Hope Bible Church
Chapter 6 vs 11-18


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Vs 11 Concluding remarks

See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. (A A Ip 2p ei=don eidon "see; notice" (Similar to our expression, "Now, look!") + I N P adj phli,koj pelikos "with what large" + I N P gra,mma gramma "letters" + A A I 1s gra,fw grapho "I wrote" + D 2p pro su, "to you" + I F S w/d.a. h` evmo,j emos "with my own" + I F S cei,r cheir "hand")

    1. Pauls normal policy in writing letters was to dictate the main portion of the letter to an amanuensis (secretary), then sign the closing greeting personally. cp Rom 16:22; 1Cor 16:21; Col 4:18; 2Th 3:17
    2. However, the grammar indicates he has already taken the pen in hand, perhaps having written the entire letter himself.
    3. "I am writing" is actually an Aorist, and should be translated "I wrote" the exhortations that preceded are re-emphasized by the fact that Paul wrote them "in large letters".
    4. The AV translates it "how large a letter" (sing), indicating the subject is the letter itself; however, there are three problems with this view:
    1. the word "letters" is not in the Accusative (direct object), but is the Instrumental (agency)
    2. Paul consistently uses another word for "a letter" (evpistolh, - epistol) 1Cor 5:9
    3. Galatians is not a large letter compared with some of his other letters
    1. Paul had written in his customary large handwriting, possibly due to his impaired eyesight, and draws attention to his distinctive penmanship as documentation that it is his work indeed. cp 1:20
    2. Paul presumed all the Galatian churches would see the handwriting and recognize it as his own.
    3. Another reason Paul signed his letters personally was to avoid the type of forgery recorded in 2Th 2:1-2.
    4. Under the circumstances, he wanted the letter to have as personal a touch as possible. cp 4:20
    5. Except for the closing benediction (vs 18), the conclusion is a parting salvo at the Judaizers, lest his readers forget what prompted the letter in the first place.

10) Another possible emphasis brought out is the fact that what Paul had written, he was not ashamed of nor was he inclined to deny it. (cp John Hancocks signature on the Declaration of Independence)

Vs 12 The True Motivation of Legalists

Those who desire to make a good showing in the flesh (N M P rel pro o[soj "those who; as many as" + P A I 3p qe,lw thelo "wish/ desire and continue to do so" + A A If euvproswpe,w euprosopeo "make a good showing" (compound lit: "have a good face") + prep w/ L F S evn sa,rx "in flesh" (as opposed to in Spirit)) try to compel you to be circumcised, (N M P rel pro ou-toj "these;" + P A I 3p avnagka,zw anangkadzo "compel/ force and continue to do so" (cp 2:3, 14) + Ac 2p su, "you" + P P If perite,mnw peritemno "to be circumcised") simply so that they will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. (adv mo,non "only; simply" + conj (purp) i[na "so that" + neg ptcl w/ P P S 3p mh, diw,kw "they might not be persecuted" + D M S (cause) w/d.a. o` stauro,j stauros "for the cross" + G M S w/d.a. o` Cristo,j "of the Christ")

