Hope Bible Church
Chapter 3 vs 1-10


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Vs 1 You foolish Galatians,( interj +W "O!" + V M P avno,htoj anoetos Gala,thj Galates "ignorant Galatians") who has bewitched you, ( N M S indef pro ti,j tis "who" + A A I 3s baskai,nw baskaino "has bewitched/placed under a spell; fascinated" + Ac 2p pro su, -su "you") before whose eyes (D M 2p rel pro o[j hos "for whom" + prep w/ Ac M P kata ovfqalmo,j kata ophthalmos "according to/with reference to eyes") Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? ( N M S VIhsou/j Cristo,j "Jesus Christ" + A P I 3s progra,fwprographo "was publicly portrayed" + Pf P P N M S stauro,w stauroo "having been crucified" )

    1. This passage picks up from vs 1:10, as Paul has finished his defense of the gospel from his personal experience and now proceeds to a Scriptural perspective of the gospel of free grace.
    2. Previously, he has refuted the false information the Judaizers were spreading about him; he has clearly established the origin of the gospel he proclaims and his Apostleship, now he proves their gospel is not based on the WOG.
    3. The English word "foolish" is a euphemism for the actual Greek word, "willfully ignorant" Paul was not very happy with his spiritual children.
    4. It is the same word used by Jesus to chastise the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24:25), and Paul used regarding our pre-salvation life in Ti 3:3.
    5. The Galatians had not acted in an intelligent and responsible fashion, especially considering all they had been privy to.
    6. By using the Vocative case (that of address), Paul makes it very clear he has stopped the historical narrative and is now rebuking them personally.
    7. They did not act in innocent ignorance, they willfully allowed themselves to
    8. be duped, in disregard of the BD they had learned over the past year or so.

    9. They were not using the BD Paul had provided for them, and they were acting as ignorant, foolish, and unthinking Christians.
    10. Application: just because someone has great amounts of BD, it does not mean they are invulnerable in the Angelic Conflict be on your guard! 1Th 5:6 "so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober".
    11. So strange was their behavior in light of what Paul had taught them, so bizarre was their new doctrinal stance, they were acting as if they had been placed under a spell.
    12. Paul knows the answer to his question it is the Judaizers he is asking this question to get the Galatians to start thinking again.
    13. Even a little reflection on the cross destroys legalistic demands that we do something to perfect or complete our salvation anyone who thinks he can add to the work of Christ is ignorant in the extreme.
    14. This ties back to the statement in 1:7, that they were "so easily" moved to a different gospel, that was really no gospel at all.
    15. The verb "bewitch" baskai,nw baskaino literally means "to fascinate or enchant" as in the evil eye, or hypnotism.
    16. The connotation of occult activity brings the true, evil motives of the Judaizers they were not just teaching the truth with a different spin!
    17. The phrase "that you should not obey the truth" (KJV) is not in the best manuscripts, and should therefore be discarded.
    18. It was included by a copyist to explain what the result of their bewitchment was, in light of 5:7, and does not deny any doctrine, but evidence shows it was not in the original manuscripts (MSS).
    19. When a believer fails to rigorously apply the BD learned, they are easy prey for the specious arguments of deceivers.
    20. Then they had become enamored by personalities, religious pretension, emotionalism, STA fear, human good, legalism, pseudo-intellectualism, etc.
    21. The verb "publicly portrayed" in its usual sense means "to write in advance" (OT prophecy [Rm 15:4; Jd 4] or a previous letter [Ep 3:3]), although there is a classical usage of "display before ones audience" as on a public placard.
    22. Paul makes frequent mention of the prophecies regarding the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and here he ties both usages together.
    23. Paul had showed the Galatians from Scripture why Jesus was the Christ, and had presented before them the historical account of Jesus sacrifice.
    24. It is not inconceivable that he left a copy of the Scriptures with his new converts, or that they had one available, so they could look up Old Testament Scriptures regarding Messiah. cp 1Ti 4:13 "Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching."
    25. It was not as if they had not been given a full account of the facts concerning His death, and they had seen from Scripture itself the proof that this Man was Messiah they were doubly culpable.
    26. In Ac 13:39 and 52 it is obvious Paul had correctly settled their minds regarding works vs. faith, and they had responded correctly.
    27. As he later wrote the Corinthians, when he presented the gospel he did not have an unclear message for his listeners. 1Co 2:2 "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."
    28. The Perfect Participle indicates His crucifixion was a past act that still had results the Galatians were still covered by His justifying work (as are we).
    29. Christ crucified completely ruled out legal requirements as a means of Ph1 or Ph2 justification, and it is incredible that anyone who had once embraced such a gospel should ever turn to works for salvation.
    30. Part of an accurate presentation of the gospel is that Christs work is all-sufficient for all who believe. Ac 16:31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household." (emphasis mine)
    31. He now proceeds to ask five more questions, designed to get their thinking away from the "bewitchers" and back to the Lord.

