Hope Bible Church
Chapter 5 vs 11-21


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Teaching the Truth Leads to Persecution

5:11 But I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, (weak advers de, "but" + N 1s pro evgw, "I myself" + V M P avdelfo,j adelphos "brethren" + cond ptcl eiv "if" (debaters if) + adv e;ti "still; until now" + P A I 1s khru,ssw kerusso "I proclaim" + Ac F S peritomh, - peritome "circumcision") why am I still persecuted? (inter adv ti,j "why" + adv e;ti "still" + P P I 1s diw,kw dioko "I am persecuted") Then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished. (infer ptcl a;ra "then; consequently" + N N S w/d.a. to. ska,ndalon skandalon "the stumbling block; what causes offense" (originally the word meant the trigger on a game trap, hence the trap itself, and then what causes one to fall) + G M S w/d.a. o` stauro,j stauros "of the cross" + Pf P I 3s katarge,w katargeo "has been rendered inoperative/ nullified")

    1. Apparently an accusation had been made against Paul that he still taught circumcision when it suited his needs.
    2. The Judaizers had attacked Pauls legitimacy as an Apostle, his message as being against "established" Church doctrine, and his motives as detrimental to the Galatians well-being.
    3. Paul now asks why he still suffered persecution from the circumcision party if that were true.
    4. His opponents willfully failed to grasp the distinction between Jewish custom (Paul would later have Timothy circumcised, but for an entirely different reason), and the necessity of works to achieve salvation.
    5. The word "persecute" (diw,kw dioko) is the same word Paul used to describe his actions against the church before his salvation (1:13), it was not some mild form of attack, it was vicious and unending.
    6. In his pre-salvation days, he had indeed taught the necessity of circumcision and the works of the Law (as seen by his use of the adverb "still"), but now his entire emphasis was on the work of Christ and the absence of works for salvation. 1Cor 1:22f
    7. Legal works for salvation/ justification would remove the offensive nature of the cross and Messiahs work on it:
    1. to the arrogant, religious Jews, the idea of their Messiah being cursed for their sins was intolerable.
    2. they refused to accept the idea of a suffering Messiah, much less one who came under the curse of hanging on a tree.
    3. to unbelieving Gentiles, the thought of a Savior who could not deliver Himself from such a death made no sense.
    4. to admit that salvation is by grace alone and involves no merit of the one saved is a humbling realization mankind at large refuses to believe they are worthless in this context.
    5. self-pride and self-help are at the heart of negative volition, they do not want to admit they are helpless.
    6. if a man can contribute something, even so small as performance of a ritual, his self-esteem remains intact.
    7. an understanding of the nature of the work of the cross also destroys the validity of the traditions of men negative volition refuses to admit that the information they have prided themselves on possessing was wrong.
    1. The very obvious fact of his persecution belied the accusation he still proclaimed the necessity of circumcision or other works.
    2. Paul, who himself conformed to the Jewish lifestyle when among Jews (1Cor 9:20), would not have forbidden them from circumcising their infant sons, as long as it was not done in a legalistic spirit.
    3. His attitude was basically neutral circumcision is a non-issue with regard to Gods Word. cp vs 6
    4. The zeal of the legalists in demanding observance of Mosaic commands was in part due to their desire to remain on good terms with the religious Jews this remains one of the foremost reasons for compromising Bible Doctrine. 6:12
    5. The stumbling block of the message of a crucified Messiah and mans inability to earn or deserve salvation on his own would have been nullified if salvation were attainable through works Paul uses the same word as in vs 4 to state that fact (katarge,w katargeo).

If You are Going to be a Bear

5:12 Would that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves. (verbal ptcl of wish o;felon ophelon "Would that; I wish that" + P A P N M S w/d.a. o` avnastato,w anastatoo "those who are troubling/ unsettling"(as in removing one from their house) + Ac 2p pro su, "you" + c.c. asc kai, "even" + F M I 3p avpoko,ptw apokopto "would cut off from themselves; would ritually castrate themselves")

