the more.
a) this in turn should evoke love on both parts, resulting in a growing congregation thankful for a faithful PT, and a PT thankful for the continued spiritual advance of his flock.
b) genuine affection and appreciation can be neither hidden nor counterfeited
19) In essence, Paul states we were not seeking praise or the promise of gain in our ministry to you, we were motivated by love and the desire for your gain.
20) Application: such is the condition of Hope Bible Church.

The Overt Signs of their Affection

mnhmoneu,ete ga,r( avdelfoi,( to.n ko,pon h`mw/n kai. to.n mo,cqon\ nukto.j kai. h`me,raj evrgazo,menoi pro.j to. mh. evpibarh/sai, tina u`mw/n evkhru,xamen eivj u`ma/j to. euvagge,lion tou/ qeou/Å

2:9 For you recall, brethren, our labor and hardship, (exp con ga,r for; because + P A I 2p mnhmoneu,w mnmoneu you recall (and can do so on a consistent basis) + V M P avdelfo,j brothers + Ac M S w/d.a. & c.c. o` ko,poj kai, o` mo,cqoj kopos & mochthos the labor/work and the strenuous toil/ hardship + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our) how working night and day so as not to be a burden to any of you, (P D P N M P (circ) evrga,zomai ergadzomai working (emphasizes active labor) + G F S & c.c. nu,x kai, h`me,ra nux kai hmera night and day + prep w/ Ac N S d.a. (purp) pro,j to. toward the (i.e. toward the goal of) + neg ptcl w/ A A If mh, evpibare,w not to burden; not to place a weight on + Ac M S indef pro ti.j any + G 2p pro su, of you) we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. (A A I 1p khru,ssw kruss we proclaimed + prep w/ Ac 2p pro eivj su, unto you + Ac N S w/d.a. to. euvagge,lion euangelion the gospel/ good news + G M S (sub) w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God (source))

1) Once again, Paul appeals to their recollection of the undeniable facts (an Indicative, not an Imperative), as he reminds them of the fashion in which the company garnered their financial support while they were in Thessalonica.
2) In 1:3 the readers are reassured of the evangelists remembrance of their continued Christian virtues; here they are reminded of the evangelists efforts on their behalf.
3) The term brethren sets the church against the accusers even if it was claimed Paul was merely using them, those who had witnessed his activity knew better.
4) He recounts two things, their labor and hardship:
a) labor refers to that which requires active exertion leading to fatigue and weariness (again, Paul chose to do so, it was not required of him).
b) hardship refers to the difficulties and obstacles which must be overcome by such work (working all day and studying all night)
5) He reminds them that neither he nor anyone with him ever became a financial burden to anyone of these new converts.
6) The phrase appears again, in the same context of Pauls self-support but with a different application, in 2Th 3:8.
7) Their purpose in performing manual labor to support themselves, was to avoid having any of the Thessalonians make a financial sacrifice to provide for them.
8) From Ac 18:3 we learn that Paul was a tentmaker by trade and often worked with his own hands to provide his own support (Ac 20:34 indicates that he worked to support his companions as well), certainly not a pleasant activity or easy living.
9) The main verb of the sentence is khru,ssw kruss, proclaimed, while the participle working denotes the attendant circumstances under which the gospel was proclaimed.
10) This verb emphasizes the manner of proclamation, that of an authorized and faithful bearer of news, while another word (euvaggeli,zw euangelidz) is used of the content. cp 1Cor 15:1 Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I proclaimed to you, which also you received, in which also you stand.
11) From 2Cor 8:1-5 we see that these believers were not financially prosperous, in fact quite the opposite they were impoverished to the point that Paul was amazed at the level of application in financial matters to which they attained.
12) This likely accounts for the fact that he does not mention the two monetary gifts received from the Philippians during his stay in Thessalonica. Phi 4:16
13) There was no reason to put undue pressure on them or to embarrass them in regard to the support of their spiritual leaders support to which he was certainly entitled but did not demand. cp 2:6
14) The situation which exists with a new congregation is totally different than that which exists with an established one, and this is reflected by his critical words to the Corinthians. 1Cor 9:7-14; 2Cor 11:8-9
15) However, even under the stress of having to work long and difficult hours at a low-paying job, the team faithfully proclaimed the realities of BD to these people.
16) As faithful heralds, they accurately repeated the message which had been given them by God, with appropriate gravity, formality, and authority the word herald marks the dignity of their function.
17) The gospel of God stresses the Divine origin and authority behind the message which they were proclaiming during their three month stay with the Thessalonians.
18) The source of his message is dogmatically defined in Gal 1:11-12.

Two Witnesses

u`mei/j ma,rturej kai. o` qeo,j( w`j o`si,wj kai. dikai,wj kai. avme,mptwj u`mi/n toi/j pisteu,ousin evgenh,qhmen(

2:10 You are witnesses, and so is God, (N 2p pro su, you {are is supplied ellipsis} + N M P ma,rtuj martus witnesses (active ones) + c.c. (adj) kai, and also + N M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j the God) how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly (adv w`j how much + adv o`si,wj hosis devoutly (i.e. devoted to Divine Service; pleasing to God above all else) + c.c. kai. and + adv dikai,wj dikais honestly; with integrity + c.c. kai. and + adv avme,mptwj amempts blamelessly; without fault) we behaved toward you believers; (A D I 1p gi,nomai we became + D 2p pro su, to you + P A P D M P w/d.a. o` pisteu,w the ones/those who are believing; believers)

1) Appealing once again to the personal knowledge the Thessalonians possessed, Paul makes it clear that the minister of the gospel is subject to human and Divine scrutiny. cp 1Tim 3:2; Tit 1:7 For the overseer must be above reproach
2) Actions as well as words are evidence of the motives of the communicator one cannot claim to be a correctly functioning PT and yet deny that claim by their actions/applications.
3) Since man can give testimony, or witness, to the overt decorum but cannot truly confirm the inner disposition or motivation, God is cited as a second witness this guards against the possibility they were guilty of deception of the human witnesses.
4) The Thessalonians could provide overt testimony as to Pauls conduct (as opposed to their character), as described by the following adverbs God could (and did) provide testimony as to their character.
5) Paul uses a legal term (ma,rtuj martus) to indicate how seriously he considers the charge as well as the refutation the word is used with the solemnity of a courtroom call for a witness.
6) It is an unusual construction to employ a finite verb (gi,nomai - ginomai) and three adverbs instead of adjectives this arrests the readers attention and emphasizes the importance of the statement.
7) The first two adverbs express the positive side of the manner of their conduct, while the third expresses and summarizes their conduct as a whole.
8) The first (o`si,wj hosis) refers to that which is in accordance with Divine law, or standard of conduct; piety/reverence toward God which affects ones conduct.
9) In the most ancient usage, this word group referred to that which a man did in accordance with his inward attitude and the acceptance of what he felt was binding. In content it is what is right and good from the standpoint of morality and religion, Divine or natural law. (T.D.N.T.)
10) So this adverb indicates that Paul and his team consistently fulfilled every obligation incumbent upon them, conscientiously discharging every aspect of the ministry, fulfilling human and Divine law.
11) The second adverb (dikai,wj dikais) refers to that which is in accord with righteousness, justice, or fairness; a universally accepted standard.
12) The team always dealt fairly and in an even-handed fashion with those in Thessalonica they did not play favorites, nor were they respecters of men.
13) The first adverb deals with the inward disposition or religious aspect of how they conducted themselves, the second with their integrity or morality.
14) The third adverb (avme,mptwj amempts) is a catch-all to describe the fact that, while there were many charges against the team by others, there was in reality no basis to convict Paul or his associates with flagrant wrong-doing.
15) The communicator of BD does not have to be sinless, and there is no suggestion that Paul claims he and his team never sinned (even in front of the Thessalonians), but they made consistent, determined effort to live in an irreproachable manner.
16) Principle: this is the example to which all ministries and those who minister must aspire, and one to which we firmly hold.
17) Charges of immorality, flattery, personal aggrandizement (seeking to increase ones power, wealth, rank or honor), resorting to favoritism, and financial impropriety were utterly lacking in substantiation, though certainly not in quantity.
18) Principle: when any PT (or other believer) stands accused of misconduct, their application and history should be evaluated before those charges are considered have they been and are they currently applying on a consistent basis? If yes, the charges are worthless.
19) This Greek construction (an appositional articular participle) pictures the Thessalonians as characterized by their continued faith (a substantive participle, it acts almost as a noun you who are believers).
20) That faith is what enabled them to evaluate the conduct of the missionaries.
21) Paul can appeal to their witness as confirmation of his claim because he is conscious of his own integrity (it would make no sense otherwise).
22) The verb translated we behaved emphasizes that this was not a chance occurrence, but rather the outcome of conscious obedience and effort. (YLT is the only English translation to correctly render it we became)
23) The Aorist tense views the entire time of the ministry in Thessalonica as a unit it is not as if they arrived behaving in a scurrilous, abusive manner and then began acting appropriately.

