Galatians Chapter 6
6:1 Welcoming a Brother Back
Brethren (V M P avdelfo,j), even if a man is caught in any trespass (c.c. asc kai, "even" (asc = most extreme example) + cond ptcl eva,n "if" (3rd cl) + N M S a;nqrwpoj anthropos "a man" + A P S 3s prolamba,nw prolambano "may be caught/ overtaken" (lit to take beforehand, hence to catch off-guard/ unprepared) + prep w/ L N S ind pro evn ti.j "in any; in whatever" + L N S para,ptwma paraptoma "transgression" (lit a false step)), you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness (N 2p pro su, "you yourself" + N M P adj w/d.a. o` pneumatiko,j pneumatikos "the ones being spiritual" (related to God, i.e. FHS) + P A Ip 2p katarti,zw katartidzo "restore to a previous condition" + Ac M P rel pro w/d.a. o` toiou/toj toioutos "the such a one" + prep w/ I N S evn pneu/ma "with a spirit" (mode of operation) + G F S prau<thj prautes "of gentleness"); each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted (P A P N M S skope,w skopeo "continually looking to/ examining" + Ac M 2s pro seautou/ - seautou "yourselves" + neg ptcl mh, "lest; so that not" + N 2s pro su, "you yourself" + c.c. adjunc kai, "also" + A P S 2s peira,zw peirodzo "may be tempted") .
- This verse must not be separated from what Paul has been saying in the previous chapters.
- It deals not with those who unrepentantly follow their Sin Natures and legalism, but those who desire reversion recovery.
- "Brethren" indicates it is confined to those who are believers.
- As we have seen, membership in the Body of Christ carries obligations toward one another the Law of Love demands re-acceptance of a believer seeking to re-establish their spiritual growth.
- "Even if a man is caught" is a Greek 3rd class condition perhaps someone will leave the straight and narrow, perhaps they wont; if they do and later return to it, these are our Royal Family guidelines.
- This could happen because the believer failed to pay attention and was tempted (and failed) under their STA, or it could be that they flirted with some temptation they thought they could pass (cp Rom 13:14).
- The translation of prolamba,nw prolambano as "caught" could be misleading, it is not as if we are to spy on other believers, trying to catch them engaged in sinful activity. (literally the word means "taken beforehand")
- A more accurate translation would be "overtaken", as in the case of a believer who has been overtaken by some sin and has left the straight and narrow; how the information came to public knowledge is not the issue.
- It is conceivable that one believer might happen upon another who is engaged in sinful activity, and catch them unawares that situation is included in the meaning of the verb.
- "Any sin" means just that we are under obligation to restore the repentant believer no matter how serious the offense.
- For example, the incestuous Corinthian was removed from the church until his repentance was effected, then Paul commanded the church to welcome him back. 2Cor 2:6-7
- The potential situation has two elements:
- the believer who is off the straight and narrow (overtaken by some trespass)
- other believers who are spiritual, that is, led by God the Holy Spirit and are still, therefore, on the straight and narrow.
- "Spirituality" is not measured in the amount of BD possessed, nor is it a measure of time under BD it is an absolute state referring to being Filled with God the Holy Spirit. 1Cor 2:12-14
- But a person who is considered "spiritual" is one who has spent time logged under the FHS and has taken in BD to apply. cp 1Cor 3:1 "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ."
- When a legalist or carnal believer (one following the flesh) tries to correct a sinning brother, they fall under the principle of Mt 7:3. "And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
- The Greek word "trespass" is para,ptwma paraptoma , and means literally "a false step" i.e. one outside the bounds of Scripture.
- This word ties us back to 5:25 "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." ; even if we fail to walk correctly, we can recover.
- This is not the case for the believer who does not desire to return, but instead wants to continue unrepentantly sinning. 1Cor 5:11 "But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-- not even to eat with such a one."
- This verse does not refer to incidental sinning, either those sins are covered by Rebound/ confession.
- The Present Imperative of katarti,zw katartidzo is used for a continuing restoration we stay with the believer making recovery for however long it is needed.
- The verb has the nuance of restoring something to its original condition, as in the case of broken bones, or mending fish nets. (Mt 4:21)
- This restoration is to be done in a spirit of humility and gentleness the Galatians had a tendency to react with bitterness and attack. 5:15
- Nothing exhibits the nature of legalism more vividly than how it treats fallen Christians seeking forgiveness public humiliation and confession, removal from office, rejection from fellowship, and reduction to second class status are common among those who practice self-righteousness.