    1. Here is an example of sarcasm, in fact super-sarcasm, sanctified under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
    2. If the Judaizers are so concerned with circumcision as a way of attaining +R, says Paul, they should go all the way so as to be sure they have done enough.
    3. Their own standard demands 100% compliance, so ritual castration would certainly ensure complete adherence to the command.
    4. Castration was practiced by certain pagan priests in an attempt to gain the approbation of their gods, but under the Mosaic Law it actually denied a man from serving as a priest. Lev 21:17-20
    5. Since circumcision is not commanded for the Church Age, it has no more spiritual bearing than the ritual castration of the pagan priests.
    6. The translation "mutilate" does not accurately reflect the meaning of avpoko,ptw apokopto , which strictly means "to cut off completely", especially when used of a body part. cp Mk 9:43 "And if your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off" and Jn 18:10 "Simon Peter therefore having a sword, drew it, and struck the high priest's slave, and cut off his right ear"
    7. In Phi 3:2 Paul uses a word (katatomh, - katatome) to describe the Judaizers which literally means "the mutilation". "Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision;"
    8. His statement is the logical progression in the stupidity of their legalism the language is deliberately shocking (much more so in the Greek), designed to wake up the Galatians and the Judaizers to that fact.
    9. Application: when we have the opportunity to evangelize, we should certainly seek to avoid unnecessarily harsh or shocking language, but there is a time that very language will be most effective. cp Ecc 3:3 "A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up."
    10. Pauls wish is that the false teachers would become spiritual eunuchs, and be removed from the assembly of the Galatians, just as eunuchs were forbidden from the assembly under the Mosaic Law. Dt 23:1 "No one who is emasculated, or has his male organ cut off, shall enter the assembly of the LORD."
    11. By desiring self-emasculation by the Judaizers, he is desiring self-excommunication from the churches which would only happen when they saw the Galatians standing up to their false doctrine.
    12. While Pauls language doubtlessly infuriated the Judaizers (he compared them to pagan priests!), his concern was not for their feelings, it was for the spiritual well-being of his positive converts.

Guidance for Practical Christian Living

5:13 6:18

Liberty, not License

5:13 For you were called to freedom, brethren; (explan conj ga.r "for" + N 2p pro su, "you yourselves" + A P I 2p kale,w kaleo "you were called" + Prep w/ D F S evpi, evleuqeri,a eleutheria "on the basis of freedom" + V M P avdelfo,j adelphos "brethren") only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, (adv mo,noj monos "only" + neg ptcl mh, "not" + Ac F S w/d.a. h` evleuqeri,a "the freedom" + prep w/ Ac F S eivj avformh, - aphorme "towards an opportunity/ occasion/ base of operations" + D F S w/d.a. h` sa,rx sarx "for the flesh") but through love serve one another. (str advers avlla, "but rather" + prep w/ G F S w/d.a. dia, h` avga,ph agape "through the love" + P A Ip 2p douleu,w douleuo "serve" + reciprocal pro D 2p avllh,lwn allelon "one another")

