The Fruit of the Spirit
5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, (weak advers de, "but" + N M S w/d.a. o` karpo.j - karpos "the fruit/ production" + G N S w/d.a. to. pneu/ma "of the Spirit" + P I 3s eivmi, "is" + N F S avga,ph "love" (based on the will of the individual, not circumstance or emotion) + N F S cara. chara "joy" + N F S eivrh,nh eirene "peace" (absence of worry) + N F S makroqumi,a makrothumia "patience; longsuffering" (towards people) + N F S crhsto,thj chrestotes "kindness; goodness which is gentle" + N F S avgaqwsu,nh agathosune " goodness not necessarily gentle" (cp Rom 15:14) + N F S pi,stij pistis "faith; faithfulness")
5:23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (N F S prau<thj prautes "gentleness" (deals with kindness w/ respect to anothers weaknesses) + N F S evgkra,teia enkrateia "self-control; mastery of desires" + prep w/ G N P w/d.a. kata. to. toiou/toj toioutos "the such things" + neg ptcl w/ P I 3s ouvk eivmi, "there is not" + N M S no,moj "a law; any law")
- The "works" of the flesh is a plural noun, indicating that sinful man will not necessarily commit all those sins at any one time the "fruit" of the Spirit is a singular, since the Holy Spirit will produce all these qualities as a unit in the life of a Spirit-filled believer.
- It is not as if a believer who was striving to maintain the filling of the Spirit would be kind and gentle but not possess self-control, for example.
- As with the list of works of the STA, this is not intended to be an exhaustive list; cp "does not rejoice in unrighteousness" of 1Cor 13:6.
- The Genitive "of the Spirit" is a Subjective Genitive, i.e. one of source all our DGP comes from the working of the Spirit in our lives. cp Phi 2:13 "for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."
- It is fitting that "love" begins the list, since it is a synonym for the FHS. 1Jn 4:16b "God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him."
- Nothing no being, object, or event can separate us from the love of God, which is also the love of Christ; He loves us because of Who and What He is, not dependant upon our love for Him (experientially). Rom 8:38-39
- Love is, as Paul says in 1Cor 13:13, "the greatest of these", and this incomprehensible love should control our lives we should live in honor and respect of this love and demonstrate it to others as it has been shown to us.
- Christian love is not flabby, sentimental, or emotionally based it is able to show discernment and disapproval. Phi 1:9-11
- We are told to "pursue love" (1Cor 14:1), which based on the context of the Galatians passage is tantamount to seeking to be led and controlled by the HS.
- So to "put on love" is to overrule the STA and instead follow the I H S, to "walk in love" is to apply the Divine imperatives to our lives.
- Rather than an impersonal, detached love, or simply a relaxed mental attitude towards others, this love demands action based on a desire to benefit them.
- "Joy", or "happiness", is not human happiness based on pleasant circumstances because it is a fruit of the Spirit, believers can rejoice under any circumstances or ordeal. 1Th 1:6
- There are repeated exhortations to rejoice in the Lord (Phi 3:1, 4:4); this is due to our Ph3 hope based on our sufferings in Ph2. Mt 5:12 "Rejoice (cognate verb) and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you"
- Joy is said to be made complete in compliance to the Will of God for the Positive believer. Jn 15:11 "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full."
- The greatest joy the P-T has is to see his congregation applying BD. 1Jn 1:4 "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth."
- Right Congregation is the Pastors "hope or joy or crown of boastingin the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming" 1Th 2:19
- the opposite is lupe/ sorrow 2Cor 2:3
- We are commanded to rejoice even in the face of suffering, knowing that our reward in Heaven is being multiplied. Heb 10:34; 1Pt 1:6-7
- The "peace" we are to manifest is based upon, but not the same as, the peace we have with God (Rom 5:1); it is reflected in the peace we are to have with others (Rom 12:18); this peace is that which guards/ garrisons our hearts and minds against anxiety and fear. Jn 14:27; Phi 4:7
- It is a dynamic reserved for those who, via FHS, overrule STA fear and through prayer "cast all {their} cares upon the Lord". Phi 4:6
- It is multiplied and enriched through the study of the Word of God. 2Pet 1:2 "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord"
- "Patience" (makroqumi,a makrothumia ) refers to that directed towards persons, the opposite of disputes and dissensions another Greek word (u`pomonh hupomone ) refers to patience with respect to circumstances. cp Rom 5:3 "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance"
- God is said to be "patient" toward unbelievers, in Rom 9:22 likewise believers are to be patient toward others, believer and unbeliever alike. 1Th 5:14 "And we urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all men"
- Scripture commands all who would aspire to correctly Pastor a church to be patient with their flock. 2Ti 4:2
- Hupomone
refers to pressing forward despite difficult circumstances; makrothumia refers to a long-suffering attitude of grace toward another, deferring anger when provoked, and refusing to retaliate for a wrong suffered.