The Purpose of Exhortation

kaqa,per oi;date( w`j e[na e[kaston u`mw/n w`j path.r te,kna e`autou/

2:11 just as you know (comp con kaqa,per kathaper just as + Pf A I 2p oi=da you know from experience) how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring (P A P N M P parakale,w parakale we were exhorting (lit to call alongside) + Ac 2p pro su, you + c.c. kai, and + P D P N M P paramuqe,omai paramutheomai we were encouraging (lit to speak alongside someone, hence to be with them in a matter) + c.c. kai, and + P D P N M P martu,romai marturomai we were imploring/insisting/urging/charging (active voice = testify) each one of you as a father would his own children, (Ac M S card num ei-j one + Ac M S e[kastoj hekastos each + G 2p pro su, of you + comp adv w`j as; along the same lines as + N M P path,r patr a father + G 3s pro e`autou his own + Ac N P te,knon teknon children)

parakalou/ntej u`ma/j kai. paramuqou,menoi kai. marturo,menoi eivj to. peripatei/n u`ma/j avxi,wj tou/ qeou/ tou/ kalou/ntoj u`ma/j eivj th.n e`autou/ basilei,an kai. do,xanÅ
2:12 so that you may walk (prep w/ P A If (purp) eivj to. peripate,w peripate so as to walk; toward the goal of walking + Ac 2p pro su, you) in a manner worthy of the God (adv avxi,wj axis worthily; in a manner worthy + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God) who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. (P A P G M S w/d.a. o` kale,w kale the one/he who is calling + Ac 2p pro su, you + prep w/ Ac F S w/d.a. eivj h` basilei,a kai. do,xa basileia kai doxa unto the kingdom-glory (Granville Sharp) + G 3s pro e`autou/ of him; his)

1) The general assertion concerning their conduct is now followed with specific evidence, described in regard to its nature, its methods, and its aim.
2) Paul once again reminds them of personal knowledge upon which they could draw as refutation of the accusations being made.
3) His critics were going to individual members of the congregation, trying to shake their confidence in the communicator and his message to their credit (temporal and eternal) the Thessalonians knew the truth of the matter and stuck to it.
4) There is no finite verb in this clause, and the simplest way to deal with this is to go back to the last such verb, gi,nomai ginomai in vs 10 here is another aspect of the method of their conduct among the Thessalonians.
a) Paul and his coworkers put aside their own interests and suffering in order to strengthen the new converts
b) they went from being motivated by their own applications and tests to focusing completely on the welfare of their spiritual charge
5) The phrase each one of you stands emphatically forward in the text, stressing the individual character of the work among the converts the Greek word order is much more emphatic, just as you know, each one of you, as a father his own children, we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring .
6) Although the title father has no Scriptural basis, (cp Mt 23:9), the designation does reflect the proper attitude of the PT as he cares for his congregation.
7) There is a sense in which the spiritual leader stands in the position of the father and individual believers are his children. 1Cor 4:15 For if you were to have countless tutors in Christ, yet you would not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.
8) The team did not overlook any believer who needed personal attention their time was devoted to the churchs individual and corporate growth.
9) Just as it is difficult to raise a child without proper function from two parents, so there is a parallel in the pastoral care for his congregation neither overly affectionate (coddling) nor excessively demanding (disciplinarian). cp Eph 6:4 And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
10) Each and every believer is in the position to receive training and instruction from the PT, regardless of any overt advantages they might have. cp 1Tim 4:12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
11) The use of the terms father and children expresses not only the endearment of one to another, but also the relative immaturity of his congregation
12) Scripture prohibits placing a new believer in the position of PT for this reason he must have a measure of maturity so as to lead those less grounded in BD. 1Tim 3:1-6
13) This passage clearly indicates that Paul and his group were involved in a one-on-one relationship with the individual believers in that Local Church personal contact and involvement is necessary and essential to spiritual growth.
14) This is also carried in the analogy of father and child a somewhat detailed knowledge of individual problems, personalities, shortcomings, strengths, etc. is required to personally rebuke, exhort, and strengthen believers.
15) Principle: there is no way a long-distance relationship between a PT and a congregation can substitute for the intimate contact of a real PT and his church.
16) The previous character of a mother and infant child stressed the tenderness, concern, and protection between the PT and his sheep; the latter stresses the sterner aspect of loving education and discipline in the family.
17) These men acted as fathers, not merely to the church as a whole, but to each individual believer, training them according to their individual needs.
18) Three participles are used to indicate the way in which these men instructed their children in the faith; the Present tense indicates it was an ongoing and continuous activity, the plural indicates all the members of the team were involved.
a) exhorting a verbal appeal to them to pursue a certain course of action, that course which they had been instructed to follow
b) encouraging comforting or consoling those who were especially under the gun, or who had failed and thought they could not succeed
c) imploring/charging a more emphatic word for insisting on a particular action or course of action (cp 2Tim 4:1, a strengthened form of the same word)
19) Exhortation is the more general word, and took the form of definite obligations as the case demanded it is the more removed or aloof aspect of teaching.
20) Encouragement is a more emotionally charged word, appealing to empathetic, soothing, and understanding support.
21) Some situations have to be handled in a more gentle fashion, while other situations have to be approached in a more dogmatic, earnest fashion.
22) Overall, however, the idea must be emphasized that there is only one right way to apply the relevant doctrine, and the believer must be made to realize the seriousness and necessity of making that correct application.
23) This is the idea of imploring, better rendered charging; the believer must be given a solemn and emphatic demand on the importance of heeding and obeying the doctrinal commands of Scripture, as expressed by the PT.
24) The purpose of all this verbal activity is expressed at the end of vs 12, and deals with the goal of the overt lifestyle of each believer.
25) What a normal father truly wants for his children is for them follow his example in life, emulating his successes and avoiding his failures he is therefore responsible to teach them the correct way to live (not just berate or punish them if they fail to live up to his expectations). cp 1Cor 11:1 Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
26) For Paul this entailed his spiritual children reproducing his approach to and application of Bible Doctrine.
27) The walk refers to the ordered conduct of each believer on a daily basis, the steps we take in carrying out our niche.
28) The communicator desires each one of his listeners to live their individual life in such a way as befits the doctrine he espouses.
29) It is his job to teach each believer how to live, so there will be a constant connection between the doctrine they have heard and the way in which they live.
30) The gospel carries with it an obligation to live a life consistent with the Author (our Father) and the Message; to walk in a manner worthy of God is to live out the CWL in every aspect of our lives.
31) Bible Doctrine is the instruction on how to walk, the PT is the teacher, and each believer is the individual child whose job it is to learn how to think and act according to the dictates of Gods Will.
32) Scripture demarcates the Directive Will of God for our lives, including:
a) the Geographic Will of God live in the area in which you found BD (except for rare and unusual circumstances)
b) the Viewpoint Will of God think the way God thinks
c) the Operational Will of God follow the Divine mandates, not wasting your time on non-Biblically based activities
d) the Verbal Will of God under different circumstances and situations, we may be called upon to verbalize the Plan of God in different ways (or not at all); BD gives us the knowledge to do so appropriately
33) To walk in a manner worthy of God is to know what God expects, and execute it on a consistent, daily basis.
34) Next Paul moves from what we are to do for God to what He has done for us and will do for us understandable since the focus of the Christians life should be the grace of God, and their past and future experience of it in their life.
35) God is the One who calls you, He is seen as continually calling us to increased efforts and higher goals the CWL is one of advancement, not stagnation.
36) Certainly, God called each believer through the gospel, and believers are referred to as the called. Rom 1:6; 1Cor 1:24
37) There is also a Ph2 sense in which God continues to call the believer to excel in His plan and partake of the full benefit which is available to those who will pursue and apply BD to the end.
38) This call is given through the systematic and accurate teaching of the Word of God, in Bible Class, by the PT who is committed to spiritual excellence.
39) God does not want the believer to settle for anything less than the best (nor does the positive believer himself), the best being His kingdom and His glory.
40) As seen in 1:3 (our God-Father), a usage of special import is present in our verse the Granville Sharp construction effectively hyphenates the concepts of kingdom and glory into one encompassing concept.
41) Not only is His earthly kingdom in view, and not only is the magnificence of His presence on earth stated, but both together emphasize the nature of His rule.
42) While believers are already members of the kingdom of God/Christ, and this Kingdom is a present reality in the hearts of those who are willing to accept His rule (cp Col 1:13), this passage has a decidedly eschatological view.
43) The Kingdom of God will be established visibly and overtly, and God will rule in power and through the personal presence of His Son. Isa 9:6-7
44) It is this future aspect of the Kingdom which is in view in this passage, and on which believers are to focus their attention. Mt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.
45) Although the present lot of the Thessalonians might be suffering, deprivation, lack, persecution and turmoil, they are to set their sights on the future glorious Kingdom, of which they will have a major part. Dan 7:18, 22, 27; Rev 2:26-27
46) Each believers place and position in that Kingdom will be a reflection of what he/she did with the Plan of God in time. Rev 2:7, 3:5, 12, 21