- The word translated "humility" is prau<thj prautes , which we saw in 5:23 as one of the fruits of the Spirit, where it was translated "gentleness".
- The believer who is setting right the brother who has sinned must recognize that they could fall into the same sinful activity all believers possess the STA and could therefore commit any sin.
- The attitude of "I would never do that" is nothing but pride and arrogance, but cp Pro 16:18 "Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling."
- A humble spirit does not think more highly of oneself than one ought. Rom 12:3
- "Looking to" is the Present Participle of skope,w skopeo , which means to pay close attention to something, to watch out for something
- Paying attention to yourself instead of the other believer is another caution against arrogance or conceit on the part of the believer who has not fallen into a particular sin dont focus on their failure, take care you do not fail.
- This is the significance of the change from the plural ("you who are spiritual") to the singular ("look to yourself"). cp 1Cor 10:12 "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."
- Each of us must be aware that we too can be tempted, whether it is within the same area of failure or a different one, we have the potential (subjunctive) to fail just as badly.
- This can happen to anyone, at any level of spiritual growth.
Vs 2 Bearing His Burdens
Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ. (P A Ip 2p basta,zw bastadzo "bear; carry" + G 2p ref pro avllh,lwn allelon "one anothers" + Ac N P w/d.a. to. ba,roj baros "burden; hardship" + c.c. kai. "and" + adv ou[twj houtos "thus; in this way" + F A I 2p avnaplhro,w anapleroo "you will fulfill/ complete" (compound, lit "fill up/ to the top") + Ac M S w/d.a. o` no,moj nomos "the law" + G M S w/d.a. o` Cristo,j "of the Christ")
- The willingness to restore, in an understanding and non-judgmental way, a brother who has left the straight and narrow is one practical example of the fruit of the Spirit.
- A second is the readiness to keep on bearing one anothers burdens.
- The Present Imperative of "bear" means to keep on bearing, not just once but as often as required (the word has the nuance of carrying with endurance).
- The Christian Way of Life is not one of application when it is convenient, it is a life of service to one another under whatever circumstances may occur. cp Phi 2:3-4, 14
- This is the same word found in 5:10, of the D.D. that "the one troubling" them would bear.
- Typically, a legalist demands more of others than himself; the Spirit-led believer demands more of himself, so that he may help others.
- The "burden" (ba,roj baros) is a heavy, crushing weight; a pressure on the soul of a fellow believer.
- Notice it is a plural burdens of every kind, anything that causes hardship or suffering for another.
- Bearing one anothers burdens would include mental support for the repenting reversionist, but the scope of the command is far greater than just the one making reversionism recovery it includes support of every kind for every other member of the RFG.
- Examples would include severe health tests, financial testing, orphans and widows with their special needs, bereavement of a loved one, persecutions/ undeserved sufferings, and D.D. that continues after recovery.
- Bearing one anothers burdens is in contrast with the selfishness which leaves other believers to fend for themselves, to bear their own burdens, whatever they may be.
- Bearing anothers burdens is a Divine quality. cp Ps 55:22 "Cast your burden upon the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (this verse is echoed in 1Pt 5:7)
- In 5:13 Paul commanded that we "serve one another in love", a reiteration of Jesus commandment in Jn 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
- Love fulfills the commandments of the Mosaic Law. 5:14
- "The Law of Christ", as opposed to the "Law of Moses", is a playful antithesis Christ and the Law have been contrary to one another throughout the whole book.
- The "Law of Christ" is also called the "Royal Law" in Js 2:8 "If, however, you are fulfilling the royal law, according to the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing well."
- The word "fulfill" (avnaplhro,w anapleroo) is a compound, meaning to complete to the highest level possible.
- The Judaizers demanded they keep the Mosaic Laws overt commands, but here is a higher application whereby, even if they did not keep (or know) its exact specifications, they could still fulfill it.
- While bearing burdens is a reciprocal activity, it is a definite responsibility of stronger (more mature) believers toward those who are less mature. Rom 15:1 "Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves."