- "Kindness" is also an attribute of God He "is kind to ungrateful and evil men", and believers who imitate Him prove to be "sons of the Most High" Lk 6:35
- Gods kindness is aimed at the repentance of negative volition, as are our actions of showing kindness in acts of gentle affection it has the idea of sweetness and concern. Rom 2:4 "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?"
- In the eternal ages God will show His kindness to us in the provision of SG3. Eph 2:7 "in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus"
- "Goodness" is a synonym for kindness, with the nuance of doing what is good for another person, though not necessarily what they would like to have done.
- It encompasses uncomfortable applications: rebuke, admonishing, and separation should all be done with a view to the other persons ultimate good. Rom 15:14
- It is coupled with +R and truth (BD) in Eph 5:9, indicating that kindness should never be separated from Gods Holy character if someone is suffering under D.D., we as believers should show kindness only to the degree of repentance shown.
- "Faith" has occurred several times in this letter in reference to faith in Jesus Christ, but since ethical qualities are in view, it here refers to faith demonstrated to one another; hence faithfulness or loyalty based on BD.
- It is therefore the opposite of factions.
- Since God is faithful (Rom 3:3), His people are to be so also the Spirit enables us to be so both toward Him and others.
- The word describes the unswerving trust and loyalty we have towards God and His Word, demonstrated in our lives when we are FHS.
- "Gentleness" is described by Aristotle as the "mean (middle ground) between excessive proneness to anger and incapacity for anger" it shows mercy for weaknesses but not unrepentant evil.
- Jesus was "gentle" (Mt 11:29) but was certainly capable of indignation. Mk 3:5 "And after looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart"
- Paul entreated the Corinthians "by the meekness and gentleness of Christ" (2Co 10:1) if the words that follow are meek and gentle, what would have been his comments if he had not been restrained? (there, as in Galatians, his affectionate concern for his readers is matched by his fierce opposition to those who meant them harm)
- The noun does not have the connotation of lack of moral resolve, courage, or strength that the translation "gentleness" or "meekness" might convey.
- In Classical Greek, it described a person in whom strength and gentleness go together. cp 2Ti 2:25 "with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,"
- This quality accepts lowly circumstances, orients to established
authorities, readily accepts the content of BD, trusts in God rather than self-promotion and self-seeking, and is patient when wronged.
- "Self-control" denotes mastery over the more sensual, physical passions.
- In 1Cor 7:9, Paul advises single or widowed persons who cannot apply this virtue to marry.
- In 1Cor 9:25, he says the athlete must apply it in all things, and applies it to the Christian Way of Life.
- It is not merely human self-discipline in view, but the product of the HS leading us "not into temptation".
- There is no ascetic quality to Christian self-control; Scripture does not teach that we must forbid legitimate enjoyments, rather that we should avoid anything that may prevent us from reaching our goal. 1Cor 9:25-27
- This quality would prevent one from engaging in "immorality, impurity, sensuality/ wantonness, drunkennesses, and carousings".
- While it is only through the Filling of the Holy Spirit that we, as believers, can operate under these Divine principles of attitude and conduct, we must also realize and emphasize it is the individual believers responsibility to seek to cultivate and refine their function.
- The believer must supply the desire to fulfill the command to be FHS before God can supply the power to live appropriately a believer under the Sin Nature cannot simultaneously produce Divine Good.