    1. Paul now returns to the thought of vs 1, that believers have been called by God, through the work of Christ, to enjoy true spiritual freedom.
    2. In Christ, we have been set free from the demands of law, but the believer may volitionally choose to place themselves under slavery, not availing themselves of the opportunities God has granted us.
    3. Slavery of any kind is particularly dangerous because it interrupts normal spiritual growth. 5:2-4
    4. Upon salvation, we are finally free from the enslavement to the Sin Nature, whether that slavery is manifested through legalism/ asceticism or lascivious libertinism.
    5. The rest of the book is devoted to instruction in how to use that freedom so as to glorify the One who gave it to us.
    6. Pauls critics charged that he taught against morality, by distorting Christian freedom into sinful activity and lifestyle he continually rebuked that attitude of license. cp Rom 6:15 "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!"
    7. He corrects that erroneous conclusion by emphasizing that the CWL is to be lived under the direction of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
    8. By addressing them with the emphatic pronoun "you, yourselves", Paul dramatically distinguishes his readers from the legalistic Judaizers.
    9. Their freedom was based on the work of Christ on the cross, and their acceptance of the promise so as to become heirs/ children of God.
    10. The knowledge of BD is what lets us enjoy our Christian freedom, we no longer have to be slaves of human viewpoint, legalistic demands, or ritual observances in order to fulfill Gods Will for our lives. cp Jn 8:32 "and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
    11. But their freedom carried the obligation to live as their new Father would have them live, not in accordance with the lusts of the flesh.
    12. With regard to this freedom, two extremes must be avoided: slavery to legalism and slavery to the Sin Nature. cp Jn 8:34 "Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin."
    13. Legalism is an unwarranted and unauthorized restriction of freedom; but the perversion and distortion of freedom leads to antinomianism, or license.
    14. "Flesh" here is a reference to the Sin Nature, the indwelling STA its continued presence in the life of the believer is assumed.
    15. The word translated "opportunity" (avformh, - aphorme) was originally a military term, used of the base of operations from which attacks were planned and initiated on the enemy.
    16. The imagery is that of an enemy that uses the promise of freedom as a means of launching an attack against us. cp Rom 7:8 "But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead."
    17. The warning is against using our Christian freedom to serve as an excuse for following the weaknesses of the Sin Nature. cp 2Pet 2:16 "Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God."
    18. Freedom demands responsibility, otherwise it degenerates into anarchy the body of Christ is not designed to function under the tyranny of legalism or the anarchy of licentiousness; both destroy freedom, enslave the believer, and negate spiritual growth.
    19. The word for "love" is avga,ph agape with the definite article, it refers to the love that can only be produced under the Filling Ministry of the Holy Spirit, not the emotional, maudlin, sentimental love exhibited by the world today.
    20. Positively stated, the proper use of freedom is for believers to be servants of one another through "the love".
    21. "Love" is both the means and the motivation for our service because God loves us, we should have a like-minded attitude towards other believers. 1Jo 2:9 "The one who says he is in the Light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness until now."
    22. It is both a reference to the FHS and the mental attitude that seeks what is best for others. Eph 5:2 "and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma."
    23. Our love for other believers demonstrates objectively our love for God. cp 1Jo 4:10 "If someone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen."
    24. Jesus taught that the demonstration of love for Him was in adhering to His commands. Jn 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
    25. Even applications that are difficult to make, e.g. separation, are to be done with a view towards what is best for the other individual, not out of selfishly motivated desires. 2Cor 2:4-11
    26. There is one form of slavery/ legal works that is not incompatible with our freedom in Christ; the "law of love", and "serving one another". cp Rom 13:8 "Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law."
    27. Just as Paul is the "slave of Christ" (1:10) and of his converts (2Cor 4:5), so he enjoins his readers to be slaves/ servants of one another seeking to apply towards one another for the mutual benefit of the church.
    28. The Present Imperative of "serve" means "continually serve", or "keep on serving" not just once but as often as possible.
    29. This form of slavery is entirely different than that promoted by legalism, it is the obligation to fulfill the "law of Christ" (6:2) by a voluntary rendering of good for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
    30. The Lord Jesus assumed the form of a bond-slave, and became obedient under humility; we are to have that same attitude. Phi 2:3-8
    31. Freedom in Greek thought meant a man who was in charge of all his decisions, bound or obligated to no one true Christian freedom is the opportunity/ obligation/ desire to serve, based on our position in the Royal Family of God.
    32. Serving one another is not optional under the Royal Family Honor Code we are obligated to do so because our Father has commanded it.

The Fulfillment of the Law

5:14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, (explan conj ga,r "for; because" + N M S w/ d.a. o` pa/j no,moj pas nomos "the whole Law" + Pf P I 3s plhro,w pleroo "is fulfilled (and remains that way)" + prep w / L M S card num evn ei-j heis "in one" + L M S lo,goj logos "word" (stands for the concept found in the citation) + prep w/ L M S d.a. evn tw/| "in the") "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." ( P A Ip 2s avgapa,w agapao "you shall love" + Ac M S w/d.a. substantive adv o` plhsi,on "the neighbor" + G 2s pro su, "of you; your" + comp ptcl w`j "as/ like" + Ac M 2s pro seautou/ - seautou "yourself")

    1. To stress the overriding importance of Christian love in our applications, Paul quotes a portion of Lev 19:18, much the same as Christ did. Lk 10:27
    2. The spirit of the Mosaic Law was obedience to the +R standard of God.
    3. That obedience could be summed up in the Jews correct treatment of his fellow Jews, his "neighbors".
    4. Following the analogy, we as Christians are citizens of heaven, and therefore all other Christians are our neighbors.
    5. The parable of the good Samaritan also demonstrates it is not only those we like that are our neighbors, and we are even to demonstrate love toward those who are our enemies. Mt 5:43f
    6. A man who acts unselfishly and humbly seeks to fulfill Gods Will is one who will, by his very nature, complete what is lacking for his fellow man.
    7. The idea behind "word" is not just one word from the quotation, but the concept the quote carries.
    8. The Present Imperative of "you shall love" again refers not to a one-time action, but a continuous attitude of well-being for our neighbors.
    9. The logic of love fulfilling the commands of the Mosaic Law is more fully explained in Rom 13:8-10.
    10. Loving someone involves forgiveness (even if it is necessary on a repeated basis), being compassionate, not being easily offended, patience, good manners, being thoughtful, allowing for the idiosyncrasies of others, and being generally tolerant and non-judgmental, as well as actively seeking opportunities to do good deeds for them. 1Cor 13:3-7
    11. Jesus also taught that this verse, along with Dt 6:5, was the fulfillment of the Law, on several occasions. Mk 12:28-31; Mt 7:12 "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
    12. Again it must be emphasized, this is not some overly sentimental, emotionalistic love that denies the truth it is the application of Bible Doctrine to all men, especially those who are believers. 6:10
    13. Any believer who volitionally remains negative to the Truth, who unrepentantly sins and violates the +R standard of God, who does not seek Gods Will, comes under a different set of rules than a positive believer. 1Cor 5:11