Their History

Vs 2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you (dem pro Ac N S ou-toj houtos "this thing" + Ac N S adj mo,noj monos "alone; only" + P A I 1s qe,lw thelo "I want" + A A If manqa,nw manthano "to discover; to learn by experience/teaching" + prep w/ G 2p pro avpo, su, "from you"): did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, (A A I 2p lamba,nw lambano "did you receive" + Ac N S w/d.a. to. pneu/ma to pneuma "the spirit" (of God) + prep w/ G N P evk e;rgon ek ergon "out of law") or by hearing with faith? (super con h; "or" + prep w/Ab F S evk avkoh, - ek akoe "from a hearing" + G F S pi,stij pistis "of faith" (a combination from a hearing of (combined with) faith))

    1. This first question takes the Galatians back to their first experience with God: the gospel message and their receipt of it.
    2. The question is in the form of a diatribe, a forceful verbal attack and abusive criticism, designed as a verbal slap in the face of the spiritually hysterical Galatians.
    3. The question is rhetorical and demands the answer of "the Spirit" they had not been required to perform some ceremony, some rite, to receive the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. cp Ac 10:44 "While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening to the message."
    4. Rational thought, coupled with BD resident in the soul of the believer, will counter specious arguments and untrustworthy teachings.
    5. If they conceded this point, they conceded Pauls position, and in light of their Christian experience, they could do nothing else.
    6. At the time of their salvation, various miracles had occurred, as overt verification of their salvation no such miracles had occurred in connection with their involvement with the false gospel. v 5 cp Ac 14:10
    7. Hearing and faith are both to be taken in the active sense:
    8. hearing is cognition perceiving information apart from emotion or volition; a simple understanding of the words spoken

      faith is the exercise of believing what was heard

    9. When exercised toward BD we call it positive volition (PosVol).
    10. The actions of hearing and believing the message are also closely linked in Rm 10:17 "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ."
    11. 1Th 2:13 has Paul giving thanks for this same reception from the Thessalonians: "And for this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received from us the word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe."
    12. The implication is that there is no higher privilege for mortal man than the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    13. The presence of the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of salvation, as unbelievers do not have the HS. Rm 8:9 "However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him."
    14. This also refutes the position held by some of a "second blessing of the Holy Spirit", as if the first blessing (becoming the children of God) was not enough, and we can become better believers through some overt act or experience.
    15. If someone does not have the fullness of the Holy Spirit, he does not need a second blessing, he needs salvation! Col 2:9-14
    16. The Holy Spirit is not the goal of the Christian life, He is the source; He is not the product of faithful living but is the power behind it; a higher level of living does not bring the Holy Spirit, submission to the Spirit includes a higher level of living.

Their Current Experience

Vs 3 Are you so foolish? (P A I 2p eivmi, - eimi "are you" + adv ou[twj houtos "thus/so" + N M P avno,htoj anoetos "ignorant" ) Having begun by the Spirit, (A D P N M P evna,rcomai enarchomai "having begun" + I N S pneu/ma pneuma "by (means of) Spirit") are you now being perfected by the flesh? (adv nu/n nun "now" + P P I 2p evpitele,w - epiteleo "you are being perfected/completed" (the word is also used of erecting a tent) + I F S sa,rx sarx "by flesh" )