The Positive Attitude Towards Bible Doctrine

Kai. dia. tou/to kai. h`mei/j euvcaristou/men tw/| qew/| avdialei,ptwj( o[ti paralabo,ntej lo,gon avkoh/j parV h`mw/n tou/ qeou/ evde,xasqe ouv lo,gon avnqrw,pwn avlla. kaqw,j evstin avlhqw/j lo,gon qeou/( o]j kai. evnergei/tai evn u`mi/n toi/j pisteu,ousinÅ

2:13 And for this reason we also constantly thank God (c.c. kai, and + prep w/ Ac N S dia, ou-toj for this reason; on account of this (what follows) + c.c. (adj) kai, also + N 1p pro evgw, ourselves + adv avdialei,ptwj adialeipts constantly; unceasingly + P A I 1p euvcariste,w euchariste we give thanks + D M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j to the God) that when you received from us the word of God's message, (exp con o[ti that + A A P N M P paralamba,nw paralamban having received (Aor Ptc = action previous to that of the main verb) + Ac M S lo,goj the word (construct-absolute construction makes it definite) o` qeo,j of the God + G F S avkoh, of a hearing; message + prep w/ G 1p pro para, evgw, from us) you accepted it not as the word of men, (A D I 2p de,comai dechomai you accepted/welcomed it + neg ptcl ouv not + Ac M S lo,goj as a word + G M P a;nqrwpoj anthrpos of men) but for what it really is, the word of God, (str adv avlla, but; rather + adv kaqw,j just/exactly as + P I 3s eivmi, it is + adv avlhqw/j alths truly; really + Ac M S lo,goj the word + G M S qeo,j of God) which also performs its work in you who believe. (rel pro o[j which + c.c. (adj) kai, also + P M I 3s evnerge,w energe continually works + prep w/ L 2p pro evn su, in you + P A P L M P w/d.a. o` pisteu,w pisteu the ones/who are believing)

1) Paul once again returns to the subject of thanksgiving for the Thessalonians.
2) The previous section, dealing with the facts surrounding the work in Thessalonica, brings to his mind once again the receptive response that these people demonstrated.
3) Paul knew that his message (G1 and G2) did not originate with him or any other man, but had its source in God. cp 2Pet 1:16 For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.
4) However, he was well accustomed to having his message dismissed and rejected based on the fact that many considered it to be human in origin, not Divine.
5) If the message was always consistent and the response was not, the difference must lie with the individual hearers and their volitional choice.
6) Since the Thessalonian believers manifested a very real and obvious reception of the message, the result was a united reaction of thanksgiving from Paul and the team for their positive volition.
7) This is the reference behind also, in addition to the reasons for thanksgiving stated in 1:2f, Paul had this reason to be thankful as well.
8) This section focuses specifically on the fact that when they heard the message which Paul taught during the five month period in their city, they recognized it as a message sponsored and derived from Sovereign God.
9) The first verb received (paralamban) deals with their overt, objective recognition and willingness to listen, while accepted (dechomai) relates to their inner, subjective response and metabolization of the information. cp Gal 4:14 and that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself.
10) Their thanksgiving was constantly directed toward God, since they recognized that God and His grace were ultimately responsible for the manner in which the Word came to this area, as well as the manner in which these people responded.
11) Apart from Gods grace, even the most positive person could not gain a relationship and subsequent fellowship with God; however, all the grace in Gods Plan is not efficacious apart from positive volition. cp Ac 17:32 Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, We shall hear you again concerning this.
12) Paul is both thankful that God allowed and empowered his team to proclaim the message of the truth, and that people embraced the message.
13) When Paul refers to the gospel of God (2:9), word of God or message of God, he refers to the gospel as a whole, including the initial message that they should believe on Christ for salvation as well as the subsequent message of BD.
14) There were not two separate messages in Pauls mind the logical and normal (though not typical) response to G1 is pursuit and application of G2.
15) In this verse the emphasis lies on their initial reception of the Word, but this does not negate or diminish their continued faithfulness since that time.
16) Paul & Co. came to town as mere men with a message from God most people rejected the message as being his own, but the few recognized it was one from God.
17) While not expressed very well in the English translations, the sense of this phrase is you received the word of hearing from us, but really it is Gods Word. Paul knew it was the Word of God; he is thankful that others recognized this as well.
18) For some 30 years after Christ, the message of the gospel was only orally communicated while Paul made constant and effective reference to OT Scripture, the NT gospels had not been written yet.
19) Negative volition is constantly rejecting the message of the Truth, and their unified refrain is that is your opinion they refuse to accept or acknowledge that objective truth exists in the world.
20) They give lip-service to Gods existence, but they never logically consider that if God exists and desires to have a relationship with anyone from mankind, He must have made Himself and His requirements clear at some point in human history.
21) The ultimate manifestation of God in human history was in His Son. Heb 1:1-3
22) The chain of revelation is from God the Father (as the Originator), through the Holy Spirit (as the Revealer), and through man to other men each is an indispensable link in the chain. 1Pet 1:10-12
23) After His work in history was complete, God completed and has maintained the canon of Scripture in human history. Lk 21:33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
24) Yet, with this very clear body of Truth available, most continue to deny the teaching of BD as merely human opinion, as if it were one of many options available for mankind to achieve a relationship with God.
25) In contrast, these believers willingly and favorably embraced the body of teaching espoused by Paul and his team they received it at their first gospel hearing, they accepted/welcomed it after careful consideration and evaluation.
26) The word or message which they embraced continues to function internally among those who accept it a Present tense is used for both the main verb and the participle.
27) The Word of God is the internal dynamic which is not only the agent of the new birth, it is the method by which God has chosen to continue His work in those who believe. cp Phi 2:13 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
28) The same power which spoke the universe into existence (and will speak it out of existence), which created all things, and which raised Jesus from the dead is available to the believer in the inner man, through Bible Doctrine. Eph 3:14-21
29) The final term in vs 13 deals with the fact that God, who possesses omnipotent power through His Word, only causes such power to be operative toward those who choose to continue to embrace and believe that Word.
30) Those who deny and contradict the message of Scripture will never experience the true power of God in the inner man, since God has conditioned His Plan on faith. cp Jn 10:10b I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
31) Faith is the affirmative response to the Will of God, as revealed through the agent God has chosen to use Paul in his day and the PT in ours.