Vs 3 False Pride
For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. (sub con ga,r "for" + cond ptcl (1st cl) eiv "if; since" + N M S indef pro ti.j "anyone; someone" + P A I 3s doke,w dokeo "thinks/ supposes/ recognizes" + P If eivmi, "to be" + N N S indef pro ti.j "something (of import) + P P N M S eivmi, "he is continually being" + N N S card num mhdei,j medeis "zero; nothing" + P A I 3s frenapata,w phrenapatao (1x) "he continually deceives/ misleads" (lit "walking around ones thinking") + Ac M 3s pro e`autou/ - heautou "himself")
- This maxim (a succinct or short-and-to-the-point expression of a general truth) is not thrown in at random, but is relevant to the situation in the Galatian churches : it is a warning against spiritual pride, and is the opposite of gentleness and humility.
- The connective "for" indicates this verse is descriptive of verse 2; if we refuse to bear anothers burdens because we are "too good", we think we are something special before God, but in reality deceive ourselves.
- The 1st class condition of the Greek indicates there were those in the Galatian churches who were involved in this MA self-deception, based on their having resisted whatever sins others may have committed.
- This is a commonly observed phenomena of the Church in general there are always those believers who (consistently or intermittently) follow their lust grid of approbation into pride.
- The Christian should have a Biblical opinion of themselves, but not a high opinion. 1Cor 15:10
- To be willfully ignorant of ones ignorance is the ultimate manifestation of pride. Rev 3:16-17
- Pride:
- was the original sin of Satan Eze 28:17
- was the motivating factor in his fall Isa 14:12-14
- incites negative volition to persecute the positive Ps 10:1
- heads the list of seven sins that God hates Pro 6:16-17
- leads to severe D.D. Pro 11:2, 16:18
- rejects Bible Doctrine Jer 13:9-10; Jn 8:45
- should be directed towards God 2Ch 17:6
- As in 2:6, the expression "thinks {himself} to be something" refers to someone held in high esteem, and here refers to an individual who considers himself above the kinds of burdens others may bear, or areas of sin in which they may be tempted.
- The word "deceives" (Present Indicative of frenapata,w phrenapatao "continually deceives") emphasizes the leading astray of the individuals mind/ thinking, on a purely subjective basis.
- Those who have pride of self are unable to bear the burdens of others:
- their self-righteous attitude will prevent a compassionate, sympathetic understanding of the others weaknesses
- since their pride precludes the FHS, their attempts at reconciliation will be under the energy of the flesh and not blessed by God therefore ineffective for them or the other
- they tend to regard others with a certain contempt (recognized or not), and are reluctant to help restore those overcome by temptation cp Lk 11:46
- This passage agrees with Rom 12:3 that the believer should carry an attitude of genuine humility.
- The meaning is similar also to 1Cor 8:2, where incomplete knowledge renders the believer maladjusted to the will of God. "If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know"
- While we should recognize that we do know the Truth (Jn 8:32 "and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free"), we are not to think we know it all, and are therefore above certain STA vices.
- Typically, self-righteousness is based on comparison with others. Lk 18:10-14.
- Verse 4 denies that attitude if we are to be adjusted to Gods Will.
Vs 4,5 The Remedy is Self Examination
But let each one examine his own work, (weak advers de, "but" + N M S pro e[kastoj hekastos "every/ each man" + P A Ip 3s dokima,zw dokimadz "examine; test; scrutinize" + Ac N S w/d.a. to. e;rgon ergon "the work" (collective sing all works overall) + G M 3s ref pro e`autou/ heautou "of himself; his") and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, (c.c. kai, "and" + adv to,te "then" + F A I 3s e;cw "he will have" + Ac N S kau,chma kauchema "a boast; a reason to have pride" + prep w/ Ac M 3s pro eivj e`autou/ "unto/ toward himself" + Ac M S adj mo,noj monos "alone; only") and not in regard to another. (c.c. kai, "and" + neg ptcl ouvk "not" + prep w/ Ac M S w/d.a. eivj o` e[teroj heteros "unto/ toward the other")
For each one will bear his own load. (exp conj ga,r "for; because" + N M S e[kastoj "every/ each " + F A I 3s basta,zw bastadzo "will bear/ carry" + Ac N S adj i;dion idion "(his) own" + Ac N S w/d.a. to. forti,on phortion "the burden/ load")
- The remedy for conceit or false pride is honest self-evaluation.