Vs 4 Did you suffer so many things in vain(A A I 2p pa,scw pascho "did you suffer" + adj Ac N P tosou/toj tosoutos "so many things" + adv eivkh/| - eike "for nothing; without reason") if indeed it was in vain?(ptcl ei; "if" + sent ptcl ge ge "indeed" (adds emphasis to prev word) + asc con kai. "even" + adv eivkh/|Å "for nothing" )

    1. The verbal onslaught continues, with this second use of "ignorant" directed at his readers.
    2. In vs 2 he asked a rhetorical question, with the only possible answer being "hearing with faith"; he anticipates the answer with "Are you so ignorant?"
    3. Greeks in general, and the inhabitants of Southern Galatia in particular, prided themselves on their ability for logical and orderly thinking.
    4. So Paul again reminds them they are acting as unthinking, stupid, immature children.
    5. Application: there are times that a bold and unsympathetic rebuke is absolutely called for just be careful that is the correct application to make.
    6. The question could be rephrased How can you be so ignorant?
    7. They had begun their Christian life by the power of the Holy Spirit, not by performing rituals or ascribing to a certain lifestyle. Ac 14:1
    8. Contemporary examples would be walking an aisle, promising to give up certain things, praying a certain prayer, asking Jesus into your heart, baptism, witnessing, speaking in tongues, or any of the myriad legalistic traditions that have originated with man.
    9. Simple faith "yes I believe that is true" is all that is required. Ac 16:31
    10. With that as the background, how could they have been so foolish as to expect to complete their course via works and legalistic acts?
    11. The Greek word evpitele,w - epiteleô is used of an ultimate goal, finishing a project, and putting up a tent. Heb 8:5 "who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, See, He says, that you make all things according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain."
    12. Paul also used these two words "began" and "perfect" regarding the Philippians, who were proceeding correctly towards the goal, in Phi 1:6. "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
    13. Here it is a reference to our ultimate goal: spiritual maturity the reason that we continue learning BD after salvation.
    14. We do not stay in Gods Plan because we will lose salvation if we do not, it is our positive volition and the desire to fulfill Gods Will for our lives that leads us to "grow in grace and knowledge".
    15. "Flesh" here is not simply a reference to the mortal person but to that aspect of the human condition known as the STA/OSN that area of weakness producing both sins and human good.
    16. Energy of the flesh cannot achieve the +R of God; indeed, without FHS, any righteous deed we perform is according to Isa 64:6 "For all of us have become like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away"
    17. Unbelievers may attain a high level of moral and ritual works, but it is all energy of the flesh. 1Ti 5:8 "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever"
    18. When we do good works because of the faith we have in God, the works abound to His glory; when we operate in the energy of the flesh, we glorify the flesh, and God does not accept or reward them legalism is separated from true obedience by attitude.
    19. Luke 18:10-14 shows the difference in attitude and what God thinks of it.
    20. The Greek word translated "suffer" (pa,scw pascho) has the idea of experiencing something, and the experience of the Galatians had been coming under attack for their new-found faith, and having the conviction of the Holy Spirit that they were in the right. Ac 14:22
    21. When the Galatians had believed in Christ they had immediately come under Undeserved Suffering had they withstood that only to succumb to the legalism of the Judaizers? cp Ac 14:1-2
    22. They had not departed from the faith because of persecution, but were in the process of defection to the legalism of the Judaizers.
    23. There were many Gentile versions of legalism, such as Gnosticism and Stoicism, the Judaizers had nothing new to offer, only a repackaged brand.
    24. If they now in fact desert the truth of the gospel of grace for legalism and law, their former suffering will have been for nothing.
    25. No matter how much BD one applies, how many rewards are waiting for him in Ph3, if he falls from grace (reversionism) those rewards will only mock him at the Bema Seat, since he did not go on to get his wreath.
    26. To be persecuted because of faith and the application of Bible Doctrine is Undeserved Suffering; to suffer because of false doctrine is deserved suffering, as much as it would be for evil activities. 1Pe 4:14-15 "If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. By no means let any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler"
    27. A secondary consideration is, if salvation could be procured by law-keeping, why be persecuted for their faith in Christ?
    28. When Paul says "if indeed it was in vain", he expresses a certain unwillingness to view their former suffering for the gospel to have been so.
    29. Perhaps, he says, it wont prove to have been for nothing.
    30. If a believer enters a permanent state of reversionism, all the previous sufferings and works of the Spirit were in vain, because the ultimate goal is forfeited. 1Co 9:27 "but I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest possibly, after I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified".
    31. A momentary lapse, followed by reversion recovery, requalifies one for the prize.