As It Was Then, So It Is Now

u`mei/j ga.r mimhtai. evgenh,qhte( avdelfoi,( tw/n evkklhsiw/n tou/ qeou/ tw/n ouvsw/n evn th/| VIoudai,a| evn Cristw/| VIhsou/( o[ti ta. auvta. evpa,qete kai. u`mei/j u`po. tw/n ivdi,wn sumfuletw/n kaqw.j kai. auvtoi. u`po. tw/n VIoudai,wn(

2:14 For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, (exp con ga,r for + N 2p pro su, you + V M P avdelfo,j adelphos brothers + A D I 2p gi,nomai ginomai became + N M P mimhth,j mimts imitators + G F P w/d.a. h` evkklhsi,a ekklsia of the churches/local assemblies + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j of the God + prep w/ L M S evn Cristo,j VIhsou/j in Christ Jesus + P P G F P w/d.a. h` eivmi, the ones/who are (Ptc emphasizes continuing nature/circumstances of existence) + prep w/ L F S w/d.a. evn h` VIoudai,a in the region of Judea) for you also endured the same sufferings at the hands of your own countrymen, (exp con o[ti because; namely that + N 2p pro su, you + c.c. (adj) kai. also + A A I 2p pa,scw pasch endured + Ac N P rel pro w/d.a. to. auvto,j the same sufferings + prep w/ G M P w/d.a. u`po, o` i;dioj under/at the hands of your own + G M P sumfule,thj sumphulets countrymen) even as they did from the Jews, (comp adv kaqw,j just/exactly as + c.c. (adj) kai, also + N M 3p pro auvto,j they + prep w/ G M P w/d.a. u`po, o` VIoudai/oj under/from the Jews)

1) One more very real proof that the Word of God which they had embraced was operative among them was the reality of the persecution which they had suffered, and continued to endure.
2) The wording of the first part of the verse may well be translated and you, yourselves became or and you, for your part, became.
3) In 1:6 Paul mentioned a deliberate form of imitation the Thessalonian believers had adopted, that of following the example of the missionary team now he addresses an imitation that was hardly deliberate or desired, but was just as real.
4) Once again, he uses the term brothers to express the spiritual solidarity the team had with the Local Church of Thessalonians (only in 1Cor, a book with 3x as many chapters, does he use the term more often than here 20x vs. 14x).
5) He then takes up the solidarity which this church had with other churches which had been established in the region of Judea.
6) By comparing them to the Judean churches, he also provides an immediate link to the Lord Jesus, the Apostles, and the O. T. prophets.
7) Their imitation consisted of the steadfast endurance of the same types of suffering and persecution which other local churches had been enduring for some time.
8) These churches are identified by three descriptive phrases:
a) churches of God as opposed to religious assemblies for false deities.
b) in Christ Jesus as opposed to those who worshipped the God of Judaism, but were in fact unbelievers.
c) in Judea the cradle of Christianity.
9) The first deals with the fact that local churches are not merely human organizations, with which men may freely disagree and disregard, nor are they organizations gathered for just any religious purpose they represent the true, living God.
10) The second phrase relates each local church to its position in Christ, which sets that assembly apart from the Jewish synagogues.
11) Regardless of geography or temporal pressures/persecutions, the local church cannot be separated from that union with Christ. cp Rom 8:35-39
12) The Judean churches included the initial church in Jerusalem and the subsequent churches formed by the dispersion of believers under persecution. cp Ac 8:1-4
13) The churches in both geographical areas suffered similar harassment, and not just on an intermittent level (the Aorist is Constative, which looks at a series of actions as a single, uninterrupted event).
14) There is and should be a fellowship which binds positive churches together, just as there is a fellowship between positive individuals.
15) Paul brings the example of strictly Jewish congregations forward as a form of encouragement for a predominately Gentile congregation, for reasons including:
a) these were the first churches to endure persecution.
b) they had suffered intensely, including martyrdom.
c) they suffered primarily at the hands of their own people.
d) their sufferings had not dissuaded or destroyed them.
16) The term countrymen may be of a local rather than racial character, since the Jewish unbelievers were also involved, but the point is that it was their friends, neighbors, coworkers, and acquaintances that were providing the abuse.
17) Principle: the same sufferings are a part and parcel of continued positive volition it does not truly matter if you are Jew or Gentile, those closest to you may (and probably will) turn on you when you begin to manifest positive volition.
18) The attacks will be comprised of verbal slander and insinuation, but may also include more severe attacks (being disinherited by the family, persecuted or fired from your job, rejected by the religious establishment, etc.).
19) These sorts of attacks come on those believers who advocate the Divine viewpoint and will not back down.
a) we are not to seek religious persecution, carry a martyr complex, or be intentionally confrontational with those around us; on the other hand, we are not to back down or soften the Truth to maintain relationships, position, status, etc.
b) we have the Truth other religious organizations may possess it to some degree, but not in sufficient quantity and/or quality so as to get believers to the crown and maturity.
c) we should make no apologies for the fact that we have and hold to a pure form of BD in the last days, when they (religious types) will not endure sound doctrine. 2Tim 4:3
d) just as the Jews persecuted their positive countrymen in Judea, and the Gentiles persecuted those who were positive in Thessalonica, so we should not be surprised when persecution comes against us from any source.
20) Each believer must, however, determine that any pressures they face are truly the result of persecution, not Discipline for STA activities, bad decisions, failure to apply/be diligent, or rebellion against authority attributing Deserved Suffering to persecution is self-deceit.
21) It is during the time of persecution that we have our chance to stand for the Lord and His Plan, glorifying Him in the Devils world.
22) Believers are to be briefed and forewarned that this is a normal and expected development in the CWL. cp Ac 14:21-22 they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.
23) This statement that their persecutions were nothing out of the ordinary (and God had not lost control) would serve to strengthen their faith and encourage them to continue spiritually in spite of the opposition.
24) The term Jews refers to the segment of Jewish society which was negative and openly hostile to the Truth, and openly expressed their hostility by attacks against those who embraced it.
25) While the religious establishment was certainly noted for this, it was clearly not limited to them, but became a regular feature among all negative Jews.
26) This is historically the first instance, and the only Pauline reference, to the Jews as religious antagonists to Christianity.