- So far in context we have seen:
- we are to have a spirit of humility in our dealings with others, who have been stepped outside the bounds of BD.
- we are to bear one anothers burdens and in that way fulfill the law of Christ.
- anyone who thinks he is something when he is actually nothing ("I am in the light" 1Jn 2:9) is self-deceived.
- The word "examine" was used of testing metals to determine their purity. cp 1Pt 1:7
- It is used of the fire at the Bema seat that tests the quality of each believers works. 1Cor 3:13
- It is also used of examining/ considering every doctrinal principle the believer encounters. 1Th 5:21 "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good"
- "Each one" emphasizes individual responsibility in self-scrutiny not against another believers failures or weaknesses, but against the Word of God. cp 1Cor 11:28-31
- Neither are we to measure ourselves by our own standard, which most self-righteous believers/ false teachers do. cp 2Cor 10:12
- We are not to evaluate ourselves against the works/ failures of others, but in relation to the Word of God. Rom 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
- The Greek word order emphasizes the words "his own work", as opposed to the works of others (God does not grade on a curve).
- After that evaluation, and only after it, can the believer have a reason for sanctified boasting. cp Rom 15:17 "Therefore in Christ Jesus I have found reason for boasting in things pertaining to God."
- "Boasting" does not have the empty nuance of our word "bragging", it is a word implying a proclamation of success in an area.
- One may boast in what the Lord has accomplished in a believers life and through that believer, but the emphasis must be on the Lord. 1Co 1:31
- But if one is to boast in regard to ones works, that would demand a non-judgmental attitude, and adjustment to the WoG boasting without those qualities would indeed be empty boasting. cp 1Cor 5:6 "Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?"
- At no time are we to boast in anothers failure, nor proclaim ourselves righteous (or right) because of another persons unrighteousness.
- It is not for one Christian to assess or judge the priesthood or works of another; each believer is answerable to Christ for his own works. 2Cor 5:10
- A righteous judgement is required when assessing a teachers accuracy and alignment with the WoG. Jn 7:24 ;1Cor 4:1-4
- compare what the teacher says and teaches against the WoG 1Jn 4:1 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
- reject a teachers information if he proves untrustworthy do not try to "pick out the good from the bad" Mt 16:12 "Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
- a teachers personal life, failures, and strengths must be kept separate from his communication as long as he teaches the Word of God (and abides by the godliness code: 1Tim 3:1-7), his personal life is not an issue
- This verse does not bar the evaluation of others, as long as sinful judging is avoided. cp 1Cor 16:3 "And when I arrive, whomever you may approve, I shall send them with letters to carry your gift to Jerusalem"
- Vs 5 gives the reason for the injunction of vs 4 each of us carries our own load, not that of others.
- This word is different than "burden" of vs 2:
- that word refers to "heavy loads" that one finds unbearable and requires assistance in carrying
- this is a persons "proper burden", like a travelers pack
- it is used of a ships cargo, which indicates it is able to be carried (without swamping the ship) Ac 27:10
- It includes the duties of life that fall to each person, including responsibility before God to carry the specifics of their life. cp Lk 9:23 "And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me."
- This is another common maxim, applicable in a variety of situations.
- It includes helping others with burdens (self-induced or otherwise) that are too heavy and crushing for one person to bear.
- No one else can carry our load for us, each must apply the BD required by their own life.
- Jesus promised that this load would be light, i.e. not a crushing one such as placed on men by the legalistic traditions of men. Mt 11:30. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light"
- His commandments are not burdensome, if we maintain the Filling of the Holy Spirit they are automatic. cp 1Jn 5:3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome."
- This is the light load each of us are to bear the application of Bible Doctrine; an example would be bearing the heavy burdens of others.
Vs 6 Sharing All Good Things
And let the one who is taught the word share (weak adv de, "and yet" + P A Ip 3s koinwne,w koinoneo "letshare" + P P P N M S w/d.a. o` kathce,w katecheo "the one/ he who is being taught/ instructed by word of mouth (as opposed to reading)" + Ac M S w/d.a. o` lo,goj logos "the Word" (Bible Doctrine)) all good things with him who teaches. (prep w/ L N P adj evn pa/j avgaqo,j agathos "in all good things" (agathos has the idea of something spiritually good as opposed to something physically beneficial) + P A P D M S w/d.a. o` kathce,w "to/ with the one/ him who is teaching")
- Although the concept of financial remuneration for the Pastor-Teacher is taught in a number of verses, this verse has two emphases.