The Conclusion

Vs 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit (infer con ou=n oun "therefore; then" + P A P N M S w/d.a. o` evpicorhge,w epichoregeo "He who is providing" (compound epi / choregeo = to pay the expenses of a chorus / over and above the normal) + D 2P pro su, + Ac N S w/d.a. to. pneu/ma "the Spirit" ) and works miracles among you, ( c. c. kai, "and" + P A P N M S evnerge,w energeo "is working" + Ac F P du,namij dunamis "acts of power; miracles" + prep w/ D 2p pro evn su, "in (w/ pl = among) you") do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? (prep w/ Ab N P evk e;rgon - ek ergon "out from (based upon) works" + G M S no,moj - nomos "of law" + super con h; "or" + prep w/Ab F S evk avkoh, "out from (based upon) a hearing" + G F S pi,stij "of/with faith")

    1. Paul now asks the readers to think logically "therefore".
    2. If they began their Christian experience through the power of the Holy Spirit, apart from works of law (any law, including but not limited to the Mosaic Law) what is the source of their current spiritual blessing?
    3. The absence of the definite article with "law" indicates that the Judaizers were proclaiming their own brand of law, claiming it was the Mosaic Law, when in fact it was merely a bastardized version thereof.
    4. The Galatians had experienced miraculous signs when Paul had evangelized them. Ac 14:3 "Therefore they spent a long time there speaking boldly with reliance upon the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting that signs and wonders be done by their hands."
    5. There were regularly performed miracles designed to dogmatically demonstrate that the gospel was indeed sponsored by God, in all new churches. cp Heb 2:3-4
    6. These questions are designed to cause them to objectively evaluate their recent experience, so as to determine which of the two experiences validates the two different teachings on justification.
    7. This question answers, without a doubt, the second question of v1 "who has bewitched you (me or them)?"
    8. The verb evpicorhge,w epichoregeo was used classically of those who underwrote the expenses of a play not just the salaries and general expenses, but those expenses we would count as "overruns".
    9. It could therefore be translated "He who abundantly supplies"
    10. God the Father does not just give us only what we need to function in the CWL, nor even barely enough, He gives us above and beyond blessings. cp Eph 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,"
    11. The same verb is used in 2Co 9:10 as an analogy of God supplying believers with the means to give financial support. "Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply {choregeo} and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness;"
    12. It is also used in Col 2:19 of Christ providing spiritual nourishment to His body (the Church), and by application the Local Church via the gift of P-T.
    13. Here it is used of God providing the IHS with His diverse functions among believers; including discernment, which they had failed to apply.
    14. The same word for "working" (evnerge,w energeo) is used of the Holy Spirits enabling of Peter and Paul toward their respective ministries in 2:8.
    15. The Present Participle indicates that the Galatians were still, at the time of writing, experiencing certain miraculous and supernatural blessings they were choosing to ignore the ones that would have exposed the Judaizers as spiritual frauds.
    16. If the Galatians were not convinced by Pauls logic, they could appeal to a higher Authority, exercising the spiritual gifts they still enjoyed, and having God Himself prove the doctrine of the Judaizers was false. (even so, Pauls logic is flawless)
    17. Miracles in and of themselves prove nothing, as the case of 2Th 2:9 reveals Satanically energized phenomena associated with the appearing of Antichrist. "the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,"
    18. But these miracles serve to document that it is Pauls position (the position of the WOG) that is true, rather than the Judaizers.
    19. At no time during their evangelization did the subject of legal works come up, either in reference to Ph1 or Ph2, and yet the miracles had been given as proof that the gospel they accepted was true why should they now think there was something to add to it?
    20. In vs 15f Paul will show from human experience that no contract, once established and ratified, can have further conditions attached.
    21. The acceptance of the gospel as Paul proclaimed it was in fact followed by miraculous signs, but nothing of that sort had accompanied the activity of the false teachers. cp Ac 8:4f
    22. By application, God the Holy Spirit reveals to each of us that when we hear the Truth, it is true not by overt miracles, but by the witness of the Spirit, Who places understanding in our souls. Rm 8:16 "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,"
    23. Evidently, the Judaizers made no claim to the Holy Spirit for justification by faith, either in Ph1 (as manifested by miracles) or Ph2 (as a law free life).