Threefold Indictment of Religious Unbelievers

tw/n kai. to.n ku,rion avpokteina,ntwn VIhsou/n kai. tou.j profh,taj kai. h`ma/j evkdiwxa,ntwn kai. qew/| mh. avresko,ntwn kai. pa/sin avnqrw,poij evnanti,wn(

2:15 who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out. (c.c. (w/ 3rd kai, = bothand) kai, both + A A P G M P w/d.a. o` avpoktei,nw apoktein the ones/those who having killed/put to death + Ac M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj VIhsou/j the Lord Jesus + c.c. kai, and + Ac M P w/d.a. o` profh,thj prophts the prophets + c.c. (connects to 1st kai,) kai, and + A A P G M P evkdiw,kw ekdik having driven out + Ac 1p pro evgw, us) They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men, (c.c. kai, and + neg ptcl + P A P G M P mh, avre,skw aresk not pleasing/acceptable (active Voice = they are not trying to please God) + D M S qeo,j to God (no d.a.) + c.c. kai, and + G M P adj evnanti,oj enantios contrary; hostile + D M P adj & n pa/j a;nqrwpoj to all men)

1) In the English, this verse is split into two sentences, but that is not necessary (or even desirable) for adequate interpretation in the Greek, this is one complete clause within the sentence of vss 14-16.
2) Here is one of the most searing indictments of the religious Jews found in Scripture, contained in four separate but related crimes against the Truth.
3) It is not as if no persecution would have arisen if not instigated by the Jews of Thessalonica, however it was an historical fact that they did.
4) Many interpreters refuse to accept this justified and intense denunciation of the Jews, but it was important to Paul, an ex-Pharisee, that the Thessalonians know the depths to which this chosen people of God had sunk:
a) they had been historically guilty of murdering the prophets sent to them, even as far as killing their own Messiah
b) they bitterly and unrelentingly persecuted the early Church
c) they chose to follow their own plan instead of seeking Gods Will
d) they exercised hatred and antagonism to all who did seek that Will, and actively sought to undermine and attack the Truth of the gospel
5) Application: the positive believer must honestly evaluate other believers of the current Age who, despite their claims to the contrary, are not pleasing to God, nor do they seek His Will in their lives not for judgmental condemnation or self-justification, but because it is an honest evaluation. cp 2Th 3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep aloof from every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us.
6) What we have here is no mere outburst of temper or anti-Semitic diatribe, but a vehement condemnation by a fellow Jew, who was in complete agreement with the mind and Spirit of God.
7) His indictment consists of their historical expression of negative volition/ antagonism and the current expression of their perpetuated negative volition at no other time had he suffered so much persecution as at the time of writing.
8) The Word of God lays the blame for the murder of Jesus squarely at the feet of the Jewish religious establishment. Ac 2:23, 5:30, 7:52
9) By using the verb kill instead of crucify, Paul implicitly acknowledges that it was the Romans who were responsible for the capital execution of Jesus, but the religious establishment was to blame for His death.
10) They had rejected Him without cause and used the legal authority to accomplish their goals in the same way as the Thessalonian Jews used the Gentile mob to drive out the missionaries.
11) The conspirators in the murder of Jesus is the group known in history as the Sanhedrin the controlling religious/legal body of corrupt Judaism.
a) it was composed largely of members of the chief priests and Sadducees, although Pharisees were admitted to the body at times in their history
b) normally the group was to number 70, and with the High Priest totaled 71
c) they also governed civil affairs and could prosecute for religious or civil crimes
12) This group had determined early in the ministry of Jesus to kill Him and thus they continually plotted. Mt 12:14, 21:45, 26:3-5; Jn 11:47-53
13) Eventually they succeeded in placing Jesus in the hands of the Romans (the right of capital punishment had been taken away in 29 AD) through trumped up charges and a gross miscarriage of justice.
14) These were men who were determined to kill the innocent Jesus, all the while attempting to maintain a façade of propriety and a semblance of legality.
15) Pilate became an unwilling pawn in their criminal activity, and Jesus clearly indicated that the Jews had the greater guilt. Jn 19:11 Jesus answered, You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered Me up to you has the greater sin.
16) They orchestrated the death of the One sent to them, which fact Jesus understood and taught in the parable of Mt 21:33-45.
17) Their rebellion against God is linked with the murder of the prophets sent to them by God. Mt 23:31-32 Consequently you bear witness against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up then the measure of the guilt of your fathers.
18) The deaths of the prophets are largely undocumented in the OT (though certainly their persecution is frequently mentioned), but are alluded to in the gospels and epistles of the NT. cp Heb 11:36-40
19) Jerusalems inhabitants are particularly indicted with the murder of many of the prophets. Mt 23:37; Lk 11:47-51, 13:33-34
20) The Jews of the Diaspora, while not active participants in the murder of Jesus and the persecution of the Judean church, gave tacit approval whenever they rejected the gospel.
21) This nation, chosen, established and protected by God, has generally rejected God and those who represent His Plan to them, because of (and bringing upon themselves) the condemnation of God for their failures.
22) Paul states that they have continued in this course of action by driving the missionary team from Thessalonica, and even pursued them to Berea to exercise the same hostility manifested by their near and distant ancestors.
23) He then moves from the historical manifestations of Jewish negative volition to their current manifestation in his day: by their own actions they had made themselves obnoxious to God.
24) The phrase they are not pleasing to God is a deliberate understatement: Paul is saying these religious unbelievers are the opposite of what God desires them to be.
25) The sad but accurate evaluation of the Jewish race by-and-large is that they are not pleasing to God, although they certainly are zealously engaged in attempts to please God. cp Rom 10:2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge.
26) Whether one views their religious attempts to achieve +R apart from God, or their activity against those who ascribe to the Truth, they have completely failed to fulfill Gods Will or Plan for their people. Rom 9:30-33, 10:3-4
27) While it is equally true that no one in the flesh, Jew or Gentile, is pleasing to God (Rom 8:8), Paul is specifically focusing on Jewish activity which is a clear manifestation of their negative volition.
28) Up to that point, the Jews had certainly committed as many crimes against the Truth as had any group of Gentiles a sad reality indeed for a nation which had been established and maintained by God, which was supposed to be the custodian of Gods Truth before the Gentiles.
29) Paul here demonstrates the ability to accurately evaluate their negative volition, in spite of his own emotional attachment to his race he is not filled with hate, but wants to make it clear what the Jews have done to themselves. cp Rom 9:1-3
30) Principle: believers must be accurate and objective in their assessment of their own people, relatives, family, and loved ones the Word of God takes precedence over personal feelings or genetic bonds, regardless of their intensity. cp Mt 12:46f
31) There is no place in the Christian attitude or thinking for Anti-Semitism. Gen 12:3
32) However, we can and should accurately evaluate the Jews in an objective fashion, recognizing that they have made themselves odious to God due to their rejection of the communicators who were repeatedly sent to them.
33) The fourth charge is that they are hostile/antagonistic to all men, a reference to their repeated attempts to hinder the message of the gospel. Mt 23:13
34) Although they had been commanded by God to be separate and retain a religious exclusivity, they soon came to despise anyone who was not Jewish and a religious adherent to their law.
a) the Roman historian Tacitus wrote toward all others (i.e. those not of their race) they cherish a hatred of a kind normally reserved for enemies. (he also accused Christians of hatred of the human race)
b) the Egyptian Apion, a contemporary of Paul, went so far as to say the Jews swear by the Creator to show no good will to any alien, least of all to Greeks.
c) they had become a bigoted and racially arrogant people, supposing that descent from Abraham merited a relationship with God (Jn 8:38-41); therefore they concluded that anyone who was not racially related to Abraham could not be an heir of salvation, and was beneath their notice or regard
35) Their animosity toward Paul and their attempts to impede him were based on their understanding that he was offering a free salvation to the Gentiles, not forcing them to be funneled through their brand of Judaism.
36) Again we see the principle that negative volition, faced with a truth that violates their cherished beliefs and principles, will reject that truth in order to remain self-justified.
37) They deceived themselves into believing that since no one could be saved and possess a relationship with God apart from circumcision and observance of the ML, they should violently oppose those who advocated such a view.
38) This placed them in the position of standing against the best interests of others, both in the Ph1 and Ph2 sense; they became an enemy of any and all categories of man.