    1. This verse addresses the real motivation of the Judaizers, as revealed by the Holy Spirit.
    2. Principle: large numbers of adherents and overt success is what false teachers thrive on the adjusted communicator desires only the growth of his listeners, however few they may be. cp 2Cor 12:15 "And I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls. If I love you the more, am I to be loved the less?"
    3. The Present tense of "desire" indicates this was their constant frame of reference they desired to appear zealous for God, to have the approbation of man instead of pleasing Him as they should have. cp 1:10
    4. The phrase "make a good showing" is a Hebraism, literally it is "have a good face", to make a good outward impression on others.
    5. Maladjusted Pastors have as their goal overt success through numbers, funds, and impressive programs boasting as if success in those areas means God is for them. Lk 16:14-15
    6. The Pharisees constantly showed their (misplaced) zeal for God by travelling the world making converts from the Gentiles. cp Mt 23:15 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves."
    7. Although the Judaizers were definitely operating in the sphere of STA activity, the "flesh" referred to here is used in the sense of outward appearance, the physical body, as a demonstration of their continued adherence to the Mosaic Laws commands (as they taught it).
    8. Another Present tense ("keep on compelling") shows the continuing attacks the Galatians were enduring time after time, the Judaizers worked on them, continually attempting to bring them under their spell.
    9. The word compel (avnagka,zw anangkadzo) is the same word used of the pressure put on Titus to be circumcised (2:3), and Peters legalistic effects on the Gentiles in Antioch (2:14).
    10. The word "simply" (mo,noj monos) is a rhetorical device designed to show how much they loathe persecution all the while accusing Paul of "leaving out" requirements to avoid it himself. cp 5:11
    11. A purpose clause shows the additional reason along with approbation lust that the Judaizers were so persistent in their attempts; they feared the persecution that would result for teaching the Truth. cp 2Tim 3:12 "And indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."
    12. They fulfilled the category of volition portrayed by the seed that fell in rocky soil, sprouting quickly but collapsing under the heat of persecution. Mk 4:17 "and they have no firm root in themselves, but are only temporary; then, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away."
    13. If they could convert large numbers of pagan Gentiles to their brand of Judaism, they would have the favorable attention of their colleagues in Jerusalem.
    14. This approbation lust was also combined with a fear of persecution from their "friends", the unbelieving Jews.
    15. Principle: Legalism also leads to cowardice, because those who are self-justified persecute those who rely on faith alone for their righteousness, which forces the legalist to either admit their incorrect position or attack the Truth (it is easier to do the latter).
    16. Here, as in 5:11 and 6:14, "the cross" stands for the whole doctrine of salvation through Christ as opposed to salvation by works.
    17. Jewish believers came under the most severe persecution from their unbelieving counterparts positive believers today receive the same treatment from other believers. cp Heb 10:32-34
    18. As it has been noted before, the religious, unbelieving Jews of Pauls day understood the ramifications of Jesus being Messiah if He was, they had fulfilled prophecy by intentionally murdering Him.
    1. this was an unacceptable position, and rather than admit their error and repent, they attacked anyone who proclaimed the Truth. Ac 5:33-40
    2. those who came from their ranks and had believed, but still desired their friendship, refused to "carry their cross", and sought to compromise in order to avoid suffering.
    3. in so doing, they unwittingly played into the hands of the unbelieving Pharisees, by denying the reality of the work of Christ on the cross.
    4. application: we cannot deny the reality that we study the Word of God to the highest degree possible (and others do not) simply to avoid the anger and rejection of our friends or acquaintances.
    1. Like most legalists, they were concerned with outward appearance before men, rather than with inward righteousness before the Lord, but cp Rom 2:29. "But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God."
    2. Not only were they arrogant, they were also cowardly, they did not seek to glorify God, they sought to protect themselves:
    1. they pushed their legalism to protect their own lives and property.
    2. they desired to maintain their status and prestige in the Jewish community, and with their negative friends and relatives.
    3. they did not want to suffer economic hardship and persecution.
    4. they were unwilling to become "outcasts" for the sake of the Lord. cp 1Cor 4:9-13
    5. they would not pay the price of persecution in order to be identified with Him and His truth.
    6. they were willing to compromise the Truth by holding to the traditions of men, rather than stand firm in their newfound freedom.
    7. although they claimed to speak for God, in reality they made themselves His enemies by persecuting true communicators and teaching false doctrine to new believers.
    1. Again we find the principle that even a little compromise of the Word of God for the approval of man will quickly lead to overt antagonism to His Plan.
    2. Jesus constantly condemned those who seek the approval of men by using religious piety to impress them. cp Mt 6:1-8, 16-18

Vs 13 Legalistic Hypocrisy

For those who are circumcised do not even keep the Law themselves, (exp con ga,r "for/ because" + P M P N M P w/d.a. o` perite,mnw "the ones/ those who are circumcising" (the Middle both produces and receives the action they were circumcised and circumcised others) + neg con ouvde "also/ even do not" + P A I 3p fula,ssw phulasso "keep watch over; guard/ protect" (cp Ac 22:20) + Ac M S no,moj "a law" (a reference to the bastardized version of the Mosaic Law they taught) + N M 3p pro auvto,j "themselves") but they desire to have you circumcised, (str adv avlla, "but/ rather" + P A I 3p qe,lw thelo "they desire/ wish" + P P If w/ Ac 2p pro perite,mnw su, "to have you circumcised") that they may boast in your flesh. (sub con (purp) i[na "so that" + A D S 3p kauca,omai kauchaomai "they may boast/ glorify themselves" + prep w/ I F S w/d.a. evn h` sa,rx "by (means of) the flesh" + I F 2s adj u`me,teroj humeteros "belonging to you; your property")