- The context has dealt with restoring another believer to the Straight and Narrow (vs 1), bearing the burdens of one another (vs 2), not falsely judging oneself as righteous (vs 3), examining ones own work, not that of another (vs 4), and the reason for self-examination (vs 5).
- Here the context demands that the one restored via exhortation, encouragement, and verbal instruction receive that exhortation in a spirit of fellowship, not antagonism.
- There would be a temptation on the part of the corrector to view the offender in a less than favorable light; likewise the offender would have to resist the temptation to reject the BD given by the corrector.
- This verse deals not only with financial support of the PT (although that concept is also present), but also the exhortations given on a personal level by any member of the congregation.
- The word translated "taught" (kathce,w katecheo ) has the nuance of verbal instruction, whether from the PT in Bible Class (1Cor 14:19) or receiving instruction on a personal level (Ac 21:21).
- The one communicating the Word, i.e. the Truth of BD, at whatever level, must be accorded the fellowship and like-mindedness of the one listening.
- If the exhortation is not received in a spirit of fellowship, the result will be factions and disagreements. 5:20
- An example would be the PT of a Galatian church who read this letter, but was not received by an individual member of the church.
- Another example would be a believer who had not succumbed to the Judaizers legalism helping back to reality the one who had fallen.
- This is the opposite of the "biting and devouring" currently under way. 5:15
- It is a basic principle of the life of the Local Church that the Pastor should be supported by his congregation to the fullest extent possible. 1Cor 9:7-14; 1Tim 5:17-18
- As the communicator relieves the ignorance of the listener, so the listeners should relieve the teacher of concern for his subsistence.
- It is another way of saying "the laborer is worthy of his wages", as seen in the Lords instructions upon sending out the 70 disciples. Lk 10:7 "And stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house."
- So the PT falls under the command of this verse, but he is not its only recipient.
- The word "share" is used in the sense of communion (from which comes the English word "communication"), identification, like-mindedness, or fellowship. cp 1Tim 5:22 "Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thus share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin."
- This is the "restoration" of vs 1 a Spirit-filled believer exhorting and giving the Doctrine needed to another believer who has stumbled.
- When any believer is overtaken by a trespass, they first and foremost need to hear the Doctrine pertaining to recovery; no matter how big or how small the infraction, they need to be reminded to Rebound and move on, to apply forgiveness to themselves and others, and to focus on applying Gods Will.
- There are two words translated "good" in Greek (avgaqo,j agathos and kalo,j kalos), each with a different emphasis.
- Our word here has its primary emphasis in what is spiritually good, while kalos emphasizes that which is useful. cp Rom 7:18 "For I know that nothing good (agathos) dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the wishing is present in me, but the doing of the good (kalos) is not." cp also Heb 9:11
- This verse is primarily teaching the principle of mutual acceptance based on both parties being FHS, in terms of the one who instructs and the one receiving the exhortations.
- Application: if someone exhorts you with sound Doctrine, not abusing or misusing Scripture, you are obligated to listen and pray for wisdom in that area, taking their counsel as God intends this is the purpose for the Spiritual gift of exhortation.
Vs 7 The Seed Determines the Harvest
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; (neg ptcl mh, w/ P M Ip 2p plana,w planao "stop being led astray/ deceived" + N M S qeo,j "God" (absence of d.a. = all three Members) + str neg w/ P P I 3s ouv mukthri,zw mukteridzo "mocked; treated with contempt" (from the word for nose, hence "to turn up ones nose")) for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. (expl ga,r "for/ because" + Ac N S rel pro w/ ptcl of conting o[j eva.n "whatever" + N M S a;nqrwpoj anthropos "a man" + P A S 3s spei,rw speiro "may sow/ scatter as seed" + Ac N S dem pro ou-toj "this" + c.c. adj kai, "also" + F A I 3s qeri,zw theridzo "he will reap/ harvest")
- The Present Imperative of plana,w planao is more accurately translated "stop deceiving".
- The Galatians had fallen into the web of STA deceit that false teachers cast for their victims.
- The Middle Voice includes both the teachers and the Galatians themselves they were both being deceived and deceiving themselves. cp vs 3
- So the translation "stop deceiving yourselves" brings out Pauls meaning failing to apply BD towards one another brings about the self-deception so common among the negative.