Actions Have Consequences

kwluo,ntwn h`ma/j toi/j e;qnesin lalh/sai i[na swqw/sin( eivj to. avnaplhrw/sai auvtw/n ta.j a`marti,aj pa,ntoteÅ e;fqasen de. evpV auvtou.j h` ovrgh. eivj te,lojÅ

2:16 hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved; (P A P G M P kwlu,w klu hindering/preventing/forbidding + Ac 1p pro evgw, us + A A If lale,w speaking + D N P w/d.a. to. e;qnoj ethnos to the nations/Gentiles + sub con (purp) i[na in order that + P A S 3p sw,|zw sdz they might be saved) with the result that they always fill up the measure of their sins. (prep w/ A A If w/d.a. eivj to. avnaplhro,w anaplro unto/with the result of the filling up/ completion + Ac F P w/d.a. h` a`marti,a the sins + G M 3p pro auvto,j of them; their + adv pa,ntote always) But wrath has come upon them to the utmost. (adv de, but + N F S w/d.a. h` ovrgh, org the wrath (of God) + A A I 3s fqa,nw phthan has come/arrived + prep w/ Ac M 3p pro evpi, auvto,j upon them + prep w/ Ac N S eivj te,loj telos unto completion)

1) All the while they thought they were standing up for the Plan and Purpose of God, they were in reality actively impeding it, and that based on their own rejection of the revealed Will of God (again, parallels can easily be drawn to the Church of today). cp Jn 16:2 They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.
2) Thus, their hostility to all men lay in their active opposition to the further spread of the gospel, in effect seeking to prevent either Jews or Gentiles from being saved, or learning and applying Gods Directive Will after salvation.
3) The end result of this activity was that, like their forefathers, they reached the point that God no longer permitted them to continue, and instead brought His wrath upon them via His Overruling Will.
4) After the destruction of Israel and Jerusalem in 70 AD, the persecutor became the persecuted, enduring the civic, legal, and religious punishment of governments and societies (to the same degree and beyond what they had inflicted on the early Christians).
5) Just as their ancestors had committed their portion of sins against God by withstanding the Truth, the current generation added their sins to the cup.
6) This was articulated by Jesus in Mt 23:29-32, and was echoed by Stephen just before his martyrdom (words which Paul certainly heard). Ac 7:51-58
7) The idea is that a certain measure of sins, proceeding from negative volition, is required to complete a certain magnitude of overt hostility to the Plan of God, and then God intercedes in judgment. cp Gen 15:16 Then in the fourth generation they will return here, for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete.
8) Grace before judgment is always the principle in the Justice of God, but that does not mean there is no judgment.
9) The adverb pa,ntote pantote always indicates that this is a fact which is, and has been, true throughout their national history and, by application, for all humanity.
10) The verb avnaplhro,w anaplro has the idea of adding to something already begun, so that the picture is of the negative Jews heaping their sins upon those of their ancestors (cp NIV translation they always heap up their sins to the limit.).
11) The comment they always fill up the measure of their sins modifies the entire statement concerning the violent activities of the unbelieving Jews, from their murder of the prophets, the murder of their Messiah, to the persecution of the Church and opposition to Paul (and other Christian missionaries).
12) The opposition to God which their ancestors had continually manifested was still aggressively manifested by that current generation.

13) The final phrase of vs 16 has occasioned much debate, with possible interpretations including:
a) wrath had fallen before it was expected.
b) wrath had fallen long ago.
c) wrath has come upon them at long last.
d) as a prophetic Aorist, future wrath would certainly fall.
e) the wrath had already come, the manifestation of it remained undisclosed.
14) The final choice is the most satisfactory Paul is saying that because of their ongoing manifestation of negative volition and hostility, for which the Jews had come under the temporal wrath of God throughout their history, the greatest demonstration yet was about to become a reality in terms of judgment and punishment.
15) Notice it is not the judgment that is said to have come, but the wrath leading to that judgment it is now inevitable that God will overrule and punish the people He had previously protected and shown grace and mercy.
16) The best manuscripts leave this wrath undefined; although some translations include wrath of God (which is certainly the ultimate source), it is best seen as a variety of categories and types, from whatever source it might come.
17) Principle: this is the lot of all who attempt to suppress the Truth. Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness
18) Although God is slow to anger (Ex 34:6; Num 14:18), the OT is replete with references to the fact that Israel often came under His temporal wrath. Dt 4:25, 6:15; Jsh 23:16; Jdg 2:12; 1Kin 15:30, 22:53; Ezr 8:22; Ps 74:1, 78:31; Jer 7:20, 42:18
19) Some critics have maintained that this is a reference to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (and have therefore denied the books authenticity based on its late date), but it is more accurate to see this as a realization by Paul that a certain, unavoidable, and intense judgment of whatever kind was looming for the nation and people.
20) The generation of which Paul writes experienced the judgment of 70 AD for their sins against Jesus, John the Baptist, and first century believers.
21) The history of the Jewish people since then is a testimony to Gods historical pursuit of them, for the crimes of negative volition. cp Mt 27:25 And all the people said, His blood shall be on us and on our children!
22) However, God has promised that He will not destroy the Jewish people completely, demonstrating grace even in the midst of undeniable indignation and national Discipline for their rejection of Him. Jer 30:11 For I am with you, declares the LORD, to save you; For I will destroy completely all the nations where I have scattered you, Only I will not destroy you completely. But I will chasten you justly, And will by no means leave you unpunished.
23) See An Outline of Jewish Persecution in the Church Age.

The Pastors Desire to be with His Congregation

~Hmei/j de,( avdelfoi,( avporfanisqe,ntej avfV u`mw/n pro.j kairo.n w[raj( prosw,pw| ouv kardi,a|( perissote,rwj evspouda,samen to. pro,swpon u`mw/n ivdei/n evn pollh/| evpiqumi,a|Å

2:17 But we, brethren, having been bereft of you for a short while (c.c. de, but + N 1p pro evgw, we + V M P avdelfo,j brothers + A P P N M P avporfani,zw aporphanidz having been unwillingly separated (Lit made an orphan of) + prep w/ Ab 2p pro avpo, su, (separation) from you + prep w/ Ac M S pro,j kairo,j kairos for a time + G F S w[ra hra of an hour (idiom for an hours time = a short while) in person, not in spirit (L N S pro,swpon prospon in face/person + neg ptcl ouv not + L F S kardi,a kardia in heart/spirit) were all the more eager with great desire to see your face. (adv perissote,rwj perissoters all the more; to a higher degree + A A I 1p spouda,zw spoudadz we were eager (w/Inf following = urgency or haste, implying a necessary diligence) + prep w/ L F S evn polu,j evpiqumi,a epithumia with much desire + A A If o`ra,w hora to see/behold + Ac N S w/d.a. to. pro,swpon the face + G P pro su, of you; your)