    1. While Paul was concerned with the inward work that Christ be formed in them (4:19), the Judaizers concern was for an external mark signifying that the Galatians had been won over to their position (cp "baptismal statistics", attendance boards, pledges for funds, "covenants" not to smoke, drink, dance, play cards, etc.)
    2. Paul asserts that they did not thoroughly follow the Mosaic Law, whether its true form or the corrupted version they taught. cp Lk 11:39f
    3. They picked what portions of Scripture appealed to their lust grids and rejected the portions they disliked.
    4. This is not a petty attack from Paul, casting aspersions on their motives in order to build himself up; under the ministry of the Holy Spirit he is telling his readers the real character of the opponents of the Truth.
    5. Application: the Holy Spirit will protect positive volition from false teachers, and one way He does so is by the presence of an adjusted communicator who sees and reveals them for what they are.
    6. From the previous verse, we see their inconsistency: they did not force circumcision to keep the Law, rather to avoid the persecution which would result if they did not.
    7. Their goal was to be able to proudly glorify themselves, at the same time negating potential persecution, by exhibiting how many Gentiles they had "saved".
    8. The adjective "belonging to you" makes it clear that the Judaizers would boast over the removal of a strip of dead skin from a converted male Gentile, as if that would have any bearing whatsoever before God!

Vs 14 The True Ground for Boasting

But may it never be that I should boast, (wk adv de, "and yet" (contrast of Paul vs. the Judaizers) + neg ptcl w/ A D Op 3s mh, gi,nomai ginomai "may it never be; absolutely not" + D 1s pro evgw, "for me" + P D If kauca,omai kauchaomai "to boast/ glorify) except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, (cond ptcl w/ neg ptcl eiv mh, "if not; except" + prep w/ L M S w/d.a. evn o` stauro,j stauros "in the sphere of the cross" + G M S w/d.a. o` ku,rioj kurios "the Lord" + G 1p pro evgw, "of us; our" + G M S VIhsou/j Cristo,j "Jesus Christ") through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (prep w/ G M S rel pro dia, o[j "through which; because of which" + N M S ko,smoj kosmos "a world; a cosmic system" + Pf P I 3s stauro,w stauroo "has been and still is crucified" + D 1s pro evgw, "to me" + c.c. & N 1s pro contr kavgw, "and I" + D M S ko,smoj "to a cosmic system")