The Result of STA Actions within the Local Church

5:15 But if you bite and devour one another, (weak advers de, "but" + cond ptcl eiv "if; since" (1st class) + P A I 2p da,knw dakno "you are biting" + c.c. kai, "and" + P A I 2p katesqi,w katesthio "you are devouring" + Ac M P reflex pro avllh,lwn allelon "one another") take care that you are not consumed by one another. (P A Ip 2p ble,pw blepo "see; watch; beware" + neg ptcl w/ P A S 2p mh, avnali,skw analisko "that you are not consumed/ completely devoured" + prep w/ G M P reflex pro u`po, avllh,lwn "by (agency) one another")

    1. Verse 15 lists the inevitable result of legalism, with its attendant sins of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and judgmentalism dissension and strife.
    2. The legalistic interlopers were having an effect on the corporate soul of the local assembly.
    3. This is the only "work of the flesh" Paul accuses them of committing; it is probable that this was the area in which they were abusing their freedom.
    4. STA factions were arising, due to the cessation of spiritual growth.
    5. Perhaps there were some believers who remained loyal to Paul (someone had to have told him of the problems), who were either attacking or being attacked by the legalists.
    6. The 1st class condition, "if, and its true", indicates the Galatians were indeed attacking one another.
    7. The jungle mentality had set in: the lack of grace-orientation had developed into sins such as maligning, gossip, and judging, therefore the appropriate analogy to a pack of wild animals.
    8. In vss 19-21 Paul will list some of the deeds of the STA, mentioning dissension, disputes, outbursts of anger as specific sins these are the result of a non-Spirit filled life.
    9. The verbal taunts and ridicule of a believer can be very painful indeed, as seen in the word "bite"; even worse is a more dramatic infliction of pain, "devour".
    10. There is no place in the CWL for snipes and attacks upon fellow believers (under normal circumstances), although there is a time to publicly name names so as to avoid the spread of STA failures throughout the church. cp 1 Tim 1:20 "Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme."
    11. Yet, even though it may be necessary to publicly rebuke a believer, it must be done under the principle of love, not by STA motivation for personal vindication.
    12. The basic idea of the word "consumed" (avnali,skw analisko) is that nothing remains; if the Galatian believers do not stop their factious STA strife, the entire congregation will be destroyed.
    13. Their behavior had changed from a Royal Family to that of a pack of wild dogs, tearing each other and their victims apart all thanks to the introduction of legalism.
    14. Principle: once legalism becomes the rule and norm in a local church, the corporate mentality becomes one of a pack of savage animals even under the guise of self-righteousness, the Mental Attitude is one of no grace-orientation, and believers are savagely, mercilessly attacked by one another.

Overruling the Sin Nature

5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. (weak advers de, "but" + P A I 1s le,gw lego "I say" + P A Ip 2p peripate,w peripateo "continue to walk around" (prefix emphasizes walking not in a straight line, but everywhere one goes) + I N S pneu/ma pneuma "by spirit" + c.c. kai, "and" + emph neg ptcl w/ A A S 2p ouv mh, tele,w teleo "you will absolutely not fulfill" + Ac F S evpiqumi,a epithumia "the lust/ desire" + G F S sa,rx sarx "of flesh")

Spiritual Warfare

5:17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; (expl conj ga,r "for/ because" + N F S w/d.a. h` sa,rx "the flesh" + P A I 3s evpiqume,w epithumeo "sets its desires; it lusts" + prep w/ G N S w/d.a. kata, to. pneu/ma "against/ in opposition to the spirit" + weak advers de, "and yet" + N N S w/d.a. to. pneu/ma "the spirit" + prep w/ G F S w/d.a. kata, h` sa,rx "against the flesh") for these are in opposition to one another, (expl conj ga,r "for/ because" + N N P rel pro ou-toj houtos "these" + P D I 3s avnti,keimai antikeimai "are opposed to; are hostile to" + D N P recip pro avllh,lwn "one another") so that you may not do the things that you please. (sub con (result) i[na "so that; with the result that" + neg ptcl w/ P A S 2p mh, poie,w "you may not do" + Ac N P dem pro ou-toj "the things" + conting ptcl eva,n "whatever" (not translated) + Ac N P rel pro o[j "that; those things" P A S 2p qe,lw "you may wish/ desire")