1) Verses 2:17-3:13 actually form a separate paragraph describing the writers strong desire to revisit the Thessalonians; the current chapter divisions are evidently based on a desire to end all the chapters with a reference to the Second Coming.
2) It gives both the reasons for the intensity of the desire and the hindrances that have been placed in their way:
a) any normal PT desires to be present with his charge, for personal comfort and exhortation, as well as to rejoice with those who successfully fulfill their niche. cp Gal 4:20 but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.
b) Satan had been allowed, as a part of the Angelic Conflict, to prevent Pauls personal return, but God was ultimately in charge (otherwise we would not have these books for our own edification).
c) the Thessalonians were, after all, the fruit and proof of his labors in Christ.
d) Pauls overriding concern was that they continue in their spiritual advance, so that he might rejoice with them for all eternity. 2:19
3) A very likely charge leveled against Paul was that he had abandoned his newly founded flock at the first sign of trouble, much as any other travelling philosopher would have done here he counters that charge.
4) A similar charge today would be your PT will leave if things become difficult just because others have abandoned their charge does not mean all will do so.
5) Rather than being a coward or hireling who had fled at the first sign of trouble, Paul had left Thessalonica for their protection; that did not negate the desire he had to return for face-to-face fellowship, but circumstances made it impossible.
6) So he returns to his defense from the digression of vss 14-16, once again addressing his fellow believers as brethren, to distinguish them from those with whom God was displeased, since he and they actually were fulfilling His Will for their lives.
7) Principle: regardless of positive believers shortcomings, failures, weaknesses, ignorance, personality, circumstances of life, relative righteousness (or lack thereof), characteristics (soulish and physical), and/or humanly desirable traits, it is the soulish connection we have that engenders true love, appreciation, and a desire for fellowship because we are what we are, we naturally desire the company of one another.
8) He uses a rare word (avporfani,zw aporphanidz {1x}) to describe their forced separation from the Thessalonians; literally it means to be orphaned, also used Classically of being torn away from a loved one.
9) It emphasizes not only the fact of separation, but the feeling of loss and deprivation which accompanies it the absence was made all the more painful because of the close personal relationship they had established.
10) This continues to reinforce the strong personal ties which Paul felt with these adjusting positive believers, ties which had only been established a few months previously, as well as the parental analogies which he had used to explain the motivation for their efforts in Thessalonica.
11) It is important to remember that before the evangelism of Thessalonica, not one of these men had known anyone in the city their feelings of bereavement came from their spiritual union, not mere worldly friendship or association.
12) All the accusations of his antagonists are countered by the comment that the separation had been merely in person, not in spirit/heart; although he could not be with them physically, there was no truth to the charge that he did not constantly and consistently think of and pray for them. cp 1:3
13) As in Hebrew, the heart/spirit is the center of willing, thinking, and feeling Pauls whole person desired to be with them physically (cp Gal 4:20, where Paul desired to be with the Galatians to show them, by the tone of his voice, the intensity of feeling which could not be expressed in written words).
14) The phrase for a short time indicates that their separation had not really consumed that much time (approx. 3-4 months), but for a parent who has been forcibly deprived of their children, any time period can seem quite lengthy.
15) He wishes to convey to these believers that they were very close to him and in his thoughts regularly he was deeply, emotionally attached to those who had embraced BD in spite of all the obstacles, and in spite of their separation.
16) The final words of the verse indicate both the degree of desire on the part of Paul and the team to return to Thessalonica, and their efforts to secure that return.
17) The comparative adverb perissoters indicates a more fervent desire than they had demonstrated even the first time they had come to Thessalonica, or would have manifested under different circumstances. cp its use in Heb 2:1-3
18) Certainly this is logical, since a PT would be all the more eager to return and teach those who were positive and desirous of the Truth than to go back into an area with an unknown or lukewarm response.
19) The verb eager emphasizes the careful attention which the team had given to the attempt to return to Thessalonica. cp 2Pet 3:14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless;
20) The final phrase with much desire indicates that the team was possessed of a passionate and intense desire to be reunited with their spiritual children this was not just some fond wish, it burned in their souls.

Satanic Resistance

dio,ti hvqelh,samen evlqei/n pro.j u`ma/j( evgw. me.n Pau/loj kai. a[pax kai. di,j( kai. evne,koyen h`ma/j o` Satana/jÅ

2:18 For we wanted to come to you-- I, Paul, more than once-- and yet Satan thwarted us. (declar con dio,ti dioti (compound of dia. and o`ti = on account of that fact) because; for + A A I 1p qe,lw thel we wanted/wished/desired + A A If e;rcomai erchomai to come + prep w/Ac P pro pro,j su, to you + N 1s pro evgw, I + intensive ptcl me,n (untranslated, but it intensifies the idea I myself wanted) + N M S prop Pau/loj Paul + c.c. kai. both + adv a[pax hapax once + c.c. kai, and + adv di,j dis twice + c.c. kai, and yet + A A I 3s evgko,ptw engkopt (lit to cut into ones path cp Gal 5:7) he hindered/impeded + Ac 1p pro evgw, us + N M S w/d.a. o` Satana/j the Satan; the Adversary)
1) Contrary to what the critics might say, vs 18 continues to emphasize their internal desire to return to the city and see the Local Church there it was Pauls standard practice to do so, after all. cp Ac 14:21-22, 15:41
2) It also serves to explain why they had not returned, if they were as anxious to do so as they claimed.
3) The first part of the verse not only expresses the fact that they wanted to return, it may be understood to go even farther and express what they had actually resolved and determined to do.
4) An idiom is employed to give an indefinite number of occasions that Paul had desired and actually begun the process to come to Thessalonica both once and twice meaning repeatedly.
5) In an unusually emphatic way, Paul states that he had mentally determined and made efforts to return to Thessalonica personally on at least two separate occasions although he doesnt give the specifics, it seems most likely they were while he was in Berea and also while in Athens. cp Ac 17:13-14; 1Th 3:1
6) Of interest is the choice of words for we wanted/desired:
a) another word for wanting is bou,lomai boulomai, which indicates a reasoned and non-emotional desire. cp Ac 23:28 And wanting to ascertain the charge for which they were accusing him
b) the word used here (qe,lw thel) is a desire based on an emotional reaction. cp Mt 23:37 How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings
7) Paul is saying that his desire was not based on some objective, cold hearted decision or deliberation, but it was because of his tremendous love and affection for his congregation.
8) Logically, it was Paul who would have been the target of charges of cowardice, fear, etc., but he informs his readers that his failure to return to Thessalonica was not due to any of these sorts of things.
9) Neither was it due to a lack of concern, desire, or resolve on his part he attributes their inability to return to the arch-enemy of God, and those who execute His Plan.
10) The intensive ptcl me,n makes it clear that Paul himself had exercised diligence and haste in his efforts to return this was no half-hearted attempt by a cowardly or indifferent philosopher, he was trying to return to his children in distress.
11) While he was like a parent separated from his children (whom no one would dare accuse of cowardice), he recognized that circumstances beyond his control were preventing him from returning to his spiritual children.
12) The evil genius Satan had, to this time, hindered his personal return to the city, although he was not allowed to thwart the return of Timothy.
13) One should observe that Paul did not attribute all spiritual problems to Satan discernment is required for that determination. Ac 16:6-7
14) Some reasons have been advanced as to how Satan hindered Paul (but since Scripture is silent, we cannot be dogmatic), including:
a) the actions of the Politarchs in demanding security from Jason would not have allowed Paul to return without endangering Jason himself.
b) illness or physical problems of Paul.
c) the thorn in the flesh (he would have received it about 10 yrs earlier)
d) continued activity by the Jews, who are clearly seen as Gods enemies (therefore minions of Satan) in the previous verses.
15) Satan is only a created being, and capable only of what God allows him to do he was successful in keeping Paul away from Thessalonica, but the result was this letter for the canon of Scripture.
16) In the same way, as he seeks to frustrate the Plan of God for our lives, it is impossible for him to overrule Gods ultimate purpose he is restrained from activity beyond certain boundaries. cp Job 2:6 So the LORD said to Satan, Behold, he is in your power, only spare his life.
17) The intention was that Paul himself should be one of the party to revisit the Thessalonians, and it was only when it became obvious that he himself could not go that he sent Timothy to them. cp 3:1-2