- Namely, that they are "something" (growing believers in line with Gods Plan), when in reality they are "nothing" (producing no DGP).
- The reason to stop the self-deceit is that God cannot be treated with contempt without repercussions in the life of the one mocking.
- The word literally means "to turn the nose to" someone; the mental attitude that says one can disregard Gods commands and still profit is a mental scorning.
- No one has the ability to make a fool of God, He always has the last laugh. cp 1Cor 3:19 "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS", also cp Job 5:12-14
- A common proverb and recognized reality is used to further demonstrate Gods attitude toward those who apply these principles.
- No one plants wheat and expects to harvest oats; in the same way, if one sows the seeds of STA selfishness, they will not harvest righteousness/ SG3. cp Mt 7:16 "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?"
- The Subjunctive of spei,rw speiro , translated "may sow", indicates the potential every man faces; he may sow/ plant good things or he may sow sinful things.
- He might sow stingily, or he might sow with liberality. cp Lk 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-- pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."
- Again, while financial applications are an imperative, the context dictates that all manner of applications to other believers are in view, specifically that of giving and receiving exhortation.
- If one gives of his time, energy, and resources, God will bless them accordingly.
- If they are stingy and refuse to assist other believers in need, God will withhold blessing from their life.
- God will not allow the attitude of pretending to be submissive to His Will when in reality the soul is selfish and self-centered.
Vs 8 The Flesh vs. the Spirit
For the one who sows to his own flesh (sub con o[ti "for; know that" (deals with content of why God will not be mocked) + P A P N M S w/d.a. o` spei,rw "the one/ he who is sowing" + prep w/ Ac F S w/d.a. eivj h` sa,rx sarx "unto/ toward the flesh" (STA) + G M 3s ref pro e`autou/ - heautou "of his own") shall from the flesh reap corruption, (prep w/ Ab F S w/d.a. evk h` sa,rx "from the flesh" (source) + F A I 3s qeri,zw theridzo "he shall reap/ harvest" + Ac F S fqora, - phthora "corruption/ decay") but the one who sows to the Spirit (weak adv de, "and yet" + P A P N M S w/d.a. o` spei,rw speiro "the one/ he who is sowing" + prep w/ Ac N S w/d.a. eivj to. pneu/ma pneuma "unto/ toward the Spirit") shall from the Spirit reap eternal life. (prep w/ Ab N S w/d.a. evk to. pneu/ma "from the Spirit" + F A I 3s qeri,zw "he shall reap/ harvest" + Ac F S zwh, aivw,nioj dzoe aionios "life eternal/ everlasting")
- Now Paul expands the proverb to explain the spiritual aspects in view.
- Sowing "to the flesh" is following the Sin Nature with its lusts, for example the deeds of the flesh in 5:19-21.
- The word "corruption" (fqora, - phthora) is used of corruption, death, and decay of the body. 2Pet 2:12 (2x) "But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed"
- It is also used of temporary things that are destroyed, or perish, in their very use. Col 2:22 "(which all refer to things destined to perish with the using) in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men?"
- Since it is contrasted here with "eternal life" it refers both to D.D. in time and loss of reward in Ph3 human good is destined to perish, since it does not glorify God.
- It cannot be a reference to loss of salvation, since the whole book has been against salvation/ justification by works (Paul expects his readers not to be stupid and forget that).
- Failure to crucify the flesh in Ph2 results in "corruption" of ones SG3 account, while acting in accordance with the leading of the Holy Spirit reaps blessing in time and eternity. cp vs 9
- Believers who treat God with contempt, by rejecting sound teaching and application will be denied reward at the Bema, and will experience shame and loss. 1Jn 2:28 "And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming."
- Of course, all believers will lose some SG3, since all succumb to the STA at times. Ecc 7:20 "Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins."
- The Grace of God allows for such failures what matters is finishing ones life in an adjusted spiritual state. Jud 22-24
- Self-deception and the resulting attempts to mock God result in sowing to the flesh and failure to produce Divine Good.