    1. While the Judaizers boasted in their observance of legal rituals and their proselytizing fervor, Paul had an exactly opposite attitude he would boast in what God had accomplished.
    2. The phrase "may it never be" expresses a wish, while at the same time indicating a situation that is a virtual impossibility.
    3. Except for one usage in Lk 20:16 (and Luke was a close associate of Pauls and would therefore potentially borrow his terminology), the phrase mh. ge,noito me genoito occurs only in Pauline epistles.
    4. To Paul it was inconceivable to even think of boasting in anything other than the cross of Christ.
    5. Paul emphatically rejects any boasting that is at odds with the true significance of the cross, for believer and unbeliever alike.
    6. As we have seen earlier, there were times Paul did engage in sanctified boasting. cp 1Cor 9:15; 2Cor 10:8, 11:10, 16-17, 12:1, 5-6.
    7. This verse refers to the sinful boasting, as found in 2Cor 11:12.
    8. As in vs 12, "the cross" carries the connotation of all that was accomplished there, and the resultant destruction of the Law as a means of gaining +R.
    9. The utter shame, disgust and horror associated with a cross/ crucifixion made it socially unacceptable to even mention in polite society. (Cicero, Pro Rabirio 16)
    10. But for Paul it was so central a theme in his message, and he glorified Gods Plan through it to such a degree that he called the gospel "the word of the cross". 1Cor 1:18 "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
    11. The Judaizers compromised the message to maintain their friendship with the world Paul boasted in that which men found most unappealing about the gospel.
    12. Principle: The adjusted communicator does not back down from the Truth because it is an unpleasant subject or politically incorrect.
    13. There are two, and only two, approaches which men take toward relationship with God:
    1. the recognition of Divine accomplishment, focusing on God and what He has provided by grace.
    2. human achievement, focusing on man and his work to become as good as God, whereby he can boast.
    1. The recognition of Divine accomplishment is found only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ all other religions deny His Deity, the sacrificial work on the cross for our benefit, and the free bestowal of sonship based on His efforts, not our own.
    2. The use of the full title, "Lord Jesus Christ" emphasizes all three aspects of the Hypostatic Union:
    1. Lord refers to His sovereignty as Deity. cp Jn 10:30 "I and the Father are one."
    2. Jesus specifies His actual, real humanity. cp Mt 1:1 "The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham"
    3. Christ is the Greek form of Messiah, the Anointed One, and points to His work as Savior. Mt 16:21 "From that time Jesus Christ began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day."
    1. The word "crucified" (stauro,w stauroo) is a Perfect Passive Indicative the world was crucified and remains that way (powerless to control or influence Paul), not of its own volition (God did the work, the world would still love to be our master), and this is reality (regardless of what others may say).
    2. The "world" (ko,smoj kosmos) is the world system, run under the rules established by its ruler, Satan. Ac 26:18
    3. Unbelievers have no choice but to operate according to the cosmic system established by Satan, designed to bring nothing but grief and despair. cp 1Cor 15:32
    4. Believers who place themselves under man-made legalism return to that mode of hopeless, unfulfilled lives, lacking the confidence BD is designed to bring. Jn 8:31-32 "If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
    5. The satanic world system can still influence us, but only by our permission known as negative volition.
    6. The one who desires to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Js 4:4 "You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
    7. We are in the world, we use the world and its system to survive, but we are not of the same mindset as the cosmos. Jn 17:14 "I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world."
    8. Since the world has been crucified to believers, why should they continue to associate with the corpse, physically or mentally? cp Col 2:20-22

Vss 15-16 The Reality and Its Result

For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. (exp conj ga,r "for; because" + neg conj ou;te "neither" (when followed by a second oute) + P I 3s eivmi, "is; continues to be" + N F S peritomh, "circumcision" + N N S indef pro ti.j "anything" + neg conj ou;te "nor" + N F S avkrobusti,a "uncircumcision" + str adv avlla, "but; rather" + N F S adj kaino,j kainos "new" (what has not existed before = human spirit; unprecedented or new by its nature) + N F S kti,sij ktisis "creation" (what has been created))

And those who will walk by this rule, (c.c. kai, "and" + N M P rel pro o[soj "those who; as many as" " + F A I 3p stoice,w stoicheo "will walk; will live in agreement" (a military term lit = "advance in line; follow in someones footsteps") + I M S w/d.a. w/ dem adj o` kanw,n ou-toj kanon houtos "by means of this rule/ standard/ measure/ sphere) peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. (N F S eivrh,nh eirene "peace" + c.c. kai, "and" + N N S e;leoj eleos "mercy" (goodwill towards the afflicted, coupled with the desire to help them) + Prep w/ Ac M 3p pro evpi, auvto,j "upon them" + c.c. kai, "and" + prep w/ Ac M S w/d.a. evpi, o` VIsrah,l "upon the Israel" + G M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j "of the God")