Faith is What Brings +R

Vs 6 Even so Abraham believed God, (adv kaqw,j kathos "just as; exactly as" + N M S pr nm VAbraa,m "Abraham" + A A I 3s pisteu,w pisteuo "believed" + L M S w/d.a. o` qeo,j ho theos "in the God") and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. (c.c. kai, "and" + A P I 3s logi,zomai logidzomai "it was credited" + D M 3s pro auvto,j "to him" + prep w/ Ac F S eivj dikaiosu,nh eis dikaiosune "unto righteousness"

Vs 7 Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham.

(infer ptcl a;ra ara "therefore; consequently" + P A Ip 2p ginw,skw ginosko "know; recognize" + c.c. o[ti (introduces content of know) "that" + N M P d.a. o` "the ones; those who" + prep w/Ab F S evk pi,stij "out from faith" (source) + N M P dem pro ou-toj "these" + P A I 3p eivmi "are" + N M P ui`o,j huios "sons" + G M S pr nm VAbraa,m "of Abraham" )

    1. The Judaizers would have laid claim to Abraham as their ancestor, and made mention of the fact that Yhwh had a specific covenant with him. Gen 17
    2. As an overt sign of that covenant, God had Abraham circumcise every male in his tribe, the first instance of this act, ritually or otherwise. Rm 4:10-11 "How then was it reckoned? While he was circumcised, or uncircumcised? Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised; and he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, that righteousness might be reckoned to them,"
    3. So Paul uses their argument against them, indicated by kaqw,j kathos "exactly as; in exactly the same way as".
    4. The Judaizers would quote Law; Paul goes back to the first Jew Abraham, who is the first mention of +R being given as a result of faith.
    5. Paul has previously shown that his gospel was of Divine origin, while the message of the Judaizers (diametrically opposed to grace) was of strictly human origin.
    6. Now he shows what it was that brought Abraham into a righteous condition; it was the act of believing, or faith.
    7. Abraham did not receive the Indwelling Holy Spirit, since he lived in a dispensation of promise, not fulfillment; he was, however credited with the same +R given to every believer of all time.
    8. Abraham became a believer in Ur of the Chaldees, a city in modern day Iraq. Gen 12:1
    9. Abraham was promised an heir by whom (Hebrew prep b. ) all the nations of the earth would be blessed a reference to Gentiles who would believe in Messiah. Gen 26:4 "I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and will give your seed all these lands; and by your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed;" (descendants is the Hebrew word for seed, and is a singular; collective in the first two, individual in the third)
    10. His Ph1 justification was accomplished the same way as ours, and every other believer throughout history by believing in Messiah.
    11. Just as God had supplied the Holy Spirit and worked miracles among them by hearing with faith, so it was by faith that He had justified Abraham.
    12. This refutes the claim by some that in the Age of Israel justification for believers (past and future) is by works of law Abraham was justified before the Law was even given to man!
    13. This quote is from Gen 15:6, after Abraham had been a believer for some time (at least 24 years), but Paul uses it to show that at no time before, during, or after Abrahams salvation was anything but faith considered a righteous act.
    14. James uses this verse to show Abraham was justified in connection with his willingness to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, which occurred some 30 years after Gen 15. Js 2:23 "and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness," and he was called the friend of God."
    15. James uses the verse to teach Ph2 justification, but the emphasis is again on faith; the works that justified him were a result of that faith, not the source.
    16. The Aorist of "believed" sums up Abrahams whole life, from salvation through the offering of Isaac, to his death Abraham was justified by faith.
    17. If Abraham, the one to whom the sign of the covenant was given, did not have to be circumcised in order to be declared +R, how can the Judaizers now insist that the Galatians must be circumcised in order to be +R?
    18. Indeed, if law was necessary for +R, then the promise to Abraham and his descendants of justification by faith would have been made invalid! Rm 4:14 "For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise is nullified;"
    19. The word for "reckoned" logi,zomai logidzomai is a banking term, used of transactions involving the transfer of funds from one account to another. (KJV has "accounted to him")
    20. "Credited" is another translation, (NIV) and both have the idea of a thing (righteousness) being placed in an area (the soul) where it had not previously been, based on an action (faith in God).
    21. While faith does not intrinsically have the same value as +R, it is valued/reckoned as such when the object is right what gives faith its value is the object of that faith.
    22. The Judaizers taught that the natural descendants of Abraham were his children, and thus under the covenant and accepted by God, which meant that only the circumcised could be saved.
    23. They had completely reversed the roles of salvation and circumcision: the latter was a result of the former, not vice-versa.
    24. Since the Galatians were Gentiles, and not the genetic children of Abraham, the Judaizers urged them to become his children by adoption; this would mean becoming proselytes of Judaism, becoming circumcised and keeping the commandments of the Mosaic Law.
    25. But Abraham had other children by Hagar and Keturah, and they were not included in the covenant; likewise Esau the twin of Jacob was excluded mere physical lineage has nothing to do with achieving the promise of God.
    26. By the assimilation and inculcation of the WOG, we are set free from the legalistic requirements of false teaching. Jn 8:31-32 "So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
    27. They had conveniently ignored the fact that Scripture precisely ascribed +R to Abraham by faith, and that God had not commanded Abraham to be circumcised until many years after He had credited +R to him.
    28. The inferential particle avra ara draws an inference or conclusion from what immediately preceded; it could also be translated "consequently".
    29. The imperative of "know" (ginwskw ginosko) appears first in the Greek, for emphasis "Know this, therefore,"
    30. This verb for knowing deals with the initial stage of knowing: the recognition of a reality.
    31. The Galatians are commanded to know something that must be learned from the example of Abraham that it is those who are of faith that are the true sons of Abraham. cp Jn 8:39f
    32. The Galatians had been manifesting a lack of clear thinking, now Paul commands them to recognize the truth of the matter.
    33. Because of their faith, they had been imputed the +R of God, and were therefore children of Abraham in the only sense that matters in Gods sight.
    34. Abraham was accepted by faith (Ph1), and justified by faith (Ph2), and since God deals with all men without impartiality it is on the basis of faith that we are saved and justified.
    35. It is the spiritual condition that counts with God; physical condition is not an issue which truth runs counter to all man-made religions.