    1. Contrary to the claims of the legalists ("you must follow law in order to overcome the flesh"), Paul now gives the true mechanic for overcoming the STA ("But I say").
    2. The word for "walk" is a compound, literally it means to "walk around", not in just one instance, but under every circumstance you find yourself it is the method of fulfilling the CWL.
    3. The double negative (ouv mh, - ou me) is emphatic to the extreme "in no way can you possibly fulfill".
    4. This refutes the charge of the Judaizers, and modern day legalists as well, that without strict laws regarding behavior believers will decay into loose living.
    5. Their legalistic demands will supposedly oppose the temptations of the lust grid, giving the believer the freedom they seek.
    1. no wearing makeup approbation lust
    2. no entertainment emotionalism lust
    3. no drinking hedonism lust
    4. live in poverty materialism lust
    5. "give till it hurts" money lust
    6. false humility (washing feet) power lust
    1. But each of these areas of physical, overt legal restrictions only serves to stir up the STA in another area, thus fulfilling the lusts of the flesh after all. cp Col 2:23 "These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence"
    2. This verse documents the fact that spirituality (FHS) and carnality (STA) are mutually exclusive you cannot have one and the other at the same time.
    3. When he says "YOU will not carry out" Paul places the responsibility for self-discipline and application directly upon the believer if you give in to the STA, you will most definitely carry out its lusts, but if you seek Gods Will you can have freedom from sin. cp Rom 13:14 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."
    4. For a more extensive discussion of these two mutually exclusive manners of life, cp Rom 8:1-9.
    5. Believers do not need HVPT systems of legalism to control the Sin Nature, we need the Filling of the Holy Spirit + Bible Doctrine resident in the soul; only the believer with BD can consistently overrule the STA in time.
    6. The desires of the flesh are also called the "lusts of deceit" (Eph 4:22) since they promise what they can never provide true happiness and inner peace.
    7. Vs 17 is for believers only, the unbeliever does not have the Indwelling Holy Spirit or the Filling Ministry. Rom 8:9b "But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him."
    8. The Present Indicative of "keeps setting its desire" indicates that there is never a let up, the Sin Nature is never eradicated, the warfare is always present only when you stay Filled with the Spirit of God can you be free from its tyranny.
    9. The Holy Spirit encourages and exhorts us, through the Bible Doctrine we possess, to deny the flesh its lusts and live according to the DVPT (hence the importance of learning BD He cant use what you dont have).
    10. Our arsenal of weapons against the lusts of the flesh include:
    1. Rebound/ confession breaks the hold of the STA 1Jn 1:9
    2. Filling of the Holy Spirit enables us to resist vs 16
    3. Bible Doctrine Divine Viewpoint to spiritually appraise all things 1Cor 2:14-16
    4. Prayer to resist temptation and gain more wisdom Lk 22:40 "When He arrived at the place, He said to them, Pray that you may not enter into temptation" and Js 1:5
    5. Fellowship with positive volition who can encourage, exhort, and provide a good example Col 3:16
    1. During the Incarnation, Jesus Himself had to learn BD so as to apply it and resist temptation. cp Lk 2:52 "And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." and Mt 4:3-10.
    2. The Subjunctive Mood of "you may do" realizes the potential of taking in BD, applying it, and walking by the Spirit maybe we will, maybe we wont.
    3. The Subjunctive is also used of "you desire" God respects volition and will not coerce anyone into doing anything they do not choose for themselves; if you want to go against the STA or against the Spirit, it is your choice entirely.
    4. Paul used himself as a post-salvation example of this conflict in Rom 7:7-25.

Believers are Free from Law for Spirituality

5:18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. (weak advers de, "but" + cond ptcl (1st cl) eiv "if, and its true; since" + P P I 2p a;gw ago "you are being led" + I N S pneu/ma pneuma "by spirit" + str neg w/ P I 2p ouvk eivmi, "you are definitely not" + prep w/ Ac M S u`po, no,moj "under a law")