    1. Paul repeats the focus of the book from 5:6 for the second time he makes a categorical/ dogmatic denial of the role of circumcision for the CA believer.
    2. In that verse, what has meaning is to be "in Christ" along with the Ph2 demonstration of faith (positive volition) in BD that is energized by love (FHS).
    3. In the previous dispensation, circumcision had indeed counted greatly whether a Jew abided by the command, but even then it was not intended as a means of justification, only an overt sign of obedience.
    4. Paul did not want the uncircumcised Gentiles to adopt the attitude that their physical condition made them better than the circumcised Jews, either.
    5. Circumcision was to the Age of Israel what water baptism is to the Church Age, only a ritual authorized by God, but not the reality it portrays a believer is able to grow spiritually and attain the crown whether circumcision or baptism is present or not.
    6. Regarding proponents of the "necessity" of water baptism as necessary for salvation in the Church Age, consider the following:
    1. baptism as a ritual did not exist before John the Baptist how were people saved before that? Gal 2:16
    2. John the Baptist was never baptized. Mt 3:14f
    3. Jesus never personally baptized anyone strange indeed if baptism was necessary for salvation. Jn 4:1-2
    4. Paul was reluctant to personally baptize his own converts, saying he did not come to baptize, but to proclaim the gospel. 1Cor 1:14-17
    5. The question of the crowd in Ac 2:37-38 (a favorite of the works crowd) is not "what shall we do to be saved?" but "what shall we do?" cp Ac 16:31
    6. With respect to the expression "for the forgiveness of your sins", not even animal/ ritual/ sacrificial blood delivered from sins (Heb 10:4); how can water be expected to do so now?
    7. 1Pet 3:21, another verse used to distort the ritual, refers not to salvation, but "an appeal to God for a good conscience", and the following phrase "through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" demands that salvation has already taken place.
    1. Human works are not what matters, says Paul, but the "new creation", something present now that was not present before.
    2. This word for "new" (kaino,j kainos) emphasizes the appearance of something not seen before, which by its nature is unprecedented and previously unknown.
    3. The word "creation" (kti,sij ktisis) is usually translated as here, though sometimes it occurs as "creature" (Heb 4:13), but the emphasis is always on the one doing the creating act. cp 1Pet 2:13, where it is translated "institution".
    4. Upon our salvation and adoption as sons, we were given the human spirit whereby we can communicate with God, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit Indwelling us.
    5. Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God (Jn 3:3) ; an entirely new birth, of an unprecedented kind, through the regeneration by God the Holy Spirit, is necessary first. Tit 3:5
    6. So again the emphasis is not on mans efforts or value, but the One who created in us a new situation.
    7. To those who are in this new situation, the issue of circumcision (or any other ancestral tradition)) loses all significance. cp Phi 3:8
    8. Paul, as a man in Christ, conformed or did not conform to these traditions according to his current company and circumstances not because he was obligated to do so. 1Cor 9:20
    9. When Christ appears at the Rapture, we shall realize our full status as participants in the new creation. Col 3:4 "When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory."
    10. The Future of "will walk" is durative in nature those who continue to walk will enjoy this blessing (and only for as long as they continue).
    11. The "walk" is that of the straight and narrow the word literally means to walk in a straight line, hence following in the footsteps of another, hence imitating them. cp 1Cor 11:1 "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ."
    12. The word translated "rule" is kanw,n kanon , which is a standard of measure cp our expression "the canon of Scripture", which is our only measure of Gods Will for our lives.
    13. The "rule/ standard" is that of living our lives as fully adopted inheritors, without reference to achieving some other standard by our own merits.
    14. The peace in view is the peace of mind we have as a result of our faith that God has accomplished all we need for salvation and +R those who lack this epignosis can never have true peace of mind, since they constantly fear failure in their attempts to earn it.
    15. It also includes peace among themselves, as opposed to the deeds of the flesh occurring under legalism. cp 5:15, 20
    16. Mercy is an expression of grace in action grace sees a need and is compelled to assist; God will meet our needs in spite of our weaknesses, if we will avail ourselves of our position as a new creation.
    17. If the Galatians will change their minds, reject the legalism of the Judaizers, and walk by the straight and narrow of the gospel, peace and mercy will be upon them (the absence of "be" is a Hebraism, it assumes an unconditional reality it will be without doubt).
    18. "Upon them" is a reference to the believing Gentiles who follow this rule, while "the Israel of God" refers to the true Israel, the believing Jews. cp Rom 9:6-7
    19. This is another way of saying that no matter what physical characteristics, background, societal variation, or overt differences we, as believers, may possess, we all have equal potential in the Plan of God. cp 3:28
    20. It is possible the Jewish believers who continued to live as they had been raised would be compared to the Judaizers, even though they only lived according to their custom before salvation, not demanding that Gentiles do the same.
    21. As long as they rejected the necessity of living according to the Mosaic Law, they could avail themselves of the same peace promised to the Gentiles.
    22. This verse may also carry an implied invitation to the Judaizers Paul would certainly have accepted them openly if they repented from their "rule" to the true standard of measure.