- failure to manifest a mental attitude of humility and kindness toward the one overtaken by a trespass (vs 1)
- failure to help other believers bear their heavy burdens whenever possible (vs 2)
- failure to keep ones focus on their own works, according to the standard of BD, not based on anothers works, or lack thereof (vs 4)
- failure to bear the load each one is expected to carry by obedience to the Royal Imperatives (vs 5)
- failure to receive exhortation in a spirit of mutual benefit (vs 6)
- Volition is in view in this verse; each of us decides whether to sow to the OSN or to the Holy Spirit at any given time.
- Sowing to the Spirit produces the gold, silver, and precious stones of 1Cor 3:11-14 the phrase "eternal life" emphasizes the permanence of our position and the perpetual nature of the harvest of reward. cp Jn 4:36
- It is Gods desire to pour out riches upon us for all eternity, and has prepared good works beforehand for us to fulfill, so as to enjoy those riches. Eph 2:4-10
- But He will not be treated contemptuously, only by "sowing" Divine Good under the auspices of the Holy Spirit shall we "reap/ harvest" eternal glory. 2Cor 4:17 "For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison"
- Positive Volition sets their priorities to promote Spiritual growth and DGP in time, and will reap a harvest of SG3 that will last for all eternity; Negative Volition seeks only their self-interests and will reap a harvest that decays and fades into oblivion.
Vss 9-10 Doing Good for All
And let us not lose heart in doing good, (weak adv de, "and yet" + neg ptcl w/ P A S 1p mh, evgkake,w engkakeo "let us not lose heart/ become discouraged/ give up" (lit act badly) + P A P N M P poie,w poieo "doing/ producing" + Ac N S w/d.a. to. kalo,j kalos "the good physical thing") for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. (exp con ga,r "for; because" + D M S adj & noun i;dioj kairo,j idios kairos "in its own time" (when the time is right) + F A I 1p qeri,zw theridzo "we shall reap/ harvest" + neg ptcl w/ P P P N M P mh, evklu,w ekluo "not growing weary; not being caused to faint")
So then, while we have opportunity, (infer ptcls a;ra ou=n "accordingly therefore" (strong construction denotes logical conclusion from preceding information "there is no reason not to do") + comp adv w`j "as" + P A I 1p e;cw echo "we continue to have" + Ac M S kairo,j "time") let us do good to all people, (P D S 1p evrga,zomai ergadzomai "let us work/ do" + Ac N S w/d.a. to. avgaqo,j agathos "the good spiritual thing" + prep w/ Ac M P pro,j pa/j "to all men" (note pros differs from eis in that the latter moves toward and into the object, the former only up to the object)) and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. (weak adv de, "but" + superl adv ma,lista malista "more than any; above all else; especially" + prep w/ Ac M P w/d.a. pro,j o` oivkei/oj oikeios "to the members of a family/ household" + G F S w/d.a. h` pi,stij "of the faith")
- While Paul never tires of telling his readers they cannot achieve Gods favor through works, he also never tires of telling them of their obligation to "do good".
- Three pairs of synonyms are used in these two verses, to draw attention to and specify what our obligations are in the CWL.
- "Lose heart" and "grow weary" the first refers to discouragement and ceasing to try ("throwing in the towel") (Lk 18:1); the second refers to soul fainting and spiritually weakening ("giving out") (Heb 12:5).
- "Doing" (vs 9) and "let us do" (vs 10) are two different Greek words (poie,w poieo and evrga,zomai ergadzomai); the former has the nuance of production, the latter has one of activity, as in earning a living.
- "The good" is actually two different Greek words translated by the same English word:
- kalo,j
kalos (vs 9) specifies something good by its effect, hence a physical activity or action. Mt 5:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
- avgaqo,j
agathos (vs 10) is a moral characteristic, produced by ones integrity or honor. Ac 11:4 "for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith"
- The Greek word order in vs 9 emphasizes the good works we are to do, kalos is the first word in the sentence the literal word order is "but the good thing doing, let us not lose heart".
- With the definite article, it means the production of Divine Good our applications of the Divine Imperatives.
- What is of most benefit for us is the doing of Gods Directives in our lives, since this brings us blessing in time and eternity.
- Works are an essential element in the Christian Life, in fact Scripture teaches that "faith without works is dead". Js 2:14-17
- "In due time" is literally "in its own time", meaning when the time is right, we shall receive our reward at the Bema/ judgement seat of Christ. cp 1Tim 6:14-15
- It is a time still in the future, but the Indicative mood of "we shall reap" makes it an absolute certainty (mood of reality).