    1. In Rom 8:14, the other Pauline reference to being led by the Spirit, he says that only the sons of God can be led by the Spirit, and reach the status of spirituality.
    2. Here, he says that his readers are being led (1st class condition), and therefore they are free from the demands of any legal system or law designed to reach that state.
    3. The statement is one of optimism that they will recover at the time of writing, those who had succumbed to the legalistic observances of the Judaizers were not being led.
    4. In the Age of Israel, one had to comply with the demands of the Law if they were to fulfill Gods Will for their lives.
    5. Fulfillment irrespective of the FHS did not grant them inheritance; they were under the Mosaic Covenant, therefore they were obligated to live by its commands which they would do if they were positive. cp Jsh 5:2f
    6. But in the current age, we are free from the demands of any law, Mosaic or otherwise, to reach spirituality without reference to physical deeds.
    7. But throughout this letter, "under law" has been a reference to the unsaved. 3:10,23, 4:5
    8. Being "under law" is a curse, since anything less than 100% compliance brings eternal death. 3:10
    9. Neither can a law, a system of legal works, bring about justification/ salvation. 2:16, 3:11
    10. Only by the Filling of the Holy Spirit, which includes application of the Bible Doctrine in our soul, can we or will we defeat the Sin Nature and remove the necessity of cursing/ condemnation in our lives.
    11. Because of the Indwelling STA and the inherent weakness of the flesh, both Ph1 and Ph2 justification must be according to the grace principle we cannot achieve that status of our own merits, since we cannot be perfect.
    12. Legalistic believers, who have been delivered from the bondage of the law, have placed themselves under that bondage again this bondage cannot deliver one from the lusts of the flesh, and can only place one back under the elemental principles from which we graduated into sonship.
    13. Following is a partial list of the lusts from which we have been delivered.

The Deeds of the Flesh/ Manifestations of the STA

5:19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are; (weak advers de, "now; and yet" + N N P e;rgon ergon "deeds/ works" + G F S w/ d.a. h` sa,rx "of the flesh" + P I 3s eivmi, "are" + N N P adj fanero,j phaneros "clear; evident; plainly visible" + N N P rel pro o[stij "which things" + P I 3s eivmi, "are") immorality, impurity, sensuality, (N F S pornei,a porneia "sexual immorality; fornication" (cp 1Cor 5:1) + N F S avkaqarsi,a akatharsia "uncleanness; improper sexual activity" (Rom 1:24) + N F S avse,lgeia aselgeia "sensuality; unbridled pursuit of pleasure"(Eph 4:19)

5:20 idolatry, sorcery, ( N F S eivdwlolatri,a eidololatria "idolatry; worship of things" (Col 3:5) + N F S farmakei,a pharmakeia "sorcery; occult powers" 2x in NT, cp Ex 7:11 LXX) enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, (N F P e;cqra echthra "enmities; hostilities/ hatreds" + N F S e;rij eris "strife; contention" + N M S zh/loj dzelos "jealousy; striving after a thing" + N M P qumo,j thumos "rage; outbursts of anger" + N F P evriqei,a eritheia "selfish ambition; self interest; rivalry" (the word was used of political intrigue, seeking an office at the expense of another) + N F P dicostasi,a dichostasia "dissensions" (lit a standing apart) + N F P ai[resij hairesis "faction/ sect; diverse opinions" + N M P fqo,noj phthonos "envy; jealousy over the success of another")

5:21 drunkenness, carousing, (N F P me,qh methe "drunkennesses; intoxications" (pl = repeated offenses) + N M P kw/moj komos "revelry; carousing" (orig a festive occasion in honor of the wine god, marked by gluttony, sex, and drunkenness)) and things like these, (c.c. kai, "and" + N N P d.a. to. "the things" + N N P adj o[moioj "like; similar" + D N P demon pro ou-toj "to these things") of which I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you (Ac N P rel pro o[j "which thing" + P A I 1s prole,gw prolego "I tell beforehand; I forewarn" + D 2p pro su, "you" + comp adv kaqw,j kathos "just as; exactly as" + A A I 1s proei/pon proeipon "I told beforehand; I warned beforehand" (eipon is the Aorist form of leg)) that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (c.c. (content) o[ti "that" + P A P N M P w/d.a. o` pra,ssw "the ones/ those who practice continually" + Ac N P dem pro w/d.a. to. toiou/toj toioutos "these things" + neg ptcl w/ F A I 3p ouv klhronome,w kleronomeo "will not inherit" + Ac F S basilei,a basileia "kingdom" + G M S qeo,j "of God" )