- "Such things as these" indicates that this list, like that of 19-21, is not meant to be all-inclusive there are other manifestations of the Spirit that will come about as a natural consequence of the FHS.
- When the believer is FHS, they are in a realm over which the Law has no power or position i.e. there are no prohibitions that a Spirit filled believer will violate, simply because they are sharing the nature of God.
The Power of the STA Has Been Broken
5:24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (c.c. de, "now" + N M P d.a. o` "those; the ones" + G M S w/d.a. o` Cristo,j VIhsou/j "of the Christ Jesus" + A A I 3p stauro,w stauroo "crucified" + Ac F S w/d.a. h` sa,rx sarx "the flesh" (STA) + prep w/ L N P su,n to, pa,qhma pathema "along with the passions" (also translated "sufferings", i.e. something that must be endured) + c.c. kai. "and" + L F P w/d.a. h` evpiqumi,a epithumia "the desires/ wants"
- This verse does not teach the eradication of the Sin Nature, regardless of its use by some in that regard.
- "Those who are of Christ" is, of course, all believers unbelievers live a life of unbroken slavery to the STA.
- Every believer has, at least one time, removed the Sin Nature from its position of control over their lives.
- The translation "have crucified" is slightly inaccurate, since the STA can be brought down from the cross by the believers sin it should be translated as a true Aorist "crucified", not as a Perfect "have crucified".
- This removal and defeat is compared to crucifixion, in which the victim was completely helpless and unable to act according to his own will, but very much alive.
- Paul also ties our victory over the Sin Nature to the work of Christ on the cross by use of the word. cp 2:20
- It is, after all, only because of His work that we are able to receive the grace blessing of Rebound.
- There are four different uses of the word "crucify":
- physical crucifixion, capital punishment Mt 27:35
- the believers co-crucifixion with Christ (RAPT) Gal 2:20
- the crucifixion of the flesh, breaking the power of the STA Rom 6:6
- the crucifixion of the world to the believer Gal 6:14
- In the Rom 6:6 passage, Paul points out that positive believers understand this principle, because they have been taught it negative believers have no capacity for this liberating grace benefit of God.
- At the point of salvation God the Holy Spirit simultaneously Indwells and Fills the believer; the Sin Nature is, for the first time, removed from its position of control over the individuals life.
- It remains helpless until personal sin is again committed, when the STA again becomes the ruler of life.
- Rebound places the Holy Spirit in control and begins the process of DGP.
- The STA is crucified for as long as, and as often as, we maintain the Filling of the Holy Spirit it can still exert its influence (vs 17) but as a believer there is the opportunity and possibility to resist it.
- The passions of the flesh refer to the items listed in vss 19-21 above, the insatiable lusting of the Sin Nature to commit those deeds.
- In Greek philosophical thought, a passion was considered an affliction of the mind, a disease which drove the individual to disregard all that they knew to be appropriate and act in a barbaric fashion.
- The word is also translated "sufferings", bringing out the nuance of something we wish to be rid of, but constantly face.
- The desires of the flesh are the motivations brought about by the Sin Nature, to perform its sinful will and bring the believer into bondage again.
- The distinction is that "passions" are the outward expressions, directed by the "desires" of the Sin Nature; the former are illegitimate emotional reactions, the latter are illicit mental actions.
The Christian Way of Life
5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. (cond ptcl eiv "since; if" (1st cl) + P A I 1p za,w "we live continually" + I N S pneu/ma "by means of spirit" + c.c. kai, "also" + P A S 1p stoice,w stoicheo "let us walk" (strictly, a military term "advance in troop formation"; hence "to be in agreement or harmony with" or "be in conformity with") + I N S pneu/ma "by means of spirit")
- Paul now repeats the sentiment of 2:20 we no longer live for ourselves but to serve and glorify God.
- This verse makes explicit the logical conclusion implicit in the Spirit/flesh conflict of vss 17-23.
- As believers, we must guard against the subtle distortion of the Sin Nature that we can accomplish our CWL through our own strength while our volition is involved (and required), it is only through the FHS that we can succeed.
- The point of this verse is that the fruit of the Spirit is only potential to those in Christ through the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, not through the legalism of the flesh negative volition cannot fulfill the commands of Scripture.