Vs 17 Pauls Final Command

From now on let no one cause trouble for me, (G N S pro w/d.a. o` loipo,j loipos "the rest; the remaining time" + N M S card pro w/ P A Ip 3s mhdei,j pare,cw medeis parecho "let no one cause/ present" + Ac M P ko,poj kopos "trouble; a burden" (lit a beating) + D 1s pro evgw, "for me") for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus. (exp con ga,r "for" + P A I 1s basta,zw bastadzo "I bear/ carry" (cp 6:2, 5) + Ac N P w/d.a. to. sti,gma stigma "the brand marks" (the brand or tattoo of ownership, for a soldier or slave) + G M S w/d.a. o` VIhsou/j "of Jesus" + prep w/ L N S evn to. sw/ma soma "in the body" + G 1s pro evgw, "of me; my")

    1. Paul now concludes with an exhortation designed both to keep his converts on the straight and narrow, and also to remind them of the soulish pressure their defection had caused him.
    2. Paul was not naïve enough to think that no one in the Galatian churches would ever misapply again, but he gives this command as a way to impress upon them the importance of correct application.
    3. Ideally, the Galatians would not fall under the sway of false teachers ever again, but in reality they would need further instruction as their Christian life progressed. Ac 15:41 "And he was traveling through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches."
    4. They had strayed from the reality of the Gospel (Ph1 and Ph2), fallen under the spell of the legalists, and as a result had come to regard Paul as having hostile intentions towards them. 1:6, 4:15, 5:7
    5. Now he tells them "enough is enough; you have caused me enough trouble already; next time you are tempted to stray off course from the Truth, consider what it will do to me".
    6. Principle: Believers will be chastised by God for causing their communicator to labor under adversity:
    1. by rejecting sound Doctrine clearly documented in the Scripture.
    2. through indifference in application.
    3. if they put pressure on him by listening to false teachers.
    1. Unlike the Judaizers, who boasted that they carried the physical mark of adherence to the Abrahamic Covenant, he bore "brand-marks" that proved he belonged to Jesus Christ.
    2. Roman custom was to brand or tattoo those who were in unconditional servitude to another, whether a slave (personal or temple), gladiator, or soldier in the Roman army (as well as the branding of cattle!).
    3. These "brand-marks" are most widely and reasonably interpreted as the wounds and scars he carried as a result of his sufferings and persecutions for the truth of the Gospel he had been stoned outside of Lystra, for example. Ac 14:19; cp 2Cor 11:24-25 "Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep."
    4. These marks were not only a sign of ownership, but also gave proof that Paul was suffering with his Lord. cp Phi 3:7-11; Col 1:24
    5. Jesus Himself carries the scars of crucifixion in His Resurrection body, as evidence that He received them in compliance with the Will of His Father. Jn 20:27 "Then He said to Thomas, Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing."
    6. In contrast to the now irrelevant mark of circumcision, Paul asserts that he has marks on his body which do mean something the sti,gma stigma , or scars, which he has acquired as a direct consequence of his service to the Lord.
    7. In marked contrast to the Judaizers, that persecution had not prevented him from proclaiming the Truth even to this day their legalism had not cost them much, nor were they as committed to it as Paul was to the Truth.
    8. Legalistic Jews liked to make pretense of great personal sacrifice and suffering for the Plan of God (Mt 6:16), but Paul had verifiable evidence of the degree of suffering he endured for Gods Plan.
    9. Applications of the Book of Galatians for today:
    1. Recognize the importance and necessity of examining all teachings by the standard of Bible Doctrine.
    2. Do not listen to teachers who deny or subvert the teaching of your God-given Pastor-Teacher.
    3. Do not listen to a multiplicity of teachers, conflicts will arise and draw you away from the Truth (trust God to get you the Truth through the PT He gave you).
    4. Our goal must be to please the One who saved us this is done partially by persuading men, but if a conflict arises between the two, the Lord must receive priority.
    5. Just as it is not legitimate for a PT to give direction to another Local Body, it is wrong for a member of the body to receive direction from others tapes, commentaries, computer programs, books, "religious" television, "self-study", "Bible teachers", etc. are not the Plan of God for the Church Age.
    6. Encouragement comes to the PT when he observes those under his charge making applications based on what he has taught sorrow results when he sees them stray from the Truth or fail to apply.
    7. Recognize that there will be attacks on your faith from the source of the cosmos, as well as a certain amount of persecution and suffering.
    8. Most of our suffering will not be of the physical kind suffered by Paul and the Apostles, but it will be just as real.
    9. Persecution in the form of mental pressure placed on us by negative volition, especially close friends, family members, and religious reversionists.
    10. If we deny the Truth of Gods Word, we are deceiving ourselves and will harvest only a worthless crop of human good.
    11. Each of us belongs to Jesus Christ, as servants/ ambassadors/ soldiers/ farmers. cp 2Tim 2:3-6
    12. Each of us must not avoid the suffering that is associated with a firm stand for the Truth and making difficult applications we must not succumb to the desire of the flesh for the approbation of men at the expense of approbation from God.