    1. As opposed to walking by the Spirit, certain STA vices are evident among those who live according to the flesh.
    2. These activities are a clear indication they are not FHS, in fact the continuous manifestation of these vices are a clear indication of unrepentant STA living.
    3. Pauls catalogue of STA vices is in a clearly discernable order:
    1. sexual sins 3
    2. religious deviations 2
    3. disorders in personal relationships 8
    4. sins of intemperance/ over-abuse 2
    1. Paul begins many of his lists of vices with sexual sins (Rom.1:24; 1Cor.6:9; Eph.5:3,5; and Col.3:5) due to their prevalence in Graeco-Roman pagan society though they are no less prevalent today.
    2. Even the ancient philosophers were disgusted by the rampant, unrestrained, gross level of sexual immorality so common among pagan societies Christianity revolutionized the ethical standard of the pagan in sexual relationships.
    3. "Immorality" is used as a general term for sexual impropriety, i.e. outside the RM-RW relationship.
    1. adultery Mt 5:32
    2. mental attitude lusting Mt 15:19
    3. cultic prostitution Ac 15:20
    4. incest 1Cor 5:1
    5. metaphorically, it is used of idolatry Rev 17:2
    1. Immorality is the one sin which the body itself, specifically as opposed to the STA, coerces the soul to commit. 1Cor 6:18 "Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body." (lit "unto his own body" = eivj to. i;dion sw/ma)
    2. The next word has a broader sense than immorality, it is basically used of an unclean state (Mt 23:27), and is a reference to all sorts of impure conduct in sexual relations.
    3. The word was used medically of an infected, oozing wound an appropriate picture of the Flesh-driven lifestyle.
    4. The third term is translated "lasciviousness", "wantonness", "indecency", "debauchery", and "sensuality".
    5. It refers to the unrepentant, unrestrained pursuit of pleasure, under the Hedonism Grid a lifestyle of excess, seeking physical fulfillment at any cost.
    6. The word suggests an advance on "immorality" and "impurity", wherein the person has largely abandoned any hint of self-restraint, respect for self or others, or public decency.
    7. Sexual misconduct at such a high degree is a major factor in the judgement that falls on those of the Last Days. Col 3:6 "For it is on account of these things that the wrath of God will come". cp Lk 17:26-30
    8. After three words for sexual misconduct come two words for deviation from true religion. (cp Rev 21:8, where the words occur in reverse order)
    9. The word "idolatry" (eivdwlolatri,a eidololatria ) is found only in Christian literature, or literature depending on Christian writings.
    10. It is a compound of "idol" and "worship" it refers to any thing, idea, or concept placed above the true worship of God in importance. cp Col 3:5
    11. A common manifestation of this sin is materialism/ money lust, but cp Mt 6:24.
    12. It is a "sin of the flesh", not merely a cultural phenomenon its fundamental error lies in the worship of those things created rather than the creator. (All societies practice it, whatever the physical manifestation of the idols). Rom 1:25
    13. Idolatry resulted when negative unbelievers rejected the declaration of God in the natural creation, opting instead to worship whatever objects they deemed worthy. Rom 1:19-23
    14. Idols are the representations of the supposed gods (Ac 17:29), but in reality are nothing (1Cor 8:4); their only effect is to bring the worshipper into contact with demons (Dt 32:16-17; 1Cor 10:20).
    15. The word "sorcery" is actually farmakei,a pharmakeia, and is in itself as neutral as our word "pharmacy".
    16. It was originally used of the drugs and medicines used in the healing arts; it came to mean drugs used to poison people, and the drugs used in occult activity and witchcraft. (cp the peyote rituals of the American Indians)
    17. From this meaning, it came to be used as a substantive for the entire range of occult activities, from necromancy to spiritual enlightenment to white magic.
    18. Although sorcery was a serious offense under Roman law, the prevalence can be seen from verses like Ac 19:19.
    19. The Bible forbids any activity related to occultic activity. Dt 18:9-14
    20. The current manifestation ("there is nothing new under the sun" Ecc 1:9) is known as the New Age Movement, and any and all manifestations thereof must be avoided by the Christian.
    21. This includes Christianized concepts such as visualization, Positive Confession/ Positive Thinking, praying to angels, Positive Imaging (Norman Vincent Peale), values clarification ("you have your truth, I have mine"), guided imagery, meditation/ centering/ relaxation techniques (including yoga and TM), unlimited potential, and holistic health.
    22. Next are eight manifestations of sinful disruptions in personal relationships.
    23. "Enmities/ hatreds" are the various manifestations of the Mental Attitude sin of harboring hostile thoughts and performing hostile actions towards another individual, class, or race.
    24. "Strife" or "contention" carries the sin of enmity one step further, into verbal quarreling and attack.