- Just as we died to sin through the power of the Spirit (RAPT), we can now live to God as free children/ inheritors.
- Paul includes himself in the appeal ("let us walk"), since he recognizes no believer is over the commands of Scripture.
- The word "walk" is stoice,w stoicheo which was used of troops marching in formation; hence to walk a straight line.
- We follow the straight and narrow of Bible Doctrine, not adding to or taking away from its guidelines (no soldier who strayed from formation would last long in battle). Mt 7:13-14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it."
- This concept is also taught in the Old Testament. Dt 5:32, 17:11, 28:14; Ps 5:8; Pro 15:21
- A number of observations are present in this verse:
- "living" by the Spirit is different than "walking" by the Spirit
- living refers to the ministry of the Spirit in regeneration
- walking is the leading of the Spirit, His leadership of the "troops"
- the believer is responsible to follow the Spirit, but it is His leadership that enables us to succeed
- Pauls characteristic interplay between reality and appeal "we live by the Spirit (granted), now let us walk by the Spirit"
- walking is a potential for all believers at any time under any circumstances, as seen in the Subjunctive
- it is not suggested that living by the Spirit will automatically result in walking by Him
- Theologians are generally reluctant to admit that the "true" Christian will not always walk by the power of the HS, but the grammar makes it explicit that this is sometimes, sadly, the case.
- The moral corollary to our new life in Christ is that our conduct should be that of following the commands of our Leader, Who gave us Eternal Life in the first place.
The Results of Pride
5:26 Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another. ( P D S 1p w/ neg ptcl mh, gi,nomai ginomai "let us not become" + N M P keno,doxoj kenodoxos "boastful without reason" (lit "empty glory") + P P P M N P prokale,w prokaleo "challenging" (lit "calling forth" as in battle) + Ac M 1p pro avllh,lwn allelon "one another" + P A P N M P fqone,w phthoneo "being envious" (nuance of ongoing malice, "holding a grudge") + D M 1p pro avllh,lwn "to one another")
- When the believer falls in line with the straight and narrow of Bible Doctrine, they will not become boastful, challenging one another, and envying these are pertinent considerations for the Local Church, especially where there is a challenge to the teaching of the Word of God by legalism or some other form of insubordination.
- Being "boastful" is to boast of things that are insignificant and lacking in true value, whether the one boasting actually has them, or only imagines so.
- It is legitimate to boast in certain things, such as the Truth:
- boasting in the grace of God Ps 34:2
- Divine protection Ps 44:8
- possessing Divine Viewpoint Jer 9:24
- our Divine Good Production Rom 15:17-18
- spiritual sacrifices for the benefit of another believer 1Cor 9:15 (but see 9:16 as well)
- the applications of others 2Cor 7:4
- Right Pastor can legitimately boast of his congregation 2Cor 8:24
- our weakness (reliance on the Lord) 2Cor 11:30
- confident expectation of SG3 Heb 3:6
- In Phi 2:3, the feminine form of the word is used, and has the nuance of delusion, erroneous boasting, or pretentiousness. "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself"
- Believers must avoid the tendency to spiritual pride, which leads to mutual provocation and envy. Rom 12:3 "For through the grace given to me I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith."
- The use of gi,nomai ginomai "become" indicates the Galatians had not fallen into these STA traps as yet, but the warning itself shows they (and we) must be diligent to prevent that.
- The participial clauses "challenging" and "envying" represent the twofold result or expression of STA boasting.
- We, as positive believers, must not exhibit the attitude of "proving" how much BD we have by belittling others.
- As for "envy" it is the Mental Attitude Sin that arises when an individual reacts to the one boasting.
- There would have been a very real temptation to fall into pride over ones rejection of the false doctrine Paul has corrected.
- Those in Galatia who had not succumbed to the legalism of the Judaizers were forbidden from boasting in their refusal of that legalism, or verbally abusing those who had.
- Sinful boasting, which leads to challenging and envy, places the self at the center of religious activity and attention, and violates the principle of doing all things for the glory of God. 1Cor 10:31-32
End of Galatians Chapter5
Hope Bible Church