The Gospel Has Always Been by Faith

Vs 8 The Scripture, ( F S N h` grafh. he graphe "the Scripture" + c.c. de. "and") foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, (A A P N F S proora,w prooraô "having seen beforehand" + c.c. o[ti "that" + N M S o` qeo.j "the God" + P A I 3s dikaio,w dikaioo "justifies" (continues to justify; still justifies) + Ac N P to, e;qnoj to ethnos "the nations/Gentiles" + prep w/Ab F S evk pi,stij "out from (the source of) faith") preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ( A D I 3s proeuaggeli,zomai proeuaggelidzomai "proclaimed the gospel beforehand" + D M S o` VAbraa.m "to Abraham" + c.c. (introduces content of what was proclaimed) o[ti "saying that" ) "ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU." ( N N P pa/j to. e;qnoj "all the nations" + F P I 3p evneuloge,w eneulogeo "will be blessed" + prep w/ I 2s pro evn su, "by means of you")

Vs 9 So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer. (super con w[ste hoste "so then; therefore" + N M P d.a. oi` "those who are" + prep w/ Ab F S evk pi,stij "out from faith" + P P I 3p euvloge,w "are blessed" + prep w/ I M S su,n o` pisto,j "along with the believer" + D M S VAbraa,m "Abraham")