- Just as the farmer sows his seed expecting, by faith, that they will grow and he can harvest a crop, so we, by faith, sow DGP.
- The participle of "growing weary" indicates this is not just a one time action of soul fainting, but a continuous attitude of tiring of the race.
- The Participle makes the action simultaneous with that of the main verb, so that the meaning is "as long as you are doing good" the believer is doing good works, but grows tired of the effort involved and stops.
- Another category of a "weary" believer is the spiritually lazy believer, who is too tired to apply because of his consistent failure to apply. cp Pro 20:4 "The sluggard does not plow after the autumn, So he begs during the harvest and has nothing."
- It is Gods desire to bless us with SG3, but if we fail to complete our course He cannot do so to the maximum glorification. Heb 10:38 "But My righteous one shall live by faith; And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him."
- Looking to the example of those who have gone before us, and focusing on our Lord Jesus Christ, should give us incentive to run our race with endurance. Heb 12:1-3
- An example of the attitude of indifference leading to non-production is the Laodicean church. Rev 3:17-18
- We may or may not see tremendous blessing in our Ph2 niche that depends on many factors and only God has all the facts but we are absolutely guaranteed surpassing riches for all eternity, IF we sow to the Spirit.
- 1Tim 6:3-10 informs us as to the nature of the wealth we will receive we are not to apply so as to become materially wealthy in this age (the "prosperity" gospel), but application of BD does lead to another form of wealth.
- Financial applications (grace giving, living grace assistance, etc.) are one of the primary ways believers can fulfill this verse (though certainly not the only way).
- Some believers try to avoid financial applications by giving of their time but rejecting the necessity of monetary applications.
- The importance of physical applications cannot be over-emphasized, but monetary applications are equally important. 2Cor 9:6 "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully."
- Even the believer who does grow weary and soul-faint will receive the SG3 they have already produced, but will not receive the ultimate prize, the crown. Heb 6:10-11
- A double inferential construction is used at the start of vs 10, to emphasize that because of what vs 9 says, it is only logical (and extremely so) to continue to produce Divine Good.
- The literal translation "as we have time" stresses that we do not know how long we have in this life opportunity for the production of Divine Good ceases upon our entrance into Ph3. cp Lk 12:19-20
- This is especially true for those of us in the Rapture Generation our time is even shorter, since we will not live a "full" life-span.
- The word for "good" has changed now to that which is spiritually good, moving the emphasis to those applications which benefit others, regardless of the category of individual.
- "All men" does not imply that we should seek to perform good works to every person on earth, rather whatever category a person may fall into: Jew, Gentile, black, white, believer or unbeliever, if an opportunity arises, seize it.
- There is no place in the Christian Way of Life for prejudice or refusal to assist another person, if it is possible.
- However, the last part of the verse adds a priority the one category that should always come first (and be sought) is assisting a fellow believer, a fellow member of the Body of Christ.
- The word "faith" is used three ways in Galatians:
- actively believing something 3:24
- a quality manifested by FHS 5:5
- the content of faith, what is believed (BD) 1:23
- Whatever we may have in common with other people, the foremost connection we have is with fellow believers, our spiritual brothers and sisters.
- The good we are to do for them is that which benefits them spiritually, even if it is not a pleasant application (separation). cp 1Tim 1:20 "Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered over to Satan, so that they may be taught not to blaspheme." also cp 1Cor 5:5
- Given limited time and resources, priorities must be set in our applications to other people:
- like-minded (positive) believers in our periphery the members of our local church.
- like-minded believers outside our canon.
- other believers who are not positive (seeking Gods Truth above all else).
- unbelievers, mankind in general and the categories within this level must be distinguished as well (antagonistic vs. neutral, Jew vs. Gentile, etc.)
- To send financial assistance, for example, to an outside ministry when church funds are insufficient for our own members would be a misapplication.
- This does not release the believer from providing for the needs of his physical family members, however needy parents, for example, are a priority in the CWL. 1Tim 5:8 "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."
- Legalism, false doctrine, and sowing to the flesh all tend to prevent good works to others, therefore we must not grow weary of doing good; rather we should sow to the Spirit as often as possible and harvest the resultant SG3.
- Good works are the very reason we are left on earth after salvation God has prepared them beforehand that we might fulfill those works to His glory and ours. Eph 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."