Why the PT Endures

ti,j ga.r h`mw/n evlpi.j h' cara. h' ste,fanoj kauch,sewj& h' ouvci. kai. u`mei/j& e;mprosqen tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ evn th/| auvtou/ parousi,a|È

2:19 For who is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? (exp con ga.r for + N F S inter pro ti,j who? + G 1p pro evgw, our (emphatic position) + N F S evlpi,j elpis hope/confidence + disj ptcl h; or + N F S cara, joy + disj ptcl h; or + N M S ste,fanoj stephanos wreath/crown + G F S kau,chsij kauchsis exultation/boasting) Is it not even you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? (disj ptcl w/neg ptcl h; ouvci, is it not + c.c. (asc) kai, even + N 2p pro su, you + adv prep e;mprosqen emprosthen before; in the presence of + G M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj kurios the Lord + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our + G M S prop VIhsou/j Jesus + prep w/ L F S w/d.a. evn h` parousi,a parousia in/at the coming + G M 3s pro auvto,j of Him; His)

u`mei/j ga,r evste h` do,xa h`mw/n kai. h` cara,

2:20 For you are our glory and joy. (exp con ga,r for; because + N 2p pro su, you (w/ eivmi, = you yourselves are) + P I 2p eivmi, are + N F S w/d.a. h` do,xa doxa glory + c.c. kai, and + N F S w/d.a. h` cara, the joy + G 1p pro evgw, of us; our)

1) In spite of whatever difficulties may come for the shepherd and his flock, there is one overriding issue that is always before the adjusted communicator, and that single realization enables him to stay focused and on track in his applications toward those placed in his charge, and reject any temptation to abandon them.
2) The explanatory conjunction ga.r for is used to communicate that behind Pauls intense desire to return to Thessalonica lay his high esteem for the believers there.
3) While Satan might be able to hinder his attempts to get back to that city, he could never overcome the appropriate pride and love which Paul had for them.
4) In a rhetorical fashion, Paul expresses what these Christians were to the missionary team presently, as well as what his perception was for their future relationship with each other.
5) He asks two questions in vs 19, and follows with an emphatic assertion in vs 20 the first is rhetorical (not seeking information, but designed for effect), while the second question gives the answer to the first.
6) These two questions deal with the relationship of RP/RC at the final assessment of the believers works at the BEMA seat; the final assertion deals with the current state of affairs between Right Pastor and the positive charge.
7) While it is not stated explicitly, it must be understood that Pauls comments here presuppose that the team and the church will continue to fulfill their respective courses and arrive at the BEMA in their current positive, advancing state.
8) The first question is actually composed of three separate questions, each of which is related to the others.
9) The hope in view is that the work which they have done in teaching Bible Doctrine to RC will have its expected fulfillment that this group will continue to believe, apply, and adhere to that doctrine until the end. cp 2Cor 1:6-7
10) Whatever else may happen in Pauls life, the Thessalonians are living proof that his efforts have not been in vain. cp 3:5-6
11) The PT has only one real goal: to teach believers the Plan of God so that they can exploit the grace of God for themselves and complete their course this is the adjusted PTs hope/confident anticipation, that they will do so.
12) If that is fulfilled, the second part of the question will be a reality at the BEMA seat certainly this is the goal of the PT for himself and his flock.
13) The joy/+H of the PT in that day will finally be perfectly realized and given full expression when he has presented positive, advancing believers before the Lord it is this future joy which he must keep before himself when he is confronted with temptations to throw in the towel.
14) The third element in the future for the adjusted PT is that of the wreath, which had as its historical background the laurel wreath given to the victor in ancient athletic games. 1Cor 9:24-27
15) This expression crown of exultation (lit ste,fanoj stephanos wreath/crown + G F S kau,chsij kauchsis of boasting) occurs only here in the NT, further specifying that the only consideration for the PT is the edification of his flock any and all other pursuits will be of no value or consequence at the BEMA.
16) At the BEMA seat, Jesus Christ will perfectly assess each Pastor and their ministry in time the crown will go only to those who have completed their course, faithfully teaching BD to the very end (perfection is not the issue, but consistency). 2Tim 4:7-8
17) At that time, each believer will also be evaluated: those who remained faithful and have completed their course will also receive the victors crown. 1Tim 4:8
18) There is an absolute interdependence between the two which is necessary for each to receive their crown it is in both their interests that the other succeed.
19) The sheep cannot hope to complete their course apart from a PT who will reprove, rebuke, and exhort with great patience and instruction in the faith (2Tim 4:2), who will faithfully and consistently set the course before them. Heb 12:1
20) Equally, the shepherd cannot hope to complete his course without a positive flock who takes the doctrine taught and exploits the applications of it to the end. 1Pet 5:1-4
21) This wreath is called the wreath of boasting, since this will be a time of much celebration and rejoicing coupled with sanctified glorying in the presence of Jesus Christ and the other saints. cp 1Pet 4:13 but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.
22) The crown can be forfeited by any believer or PT who does not stay the course until the end, a fact which ought to produce sanctified fear in all. Col 2:18
23) It is also possible to forfeit the great joy of that time and experience nothing but loss and shame. 1Jn 2:28 And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming.
24) For those Church Age believers who complete their course, the presentation ceremony is at the coming or arrival of Jesus, which arrival inaugurates His eternal personal presence with us this is one nuance of parousi,a parousia, the aspect of personal arrival (i.e. it is not just His arrival which we anticipate, but His eternal and abiding presence with us).
25) This emphatically points out Pauls belief in the personal, bodily return of Jesus Christ to receive His own. Jn 14:1-3; 1Cor 15:23; 1Th 4:13-18
26) The term parousi,a parousia is used 6x in the Thessalonian epistles in reference to the Lord, elsewhere it only occurs in that connection in 1Cor 15:23 hence the obvious emphasis in these books to the ultimate goal and motivation for the believer.
27) Paul recognized that his ministry would be accurately evaluated by the Lord at His return, which is why he did not tolerate human evaluations of his work that contradicted Dvpt. 1Cor 4:1-4
28) The adjusted communicator does his work with a view to this future day, and must refuse to be deterred by opposition in time, and unfavorable assessments of his ministry by those who reject the Truth.
29) Vs 20 underscores what has been previously stated concerning the final results of a faithful ministry with positive believers and states the present Ph2 situation which exists between a faithful communicator and positive volition.
30) While not expressed in most translations, vs 20 begins with an emphatic use of the pronoun and could be rendered Indeed, you yourselves are
31) These believers, who were so faithful to the teaching they had received, are the present source of glory or honor for Paul in time; no matter how great a degree of joy the PT receives from his flock in time, however, the joy and boasting at that time will surpass all imagination and description for a completed course from both sides.
32) Principle: as the flock adheres to the teaching and continues to apply the doctrine taught, they produce great joy in their teachers it is for this temporal reward that the adjusted PT labors (not to fleece his charge). cp 3Jn 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
33) This present state of affairs will only continue to intensify and improve if all involved continue to pursue doctrine to the end and complete their course. 1Pet 5:1-4
34) It is of interest that only of this group and the Philippians are such things said (the Corinthians were said to cause Paul hope {2Co 1:7}, but he does not call them his crown). Phi 4:1 Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, so stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.

End 1Thessalonians
Chapter Two
Hope Bible Church

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