    1. This is a quote from Gen 12:3, which promise is repeated in Gen 18:18 and 22:18, when Yhwh first told Abram to leave Ur to move to Canaan, and told him his heir would be Messiah.
    2. Paul also explicitly equates the Scripture with the spoken Word of God, since it is Yhwh speaking and he calls that Scripture, as he does in Rm 9:17 "For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, FOR THIS VERY PURPOSE I RAISED YOU UP, TO DEMONSTRATE MY POWER IN YOU, AND THAT MY NAME MIGHT BE PROCLAIMED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EARTH."
    3. Although the Bible is contained in 66 books, written by approx. 40 men, it is really only one book written by God.
    4. The Scripture is not to be considered as simply a good book, on a par with other religious writings, it is the only document given to man by Almighty God, the Sovereign King of the Universe. cp Mt 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away."
    5. Moses did not write these verses until after the fact, but Paul here establishes the doctrine of verbal plenary inspiration, when he makes the written Word equal with God Himself.
    6. God even places His Word on a plane higher than His own Essence! Ps 138:2 "I will bow down toward Your holy temple And give thanks to Your name for Your loyal-love and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name." (corrected translation) {^m.vi-lK'-l[; - LXX agrees}
    7. Just as God, through OmSc, knew from Eternity Past that He would justify men based on their faith, so Scripture, as the spoken Word of God, is referred to in terms of possessing OmSc.
    8. The implication of Pauls personification of the written Word is clear: the Apostle viewed the Word as having the same authority as God personally speaking. cp Jn 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
    9. Jesus Christ is the Source of all Scripture, and therefore the Word of God is as important as Jesus Himself. 1Co 2: 16 "For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ."
    10. This prophecy (foreseeing) was given to Abram as a covenant promise in reward for his obedience/faith, as repeated in Gen 22:18 "And by your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice."
    11. The question is, "How would the nations be blessed by Abraham?" and the answer is "The same way as Abraham" by faith in Messiah, who would be a descendant of Abraham physically.
    12. The quotations from Genesis make two points abundantly clear:
    13. the blessing promised to Abraham was from the beginning intended to include Gentiles as well as Jews

      the gospel promise given to Abraham preceded everything else in Gods dealings with His people, including the giving of the Law.

    14. Now the Scripture embodies and perpetuates the promise, so that the good news "proclaimed beforehand" to Abraham is still proclaimed today.
    15. The preposition evn + the Instrumental pronoun "you" indicates means, or agency, rather than the translation "in", which indicates sphere or relation.
    16. In other words, it was by the agency of, or due to the actions of the seed of Abraham that all nations (based on faith and Positive Volition) would be blessed so Abraham became the indirect means of that blessing.
    17. Not only are we who believe blessed through the Seed of Abraham, we are also blessed along with Abraham, or in the same way he was blessed.
    18. We are children of God via our position in Jesus Christ, and Jesus was physically descended from Abraham; therefore we are spiritual children of Abraham and share in the promises made to him.
    19. This is the message Paul is trying to drill into the unthinking Galatians who have come under the influence of the legalistic Judaizers, who want them to work to achieve and maintain their salvation.
    20. This was the same message Jesus gave to the Jews in Jn 8:31f.

                                             The Curse of the Law

Vs 10 For ( sub con ga,r gar "for" ) as many as are of the works of the Law ( rel pro N M P o[soj hosos "as many as" + P A I 3p eivmi, "are" + prep w/ Ab N P evk e;rgon ek ergon "out from (source) works" + G M S no,moj "of law" ) are under a curse; ( P A I 3p eivmi, "are" + prep w Ac F S u`po, kata,ra hupo katara "under a curse") for it is written, (sub con ga,r "for" + Pf P I 3s gra,fw grapho "it has been written" (and still is Perfect tense) + c.c. o[ti "that" (untranslated introduces content of what was written)) "CURSED IS EVERYONE (N M S evpikata,ratoj epikataratos "under a curse" + N M S pa/j "everyone") WHO DOES NOT ABIDE ( rel pro N M S o[j "who" + neg ptcl + P A I 3s ouv evmme,nw ou emmenô "does not abide in/remain in") BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN ( L N P pa/j "all things" + Pf P P L N P w/d.a. o` gra,fw "which have been written) IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, ( prep w L N S evn to, bibli,on en to biblion "in the scroll/book" + G M S w/d.a. o` no,moj "of the Law") TO PERFORM THEM." (A A If poie,w poieo "to do; to perform" + Ac N 3p pro auvto,j "them")