Vs 18 Benediction

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. (N F S w/d.a. h` ca,rij charis "the grace" + G M S (sub gen) w/d.a. o` ku,rioj "of the Lord" + G 1p pro evgw, "of us; our" + G M S (apposition) VIhsou/j Cristo,j "Jesus Christ" + prep w/ G N S meta, to. pneu/ma "with the spirit" + G 2p pro su, "of you; your" + V M P avdelfo,j adelphos "brethren") Amen. (avmh,n)

    1. Paul typically began and ended his letters with an expression of grace.
    2. Grace is all that God has done to bring fallen and sinful man into a just, perfect, and eternal relationship with Himself.
    3. He accomplished this without in any way compromising His Divine Attributes and totally apart from human merit and works.
    4. Grace is all that God is free to do for man on the basis of Christs work on the cross.
    5. Grace depends only on Who and What God is, never on who and what man is grace is, by definition, unmerited favor.
    6. Grace is a combination of the Attributes of:
    1. +R/J there is nothing we can do of ourselves to merit Gods favor. cp Rom 8:3
    2. Love God desired those who would seek Him to find Him. cp Pro 8:17
    3. Omnipotence God has done all the work and provided everything we need for sanctification/ justification. cp Eph 2:4-9
    4. Sovereignty God willed for us to be saved, and did what was necessary to procure that salvation on our behalf. cp Rom 8:29-30
    1. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Source of this grace, He provides it to all who will accept it. vs 16
    2. As it was when this letter was written, so it is now we live in an age of lax morals, permissiveness and immorality and a legalistic church that is lukewarm to the principles of sound doctrine.
    3. The choice is the same we can choose liberty (freedom in Christ), license (the works of the flesh), or legalism (following the human viewpoint traditions of men).
    4. "Spirit" refers to the human spirit, which only believers possess unbelievers, regardless of their morality or lack thereof, have no peace with God. cp Eph 2:14 "For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall"
    5. Unbelievers are dichotomous they possess only body and soul; believers are trichotomous they possess body, soul, and human spirit.
    6. The human spirit is the essential element of GAP, the Grace Apparatus for Perception it is the link between GHS and the soul, the storehouse of spiritual information. 1Cor 2:10-15
    7. It is the same as the "inner man" which is renewed by intake and application of BD. 2Cor 4:16 "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day."
    8. Here only in Pauls letters does the word "brothers" occur in such an emphatic position at the end of the sentence (also, only in this epistle does he include the term in the closing benediction).
    9. For all the severity of language he has had to use, despite their defection and altered attitude towards him, his love and regard for them remains the same he still regards them as brothers.
    10. Amen is the Greek transliteration from Hebrew, which is also transliterated to English.
    11. It could be rendered "I believe it" Paul has confidence the grace of God will operate in the lives of the Galatian believers.
    12. There is evidence that Pauls letter had the desired effect on the Galatians, as later they were involved in the Jerusalem relief fund. cp 1Cor 16:1 also cp Ac 18:23 "And having spent some time there, he departed and passed successively through the Galatian region and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples."
    13. We who seek Gods Will above all else will have this same grace bestowed upon us this is the nature of, and the reason for, the glory of our God and Savior.