    25. According to Js 3:16, it produces disorder and every category of sinful activity, when combined with the next sinful attitude.
    26. "Jealousy" is the Greek word for "zeal", and may be used in a good sense (2Cor 9:2), but when it is sinful it produces a hateful attitude, which resents the good possessed by another but denied to oneself.
    27. Its use here is a reminder that even an admirable quality can be distorted by the flesh and place the believer at odds with the DVPT.
    28. "Outbursts of anger" is the word qumo,j thumos, (strictly speaking, passion) and refers to emotional anger, temporary but intense. cp Lk 4:28-29
    29. We are to avoid the company of those who succumb to this sin. Pro 22:24 "Do not associate with a man given to anger; Or go with a hot-tempered man"
    30. The opposite, being slow to anger, is actually a sign of wisdom/ maturity. Pro 14:29 "He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly"
    31. "Disputes", the plural of evriqei,a eritheia was originally a term for working for pay, then it came to mean seeking political office (with selfish motives), hence rivalries based on factions.
    32. "Dissensions", literally "a standing apart", is dicostasi,a dichostasia used of opposing viewpoints with a non-Biblical base. (cp "I am of Paul, I am of Apollos" 1Cor 1:12)
    33. The basic idea of "factions" (ai[resij hairesis ) is seen in its root verb, "to choose" it is drawing a line that excludes those not of the same mindset (again, from a non-Biblical standpoint).
    34. "Envyings" is similar to "zeal/ jealousy" above, but whereas zeal can be potentially good, fqo,noj phthonos is only used in a bad sense of regarding another with hatred based on what they possess, rather than desiring that possession.
    35. The Lord listed envy as one of the sins that proceed from the mans mouth and defile him. Mk 7:24
    36. If there is a difference, envy is worse since it is directed at the person rather than the object of desire.
    37. It is of interest that all eight of these sins are based in the Mental Attitude, things over which legalistic practices can have no effect.
    38. While the use of wine or strong drink is itself not a sin (Dt 14:26), excessive consumption resulting in intoxication shows up in lists of vices to be avoided. Rom 13:13; 1Cor 5:11, 6:10 (the last two deal with separation from the guilty party); Eph 5:18
    39. The Pastor-teacher is forbidden from being an alcoholic reversionist, as are deacons. 1Ti 3:1-3, 8
    40. But, as with all areas of Scripture, care must be taken to "accurately handle the word of truth", determining under what circumstances alcohol is legitimate or not. 1Ti 5:23 "No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments"
    41. "Carousing" ("hell-raising") is the word kw/moj komos , and means a wild celebration, originally of a returning hero, then in honor of a god eventually the god "Komos" was derived as the god of festivals of extreme abandon, sexual and otherwise "wild parties" of today.
    42. In 1Pet 4:3 it is associated with "drinking parties", designed for nothing other than to get as drunk as possible as quickly as possible. (cp "binge drinking")
    43. "Things like these" closes the door on any STA rationalization, like my sin isnt mentioned, so it must be okay any action, thought, or word that violates the Law of Love is included.
    44. Again, Paul had informed the Galatian converts concerning these "deeds of the flesh/ STA" when he had first evangelized them, now he repeats his warning this refutes the Judaizers claims that he had taught grace as a mechanic leading to license.
    45. Principle: the communicator cannot teach a principle only one time, but must repeat it whenever possible, and whenever necessary.
    46. Pauls warning which concludes the section is consistently misrepresented as a proof text for loss of salvation, ignoring the obvious Greek meaning.
    47. It is also (falsely) used as proof of the concept that those who practice such things could not have been true believers in the first place.
    48. But many believers, even some great ones, committed these very sins:
    1. Noah got drunk Gen 9:20-21 (cp Eze 14:14)
    2. Lot got drunk and committed incest Gen 19:30-36
    3. Moses experienced an outburst of anger Num 20:10-12
    4. David committed adultery, hatred, and murder 2Sam 11:1-15
    1. Principle: a believer can commit ANY sin an unbeliever can commit, except to be an unbeliever. cp Mt 12:31 "Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven."
    2. Certainly these vices are representative of the mass of unsaved humanity, who because of their failure to believe will not inherit Eternal Life but what is denied believers is SG3, the inheritance as children of God.
    3. The warning, as indicated by the plural nouns and the participle of "practice", refers to the unrepentant activity in these (and other) activities at the expense of the CWL certainly any believer who commits one of these sins can recover and move on.
    4. Receiving the full measure of SG3 requires staying faithful to the end. Rev 2:26 "And he who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations"
    5. In 1Cor 3:15, we have clear evidence that a believer can inherit no SG3, and still remain in a saved condition.