    1. Paul again appeals to Scripture to reaffirm his position against the Judaizers claims and distortions of Scripture.
    2. Using the Law itself, he strengthens his case against using the Mosaic Law as a system of justification.
    3. Having established the Doctrine of Justification positively, he now turns to its negative counterpart: the impossibility of being justified by keeping the Law Law can only condemn, it cannot justify. cp Rm 3:23 "for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God"
    4. In deliberate contrast to "those who are of faith" and "blessed along with Abraham" he states that all who rely on observing the law for salvation are doomed to Divine cursing.
    5. The Pharisees viewed the common man, who did not have a knowledge of the Law, as accursed already. Jn 7:49 "But this crowd which does not know the Law is accursed."
    6. A curse is a Divine judgement that brings about condemnation, but there is no condemnation for the one who is in Christ Jesus. Rm 8:1 "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (walk by the spirit of KJV/Byzantine mss is not present)
    7. James wrote to the same effect in Js 2:11 "For He who said, DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, also said, DO NOT COMMIT MURDER. Now if you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor of the law."
    8. Also, Jesus made it clear that mental attitude sins carry the same weight as overt sins in Mt 5:20f.
    9. By quoting from Dt 27:26, he places all the arguments of the Judaizers under the broad umbrella of the Law, instead of allowing them to pick their verses to (falsely) prove their point.
    10. By application, we must look at the totality of Scripture to determine our position, not just those verses that support a preconceived idea.
    11. The Judaizers taught that observance of the Mosaic Law was a system of justification and blessing, but Paul shows in vss 10-14 that legal works bring about cursing, while Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law.
    12. Paul quotes from the Septuagint (LXX), which adds emphasis by adding "all" to the commandments to be kept. cp 5:3
    13. The quotation presumes that no one ever did or ever will observe the Law completely; only Jesus could have done so.
    14. Later rabbinical teaching realized this, and emphasized "confirm" in the verse to mean we must confirm the Divine Author of the Law and protest violations of it, not seek perfection.
    15. That is rationalization of the simplest reading of the verse, and false exegesis.
    16. They realized that no man could hope to keep all the commandments of the Law without fail, which was why they clung so fiercely to their physical lineage going back to Abraham, as well as their physical circumcision surely no circumcised son of Abraham would be sent to Hell!
    17. Paul is clearly contrasting those who trust God for justification ("those of faith") with those who trust their own performance of the Law, as they interpret it.
    18. Pharisaic Judaism failed to recognize that a legal works system for justification would demand that man be as good as God logically, those who would earn +R must be perfect righteousness in every aspect, without one failure, just as God is.
    19. The provision for forgiveness of sins under the Law was represented in the blood sacrifices; those sacrifices could not remove sin, since they were animal blood offerings. Heb 10:1-4
    20. So a perfect Man had to be offered as the sacrifice to end all sacrifices, to remove sin as an issue preventing the imputation of +R.
    21. Those who attempt to employ it as a vehicle of justification remain under its curse every time they fail:
    22. for the unbeliever, that curse is eternal condemnation in the Lake of Fire

      for the believer, that curse is denial of blessing in time and eternity

    23. The Judaizers had, no doubt, recognized that the sacrifice of the Son of God had rendered animal sacrifice obsolete; it is therefore grossly absurd to look to the rest of the Law as necessary for full salvation, since it could not justify sinners. 2:21
    24. As we were under that curse before salvation, it was Gods grace alone that could remove it from us, and that was based on our faith in Him that He could do so via Jesus Christ.
    25. Just as do the legalists of today, they were convinced they could do some act of obedience or avoid some sin so they could merit favor with God; if pressed they would admit lack of perfection, but surely they had done enough to achieve Divine favor.
    26. To achieve perfection one must know all that God has commanded, therefore ignorance of even one means death; it demands perfection, therefore 99% completion is total failure; it demands continuously keeping the commandments, therefore one failure at the end of life overshadows an otherwise obedient life.
    27. What manner of capricious, unloving, erratic, and inconsistent God were the Judaizers worshipping?